
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Alden-Hebron School District 19 Board of Education met Oct. 4

Alden-Hebron School District 19 Board of Education Oct. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Smith called the special meeting of the Board of Education of Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 to order at 7:00 P.M.


PRESENT: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson



Tiffany Elswick-Superintendent, Ray Stalker, Adam Mass, Chantell Michels, Matt Misiek, Tara Neilsen


9/20/2023: FOIA from Tara Neilsen asking for any and all correspondence from or to the applicants for the vacant BOE seat; and correspondence to or from D19 employees or BOE members regarding the vacant seat. Extension was requested on 9/21/23 because IT Director was out of town. Satisfied on 10/3/2023. Mrs. Neilsen was notified by email and phone that the information that was requested was ready for her to pick up in the MS/HS office.


Public Comments:

Tara Nielsen thanked the BOE for their hard work in filling the seat left vacant by Mr. Fritsch’s death. She mentioned that at the last meeting, there were “a few of us” praying for this school and praying for this board. She implored the BOE to make their decision based on ethics and to choose someone with no “conflict of interest”. She went on to read a quote from the Illinois Council of School Attorneys regarding nepotism and then the definition of what a relative is. She thanked the BOE again for making wise decisions and “know that this meeting, this decision has been prayed for”.

Staff Comments


Board Comments

• Mr. Winkelman encouraged everyone to come out and support the student athletes at their events.

• Mr. Berg stated that there are 4 more spots to be filled at the PTO Trunk or Treat event to be held at VonBergens on Friday, October 13.

Consent Agenda

* Approval of September 20, 2023 Regular and Executive Meeting Minutes

Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Berg seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson

Abstain: Mr. Eskridge

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried



Mrs. Elswick presented the FY23 Audit to the BOE, stating that there were no findings.

Mr. Eskridge moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to accept the FY23 Audit as presented.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson

Abstain: None

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

Mrs. Elswick opened a discussion regarding the Nightlock System to upgrade the internal door handles; stating that maintenance funds for the project have already been approved. She will bring the complete proposal along with further research on the product for BOE review to the October 18, 2023 meeting.

Executive Session

Mrs. Smith announced that the BOE would be entering Executive Session for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; selection of a person to fill public office.

Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Madsen seconded to go into Executive Session at 7:19pm.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson

Abstain: None

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried

Returned to Open Session at 8:07pm

Actions as a result of Executive Session:

Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to appoint Matt Misiek to fill the vacancy on the BOE made by the death of board member Steve Fritsch.

Ayes: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Winkelman, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson

Abstain: Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried


Mr. Madsen moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:12pm. Motion Carried.

Motion Carried.
