Alden-Hebron School District #19 Board of Education met March 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Norton called the meeting of the Board of Education of Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 to order at 7:00pm.
Roll Call
PRESENT: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Tiffany Elswick-Superintendent, Katie Beck-SSC, Michelle Cashmore-HS Business Teacher, Cyndie Erckfritz, Transportation, Steve Fritsch, Ray Stalker, Nick Ciccotosto, Eric Slocum-ES Principal, Aaron Butler-MS/HS Principal
Present REMOTE:
Colleen Geils-District Instructional Coach
• FOIA on 3/2/23 from Mike Powers from—Requesting information on any work scheduled this year relating to HVAC, architectural metals, gutters & downspouts, lockers, bathroom partitions, kitchen renovations. Satisfied on 3/7/2023.
Public Comments
Staff Comments
Mrs. Erckfritz stated that the MS Boys Wrestling team were very well behaved when she drove them to and chaperoned them at the State Wrestling Meet last weekend. The District would have been proud of the way the boys conducted themselves.
Board Comments
Mr. Winkelman stated that spring sports will be starting—Baseball, Softball and Track. He also stated that he was proud of our MS Wrestlers and their successful season this year.
The following were reviewed under the consent agenda.
*A. Approval of February 15, 2023 Regular meeting minutes
*B. Recap of February 2023 Expenditures
*C. Treasurer’s Report for February 2023
*D. Approval of Current Invoices & Payroll
*E. Personnel Report
*F. Renewal of IHSA membership
Mr. Eskridge moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented. Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson, Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
ES Principal– as presented
MS/HS Principal Report – as presented
Mr. Butler introduced Mrs. Cashmore who came with a proposal for a student trip. She shared:
• 4-day trip for HS students to NYC to experience the culture and business education opportunities
• Tour program price includes round trip transportation, hotel accommodations, overnight security, meals and gratuities, guided tours, and activities
• AH would have their own dedicated tour consultant
• Proposed for June 2024
Superintendent – as presented
Mrs. Elswick added:
• As a means to make up 2 weather days this winter:
➢ Have students attend school on 4/10/23—is on the calendar as a teacher institute day
➢ Have teachers stay until 7:30 on 2 Tuesdays, May 16 and May 23
➢ Will make it possible for the last day of school to be Thursday, May 25 rather than having students and staff come back after the Memorial Day holiday
• Review of Policy 7:325—Student Fundraising Activities:
➢ Does not state that the BOE needs to approve fundraisers, as has been the “practice”
➢ After discussion, BOE members believe that students should still address the BOE occasionally to report on the activities of specific classes; perhaps classes should appoint liaisons to the BOE whose responsibility it would be to attend BOE meetings periodically in order to experience/demonstrate civic duty
• Shared Executive staffing list for FY24
• Introduced Mr. Slocum and Mr. Butler to share proposed Parent/Student Handbook changes which will be on the agenda for discussion/approval at the BOE meeting scheduled for 4/19/23
Mr. Madsen attended the Alden Township meeting. Items discussed:
• Business as usual; payment of regular bills
• Alden Township Highway Commissioner reported that there has been at least 4 inches of rain and more than 50 inches of snow this winter
Mrs. Johnson attended the Hebron Township meeting. Items discussed:
• The need for a generator to power the Township building in the event of a power outage—during the recent storms when the building lost power, the road maintenance crews found it necessary to lift the heavy overhead doors manually to get the trucks out of the garage and siphon gas from the tanks in order to fuel them
• Road projects—Button Road RR crossing has been held up
• Placement of a clothing recycling receptacle in the parking lot
Mrs. Elswick shared the new proposal by Helm to replace one Rooftop Unit at the ES for $355,378.00.
Mrs. Smith moved; Mr. Eskridge seconded to accept the proposal by Helm to replace the Rooftop Unit at the ES for the price of $355,378.00.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson, Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Approval of FY24 Parent/Student Handbook changes
Public Comments
Staff Comments
Mrs. Beck shared that Ms. Carlson and the students did a fantastic job on the MS/HS play last week.
Board Comments
Mr. Berg also commended Ms. Carlson and the cast and crew of the play.
Executive Session
Mr. Eskridge moved; Mr. Berg seconded to move into executive session at 8:41pm for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Return to open session at 9:18 pm
Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:19 pm. Motion Carried