Massac County Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met March 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the Board:
A Special Meeting of the Board of Education of Massac County Unit School District No. 1, Massac County, Illinois, was called to order in the Library of the Massac County High School, located at 2841 Old Marion Rd, Metropolis, IL, in said District at 4:30 PM by Board President, Mr. Mark Souders.
Upon a roll call, the following members answered present:
Present: William Holt
Jennifer Larrison
Kathy Rushing
Mark Souders
Bobette Steele
Also Present: Jason Hayes, Superintendent
Kristin Rousseau, Supt/Board Secretary
Absent: None
At 4:30 PM with a motion from Larrison and a second from Steele, the Board voted to go to Closed Session to consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or file. Roll call: Holt, Larrison, Rushing, Souders, and Steele voted yes. Motion carried.
At 5:11 PM the Board returned to Open Session.
Public Comment/Invited Guests:
The Board conducted a Hearing pursuant to Policy 8:30 to deny admission to school or events or meetings and action. The Board heard comments from MES principal, Mr. Conkle along with his recommendation. Mrs. Gray was not present. There was a brief discussion between the Board and Mr. Conkle regarding potential steps that could be taken going forward to help prevent the issues arising with the 5th and 6th grade basketball program.
With a motion from Holt and a second from Larrison the Board voted to ban Mrs. Gray from 5th and 6th grade basketball events for an entire season. Roll call: Holt, Larrison, Rushing, and Souders, voted yes. Steele voted no. Motion carried.
With a motion made by Larrison and seconded by Rushing the Board voted to Expel Student C for one calendar year. Roll call: Holt, Larrison, Rushing, Souders, and Steele voted yes. Motion carried.
With a motion from Larrison and a second from Rushing the Board voted to adjourn at 5:35 PM. Roll call: Holt, Larrison, Rushing, Souders, and Steele voted yes. Motion carried.