
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Alden-Hebron School District 19 Board of Education met March 20

Webp 19

Kate Johnson, Board Member | Alden-Hebron School District 19 Website

Kate Johnson, Board Member | Alden-Hebron School District 19 Website

Alden-Hebron School District 19 Board of Education met March 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Smith called the meeting of the Board of Education of Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 to order at 7:02pm.

Roll Call

PRESENT: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Misiek, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson



Tiffany Elswick-Superintendent, Katie Beck-SSC, Eric Slocum-ES Principal, Aaron Butler-MS/HS Principal, Kelly Taugner-Teacher, Colleen Geils-Teacher, Nick Ciccotosto, Ray Stalker, Dylan Hayes


3/07/2024: FOIA from Lynnette Sculuca, Federation of Teachers requesting information about D19’s insurance rates for full-time employees. Satisfied on 3/13/24.


Public Comments


Staff Comments


Board Comments


The following were reviewed under the consent agenda.

*A. Approval of February 21, 2024 Regular and Executive meeting minutes

*B. Recap of February 2024 Expenditures

*C. Treasurer’s Report for February 2024

*D. Approval of Current Invoices & Payroll

*E. Personnel Report

*F. Renewal of IHSA membership

Mr. Eskridge moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Misiek, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson,

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried



Superintendent – as presented

Mrs. Elswick added:

• Initiated discussion regarding proposed contract from Dousman Transportation for FY25. Mr. Eskridge requested to table the contract while he awaits information regarding whether annual bus inspections need to be completed in Illinois or if they can be done in Wisconsin.

• Informed BOE that the 3-year lease period for the District land on Price Road is coming to an end and inquired if the members would like to go out for another bid for 3 more years on the property.

Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to initiate the process of requesting bids for leasing the District property on Price Road for a period of 3 years.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Misiek, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson,

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

MS/HS Principal Report – as presented

ES Principal– as presented

Mr. Slocum introduced Ms. Taugner-2nd Grade Teacher and two of her students, Dominic, and Cole, who were in attendance to highlight their enrichment project. The students shared a PowerPoint presentation that described the School Store that they developed and brought to all the students of the Elementary School.

SSC Report—as presented


Business Manager Report--as presented

Mrs. Beck shared the March 2024 Finance Dashboard with the BOE.


Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting was held at 6:00pm this evening. Recap shared with BOE by Mr. Berg and Mr. Madsen:

• A lot of work has been done in the past year on the rooves of both buildings using ESSER funds, which are now depleted

• Fund balance: the goal is to have 12 months of funds to cover operational expenses and emergencies

• Land-Lease funds: Entryway wall heater replacement with remaining funds to go toward updating furniture as previously suggested

• Maintenance grant: ADA accessibility project for back athletic door to finish Health/Life Safety list

• Parking lot: Filling potholes; grading and compacting this summer


Mrs. Smith and Mr. Eskridge attended the VOH meeting on 2/26/24. Items discussed included:

• Parking and off-street parking

• IGA with Richmond Township for Senior transportation services

• Sale of PD 1997 Mercury Marquis

• Approval of gravel sweeping in Victorian Acres and Country View

• Special meeting on 3/11/24 for Budget and Locust Water Billing Software


Mr. Madsen attended the Alden Township meeting . Items discussed:

• Business as usual; payment of regular bills

• Resurfacing of Highway 173 this summer between Hebron and Alden, possibly all the way to Harvard

• Work on the pipeline along 173 this summer


Mr. Misiek and Mr. Eskridge attended the Hebron Township meeting. Items discussed:

• Property assessments have been mailed

• 550 tons of salt have been ordered for next winter; bridge on VanderKarr road

• Township building was a polling place for the 3/19/24 election

• Annual Township meeting to be held 4/9/24 at 7:00pm

• Working with Ms. Buseski, AHHS Ag teacher on Pollinator program

• Approval of Township and Cemetery ground maintenance suppliers

• Fourth of July parade; golf carts will be allowed




Public Comments


Staff Comments

Mrs. Elswick thanked Ms. Taugner, Dominic, and Cole for coming to the meeting and sharing their presentation with the BOE.

Board Comments

• Mr. Berg thanked Ms. Taugner and her students for coming and showing their hard work on their project, stating that it is always a pleasure to see the students and hear about the great things they are working on.

• Mrs. Smith stated that she attended the 4-H Fundraiser at Crandall’s Restaurant on 3/11/242, adding that it was great to see so many AH students there who are involved in the 4-H program.

Executive Session

Mr. Eskridge moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to move into executive session at 7:56pm for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; student disciplinary cases.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Misiek, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

Return to open session at 9:05pm

Action as a result of Executive Session:

Mrs. Smith moved; Mr. Misiek seconded to approve eligibility for the Retired Teachers’ Insurance Plan as indicated in the Retirement Section (12.18) of the 2023-2027 Teacher Contract for Davina VanderPal.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Misiek, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried


Mr. Madsen moved; Mr. Berg seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 pm.

Motion Carried
