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Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Vienna City Council met Aug. 21

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Melissa Hill, Alderwoman - Ward 1 | City of Vienna

Melissa Hill, Alderwoman - Ward 1 | City of Vienna

City of Vienna City Council met Aug. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session, Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guests:


Steve Penrod, Mayor

Melissa Hill, Alderman

Tim Elliott, Alderman

Ron Pitts, Alderman

Alan Racey, Alderman

Angela Moore, Alderman

Austin Tuey, Alderman

Aleatha Wright, Clerk

Justin Hartline, City Supt.

Brent Williams, Fire Chief


Joe Emery

Jennifer Jacobsen

Lowell Jacobsen

Nick Haynes

There being a quorum, Mayor Penrod called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.


Alderman Hill made a motion to Authorize and Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the August 7, 2024 meeting minutes, July Treasurer Report and the Warrant ($33,612.65). Alderman Pitts seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Resident Nick Haynes was present to discuss concerns of Ilini Court Street. Haynes explained he contacted the city of draining issues and water pooling in front of his and neighbor's homes along Illini Court Street. Haynes said city workers came out last week to fill gaps between the curb and street. Haynes said he appreciated the work but it has caused a mess with gravel and tar sticking to tires and gravel/dirt backed up in his driveway from the job. Haynes requested cleanup. Council would further discuss.

Wright reviewed a draft ordinance prohibiting tobacco/nicotine use in designated areas at both the city park and ball park as some changes were needed per city attorney's review. Wright would respond with final notes.



Wright informed council of the city fall cleanup date set for Monday, October 7th. Wright also said the fiscal year audit was in the process.

Supt. Hartline said a state gas inspection took place earlier in the week and went well.

Fire Chief Williams said the department was awarded an air pack grant with a 5% match to replace ten air packs. Williams discussed other upcoming grant opportunities including grant funds to expand the department for a larger training room.

Alderman Moore discussed fall fest parade details.

Alderman Elliott expressed concern of the building on North 4th/Vine. Penrod said he would contact the owner.

Mayor Penrod discussed soccer field vandalism. The city would put up a gate to block the entrance when not in use.

Penrod said a film crew from Vienna, Austria was creating a documentary of city's named Vienna and would be in town this month for scheduled interviews.

Penrod said Horner & Shifrin reviewed FEMA's proposed floodplain map and provided printable maps showing the flood hazard area.

Penrod said he followed up with IDOT for an additional school zone speed limit sign on 45 North.

Penrod said an individual inquired of building a home on North 5th Street mentioning the option of a pole barn home. Council discussed needing more information on the home. Penrod also proposed amending the current new home program to include smaller homes (less than 1200 sq. ft.) for a lesser TIF grant reimbursement. Council had discussion.

Penrod mentioned obtaining a quote for faster fiber at the depot that would support event streaming. Penrod said as the 50/100 mile run was approaching the city may rent out a number of tent spots for camping overnight before the run.

Penrod informed council of recent bathroom facility vandalism at the city park. Camera footage was being reviewed by the Vienna P.D.

As there was no further business to discuss, Alderman Racey made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Alderman Hill. Mayor Penrod declared the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
