Kathy Bryan — Commissioner | Facebook
Kathy Bryan — Commissioner | Facebook
City of Anna City Council met Dec. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Anna City Council met in regular session at Anna City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on December 3rd, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steve Hartline. The roll call went as follows: Present were Mayor Steve Hartline, Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Torie Carter, and Commissioner Martha Ann Webb. Other members present were City Administrator Dori Bigler, and Treasurer Angela Webb.
The meeting began with New Business Item #4; City of Anna Banking Services. The Finance Committee recommends that the City leave the accounts as is and choose the following proposals: Anna-Jonesboro National Bank for 5 years at the 2-Year Treasury rate and Southern Bank for 5 Years at a fixed rate of 3%. A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and Seconded by Mayor Hartline that is be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIBED ABOVE. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Next up was New Business Item #1; Bids for the Rebuild Illinois Downtown & Main Street. Architect Ryan Dodd gave a synopsis of the four bids received. He and Administrator Bigler recommended going with the low bid received from Evrard Company, Inc. out of Marion, IL. A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF $1,138,500.00 FROM EVRARD COMPANY, INC. FOR THE REBUILD ILLINOIS DOWNTOWN AND MAIN STREET PROJECT. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Mayor Hartline opened the floor to the public communications portion of the agenda.
City Administrator Dori Bigler gave updates the upcoming IML Manager Meeting this Friday in Chicago. The FY24 Audit should be completed by next agenda. A Zoning Appeals Board Meeting is scheduled for 01/06/2025. An emergency pump had to be rented for a Sewer Lift Station. She will begin looking into grants for the Depot Building downtown. The Hospital would love to use it for a centralized food bank and is willing to donate manpower, food, and funds to make this happen. Another idea is public restrooms. Finally, she met with the CEO kids to discuss the success of the Christmas in Downtown festival. The kids felt it went really well and was a great event for all.
Mayor Hartline asked if there were any Consent Agenda items the Council would like to pull for further discussion or a separate vote.
The following Consent Agenda items were presented for approval.
A. Minutes of the November 19, 2024 Regular Session
B. Authorize the Street Department Capital Equipment Fund to Spend up to $13,000
C. Approve an Application for a Gas Tap Outside City Limits at 1330 Lime Kiln Road
D. Resolution 2024-40; Right-of-Way License Agreement
E. Ordinance 2024-11; Amending Chapter 24, Schedule “A” Of The Revised Code Of Ordinances, City Of Anna, Illinois Regarding Stop Signs And Yield Signs On Certain City Streets
F. Excavation Permits
a. Clearwave at 101 Transcraft
b. Clearwave at 215 N. Lime Kiln
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and Seconded by Commissioner Carter that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A discussion was had regarding Resolution 2024-39; Approving an intergovernmental Agreement for Union County Animal Control. This Old Business item was tabled for now.
New Business Items 2 & 3 were tabled until a discussion in Closed Session is able to happen.
New Business Item 5 surrounded an upcoming Water Rate Increase from Anna Jonesboro Water Commission taking effect 01/2025. Administrator Bigler gave several options to help mitigate the impact felt by water customers. After a brief discussion it was decided Option 3 is the best for all parties.
New Business item 6 was tabled until members of the Fire Department could be present.
A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 5:48PM PURSUANT TO 5 ILCS 120/2(C )(1), 5 ILCS 120/2(C )(5), AND 5 ILCS 120/2(C )(21). A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan,
Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Open session resumed at 6:21PM and roll call went as follows: Present were Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Torie Carter, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline. Other members present were City Administrator Dori Bigler and City Treasurer Angela Webb.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Carter that is be RESOLVED TO HAVE CLOSED SESSION MINUTES REMAIN CLOSED. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2024-41; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN EMPLOYEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER POSITION. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter and Seconded by Commissioner Bryan that is be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2024-42; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT TO EMPLOY ANGELA WEBB. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and Seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED THAT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 3RD, 2024 BE ADJOURNED AT 6:25PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.