Don Canada - Mayor | City of Metropolis
Don Canada - Mayor | City of Metropolis
City of Metropolis City Council met Jan. 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council, City of Metropolis, Illinois was held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27th, 2025, in Council Chambers of City Hall at 106 West 5th Street, Metropolis, Illinois. Upon roll call the following Council members were present: Alderwoman Michele Longworth, Aldermen Chuck Short, Dylan Chambers, Brian Anderson, Darryl Neill, Al Wagner, Jeremy Holley, Chad Lewis, Corporate Counsel Andrew Leonard, Mayor Don Canada, City Clerk Jan Adams and concerned citizens of Metropolis.
Anderson Present
Longworth Present
Chambers Present
Neill Present
Holley Present
Short Present
Lewis Present
Wagner Present
Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderwomen Dylan Chambers to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held meeting on 1-13-2025 as presented.
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Al Wagner to hire summer help for Street Department
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderwoman Michele Longworth and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to accept entering into an agreement with Pyrotechnico Fireworks, Inc. for fireworks display on Saturday, July 5th, 2025
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Darrell Neill and second by Alderman Brian Anderson to approve road closure on Front Street from Metropolis Street to Frelinghuysen for Saturday, July 5, 2025, to host the Fourth of July fireworks
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Al Wagner to hire City Pool staff MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Chad Lewis to approve payment to Crockett Howard Properties for a completed Business Improvement Grant project at 104 West 7th St for a new exterior door for $2,187.50
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Chad Murray Zoning & Planning Administrator brought the following motion out of the Planning Commission. BLOC has a craft grower license and requested approval of a co-locate for cannabis-infused products. This allows them to manufacture infused gummies and distribute the product to other BLOC locations. Once redistributed, they can sell them. This will create about a dozen new jobs. This approval is per the ordinance 2019-28 that was adopted December 23rd, 2019.
Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to pass the approval of a co-locate for cannabis-infused products to BLOC Dispensary per Ordinance 2019-28 adopted on December 23, 2019
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea Chambers Yea Neill Yea Holley Yea Short Yea Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Chad Murray also gave an explanation on the following two motions. He stated the motion is a text amendment to allow for Solar Energy Farms as a special non-residential accessory use within the Industrial or Agricultural zoning districts. The special use permit for solar farms will ensure the use will be safe, operate as intended, and create standards for interconnection, as well as ensure the use does not cause materially adverse issues for the surrounding property owners. He added by being a special land use permit the solar farm would be the sole purpose of the property and requires a review process including a public hearing, prior to council approval.
Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Jermey Holley to Adopt an Ordinance Amending the City Code to Permit Solar Energy Farms as a Special Principal Non residential Use Within the Agricultural and Industrial Zoning Districts 2025-04 MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
The amended ordinance allows only governmental entities to be eligible for ground mounted solar energy systems in any zoning district and only by special use permit. The approved governmental entities will enter an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City and must obtain a special use permit, abide by all stipulations of the permit and abide by all supplemental regulations in the City Code.
Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to Adopt an Ordinance Amending the City Code to Permit Governmental Entities to be Eligible for Ground Mounted Solar Energy Systems as a Special Accessory Use in any Zoning District 2025-05 MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Two bids received for 1017 Simmons Street.
Poco Solutions, Ashley Carlson, bid $850
David Mckee was awarded the property with the highest bid in the amount of $1,000
Moved by Alderman Chuck Short and second by Alderman Brian Anderson to Adopt Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Municipally Owned Real Estate at 1017 Simmons Street 2025-06
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Dylan Chambers and second by Alderman Al Wagner to Adopt an Ordinance Approving a Redevelopment Agreement by And Between City of Metropolis and Jones Building LLC 2025-07
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Al Wagner to Adopt Ordinance Approving a Redevelopment Agreement by And Between City of Metropolis and D.C. Management, LLC And Darren Tockstein and Corey Bowman
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Alderman Lewis wanted to thank all the city employees for the great job they did taking care of any and all the issues that occurred during the inclement weather as well as all the water breaks. Several people have reached out and have heard nothing but positive feedback from everyone.
Mayor Canada stated that Eastland Life Church opened its gym as a warming center the during the recent cold snap. There were around nine people who used the facility.
Moved by Alderwoman Michele Longworth and second by Alderman Jeremy Holley to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of current Salaries, Payroll and Contract bills.
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of miscellaneous bills. MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderwoman Michele Longworth and seconded by Dylan Chambers to adjourn. TIME: 7:17
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea