Pope County Elementary/Jr. High Faculty Members | Pope County Elementary/Jr. High | Facebook
Pope County Elementary/Jr. High Faculty Members | Pope County Elementary/Jr. High | Facebook
Pope County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Dec. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Aly and the following members were present: Jeffords, Kizziar, Schuchardt, Hogg, Simmons, Wallace, and Aly.
Motion was made by Wallace and seconded by Jeffords to approve the agenda. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Motion was made by Kizziar and seconded by Simmons to approve the consent agenda including the following: 1) Approve Minutes of Board Meetings on 11/19/2024; 2) Approve Closed Session Minutes; 3) Approve Bills for Payment; and 4) Accept Financial Reports. Mr. Fritch discussed some bills, ACI X second septic system payment on the project which is 85% finished. Will be waiting on a valve until April to have it fully operational. Will be running by January but will have to check the chlorine levels. Nurse purchased some AED batteries and pads. Jeffords asked about the fire alarm inspections. There is a bad sensor in the high school gym ceiling. With no further comments, roll call vote: all ayes.
Under Administrative reports, Mrs. Allen reported on the following: 1) Student Involvement/Sports; a) Thank you Mrs. Bevis; i) Student Council has arranged dress up days leading up to Christmas week; ii) Angel tree shopping on December 9 with Mrs. Hall and HS students; iii) Dance was held on December 14; b) PTO recognized November Students of the Month on December 6: Inclusiveness; c) Spelling bee was held on December 6: 1st place: Landon Severs, 2nd place: Sophia Megleo, 3rd place: Lane Hall; d) Student Council dance was held on December 14; e) 1st semester behavior incentive; i) Grades 3-5 celebrated on December 13 with a glow party & snacks; ii) Grades 6-8 will celebrate on December 20 with a movie and snacks; iii) PK-3 drawing will be held on January 3; f) PTO Penguin Patch was held on December 16, 17 & 18; g) Christmas Programs were held on December 19 – special thank you Mrs. Reed and Mr. Rister; i) K-2 at 8:30; ii) 3-5 at 10:00; h) 8th Grade recognition; i) Girls basketball, Boys basketball & cheerleading is scheduled for January 6; 2) Faculty/Staff/Building Information; a) District catered lunch scheduled for December 19; b) Early dismissal for Christmas break, December 20 at 11:30; c) Teacher In-service on January 2; d) Little GEC girls tournament will be held starting January 7, hosted by Hardin Co; e) Little GEC boys tournament will be held starting January 16, hosted by Hardin Co; and 3) Enrollment 2024-2025 is 305, 2023-2024 was 300.
Mr. Graves reported the following: 1) Finals were yesterday and concluded today, December 18th and 19th; 2) 2nd 9 Weeks ends December 20th. Grade cards will go out January 6th; 3) Ms. Hershey has been nominated for The Golden Apple teaching award; 4) The Christmas Extravaganza returns tomorrow to the High School; 5) The Student Council is in the middle of homecoming preparations. The theme is Hollywood; 6) Shout out to Mrs. Sheyann Broadway and Ms. Natalie Bonnell for all their hard work planning homecoming. Mrs. Sheyann Broadway has contacted many groups, businesses, and organizations and has almost 50 entries in the homecoming parade; 7) We would like to invite everyone to please join us during the Homecoming festivities; a) Bonfire behind the courthouse on Thursday the 16th at 5pm; b) On the 17th, we have the parade on Main Street of Golconda at 1 pm; c) The Homecoming basketball games start at 5 pm on the 17th with Coronation immediately following; d) Saturday the 18th, the dance will be held from 6-9 pm at the grade school gym; 8) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!; and 11) Enrollment: 144
Mr. Fritch reported the following: 1) Updates on projects going on; a) septic system is about 85% completed. Waiting on control valve and electrical panel. Should be up and running completely by April; b) Baysinger came to do the punch list on the flooring project and gathered a list of numerous items Samron has to come back to either finish or fix, will have to redo the awning from the freezer unit outside to the building; 2) Shout out to Brandon Broadway for volunteering his time and work on the softball field lights, Chuck and Bennett Hughes for their time and storage of the lights. The whole project has been donated, lights, poles, installation, etc. and would like to thank everyone involved; and 3) Shout out to all teachers and principals for their work on the Christmas activities, donations of shoes, and programs.
Motion to enter closed session for the purpose of discussion of personnel performance, procedures, and employment was made by Wallace and seconded by Schuchardt. Roll call vote: all ayes. Board entered closed session at 7:24 pm.
Motion to return to regular session was made by Hogg and seconded by Simmons. Roll call vote: all ayes. Board returned at 11:04 pm.
Mr. Fritch stated the board meetings have been on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm in the J.H. Hobbs Memorial Library in the past, except for a couple that are on a Tuesday. A motion to approve the 2025 board meeting dates as presented was made by Wallace and seconded by Hogg. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Mr. Fritch briefly touched on the tax levy reminding the members what was discussed at last month’s meeting. A motion to adopt the tax levy was made by Hogg and seconded by Wallace. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Motion to approve Marley Staats as volunteer HS assistant cheer coach was made by Simmons and seconded by Jeffords. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Motion to post internally for bookkeeper for a start date of July 1 2025 was made by Schuchardt and seconded by Wallace. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Motion to post internally for Assistant Elementary Principal for the 2025-26 school year was made by Schuchardt and seconded by Jeffords. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Mr. Fritch presented the updates for the PRESS policies and pointed out the summary of changes. This was the 1st reading of the policies. The 2nd reading will be next month along with any questions the members may have.
Under Old Business, a motion to approve Superintendent’s, Mr. Ryan Fritch, contract as discussed in closed session was made by Simmons and seconded by Jeffords. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Motion to approve Elementary Principal’s, Mrs. Paula Allen, contract as discussed in closed session was made by Schuchardt and seconded by Wallace. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Motion to approve High School Principal’s, Mr. Seth Graves, contract as discussed in closed session was made by Simmons and seconded by Schuchardt. Roll call vote: all ayes.
Mr. Fritch brought a trip request that was submitted after the agenda went out that needs approval. The trip is schedule before the January board meeting. Motion to approve overnight trip to Glenwood High School in Chatham, IL for the Speech team to attend a tournament, January 10 – 11, 2025, using the activity bus, pending proper supervision, as requested by Mr. Kale Rister was made by Wallace and seconded by Simmons. Roll call vote: all ayes.
With no further business to be discussed, a motion was made by Simmons and seconded by Wallace to adjourn the meeting until the next meeting to be held on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the J.H. Hobbs Memorial Library. All members present voted aye.
Meeting adjourned at 11:14 pm.