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Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order & Roll Call - Chairman Gary Carter called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. and directed the Board Secretary Sonja Wease to call the roll.
Susan Batchelor: Present
John Brooks: Present
Roger Browning: Absent (present via TEAMS, non-voting)
Gary Carter: Present
Brenda Culver: Present
Jan Ridgely: Present
Barbara Shimer: Present
Jorri VanDyke (Student Trustee): Present
Present: 6, Absent: 1.
2. Welcome from the Chair - Chairman Carter welcomed all who were present for the meeting.
3. Recognition of Visitors and Guests
3.A. Visitors and Guests - Steve Hnetkovsky, Nixie Hnetkovsky, Linda Monge, Jodi Peach, Lisa Rauch, Zoey Wiggins, & Dustin Wiggins.
3.B. IECCEA Representative - Nixie Hnetkovsky thanked administration and the Board for the recent negotiation meetings expressing that there have been good discussions and progress is being made.
4. Public Comments - None
5. Reports
5.A. Trustees - Student Trustee Jorri VanDyke gave an update on student advisory activities.
5.B. Chancellor - No additional information to his previously sent report.
5.C. Presidents & Divisions - Reports were presented by the Presidents & Vice Chancellors of each division.
6. Approval of Consent Agenda
Motion to approve consent agenda as presented. This motion, made by Brenda Culver and seconded by Jan Ridgely, Carried.
Roger Browning: Absent, Susan Batchelor: Yea, John Brooks: Yea, Gary Carter: Yea, Brenda Culver: Yea, Jan Ridgely: Yea, Barbara Shimer: Yea, Jorri VanDyke (Student Trustee): Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
6.A. Disposition of Minutes Open meeting minutes as prepared for the regular & special meetings held on December 10, 2024 were presented for approval.
6.B. Policy 400.4 Holiday, Leave, and Benefit / Non-Bargaining Unit Employees - Changes were made to Policy 400.4, along with a related procedure, 200.8 Campus Closures and Interruptions to align with new legislation under the Public Community College Act (110) ILCS 805/3-29.26) regarding weather emergency closings and employee pay. Document Registry 25-01-01
6.C. Policy 500.14 Tuition Waivers - Revisions were made to Policy 500.14 outlining that all fees are waived for IECC courses required for employment and onboarding. Document Registry 25-01-02
6.D. SIU/IECC Motorcycle Agreement - The Board approved a continuation of the Facility Use agreement between IECC and SIU for the purpose of offering Motorcycle Safety instruction. Document Registry 25-01-03
6.E. Affiliation Agreements - Chancellor Gower recommended renewing standard clinical affiliation agreements with Gibson Co. Ambulance, Posey Co. EMS, and White Co. Ambulance. Document Registry 25-01-04
7. Action on Items Removed from Consent Agenda - None
8. Policy First Reading (and Possible Approval)- None
9. Policy Second Reading- None
10. Staff Recommendations for Approval
10.A. Non-Bargaining Unit Banded Salary Increase
Motion to accept a proposal for the non-bargaining unit banded salary range effective FY26 with the routine scheduled pay increases occurring in September 2025. Document Registry 25-01-05 This motion, made by Brenda Culver and seconded by Barbara Shimer, Carried.
Roger Browning: Absent, Susan Batchelor: Yea, John Brooks: Yea, Gary Carter: Yea, Brenda Culver: Yea, Jan Ridgely: Yea, Barbara Shimer: Yea, Jorri VanDyke (Student Trustee): Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
11. Bid Committee Report- None.
12. District Finance
Motion to approve payment of district obligations for January 2025 in the total amount of $2,230,323.40. This motion, made by Jan Ridgely and seconded by Barbara Shimer, Carried.
Roger Browning: Absent, Susan Batchelor: Yea, John Brooks: Yea, Gary Carter: Yea, Brenda Culver: Yea, Jan Ridgely: Yea, Barbara Shimer: Yea, Jorri VanDyke (Student Trustee): Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
13. Executive Session - None
14. Approval of Executive Session Minutes - None
14.A. Written Executive Session Minutes - None
14.B. Audio Executive Session Minutes - None
14.C. Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes - Tabled
15. Approval of Personnel Report
400.1 Employment of Personnel
A. Professional, Non-Faculty, Non-Exempt
1. Ken Pryor, Technology Systems Specialist, DO effective January 27, 2025
B. Classified, Non-Exempt
1. Marty Smith, Maintenance/Groundskeeper, FCC effective January 27, 2025
400.2 Special Assignments (Attachment) - Special assignment retroactively approved for Kelly Payne who served as the Discipline Facilitator for several positions at FCC, LTC, and WVC.
Motion to approve the personnel report as presented. This motion, made by Susan Batchelor and seconded by Brenda Culver, Carried.
Roger Browning: Absent, Susan Batchelor: Yea, John Brooks: Yea, Gary Carter: Yea, Brenda Culver: Yea, Jan Ridgely: Yea, Barbara Shimer: Yea, Jorri VanDyke: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
16. Litigation - None
17. Other Items - None
18. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. This motion, made by John Brooks and seconded by Jorri VanDyke, Carried.
Roger Browning: Absent, Susan Batchelor: Yea, John Brooks: Yea, Gary Carter: Yea, Brenda Culver: Yea, Jan Ridgely: Yea, Barbara Shimer: Yea, Jorri VanDyke (Student Trustee): Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1