Illinois State Board of Education, North Chicago Independent Authority met April 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order / Roll Call
Independent Authority (IA)
Financial Oversight Panel (FOP)
2. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
3. Motion to Approve Meeting Agenda as Presented
Independent Authority (IA)
Financial Oversight Panel (FOP)
4. Special Presentations: Teen Reach After School Programming at NCCHS
5. Audience Participation
In order to maintain open lines of communication, the Independent Authority provides time for citizen comments during regularly scheduled meetings. Individuals who wish to speak during an Independent Authority meeting will be invited to do so by the board chair or designee. Speakers are requested to register by completing the sign in sheet if in person, or by indicating their desire to speak through the “chat” function online. Public comment is limited to 30 minutes total; however, the Board Chair may, at her discretion, recognize additional speakers even if they have not been able to pre-register. During the meeting, the board’s rules for public participation apply: Individuals who address the Independent Authority are to abide by direction given by the Chairman, and are to limit their comments to three (3) minutes. It is the practice of the Independent Authority not to address issues pertaining to individual students or specific employees in open session. If you wish to address the Independent Authority on a matter pertaining to a specific student or employee, please submit a letter to the Superintendent so that the matter can be researched and addressed. Thank you for your full cooperation.
6. Superintendent’s Report
7. Motion to Approve IA and FOP Minutes
Independent Authority (IA)
Financial Oversight Panel (FOP)
Open Session Closed Session
February 28, 2023 (Joint Meeting) February 28, 2023 (Joint Meeting)
8. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
Independent Authority (IA)
Financial Oversight Panel (FOP)
A. Treasurer’s Report for February, 2023
B. Accounts Payable February 24, 2023 – March 15, 2023 in the amount of $2,326,288.03
C. Payroll for February, 2022 in the gross amount of $2,491,278.41
9. Old Business – Discussion/Action
A. Action – Approve Board Communications Strategies (IA/FOP) $TBD
10. New Business – Discussion/Action
A. Action – Approve K-5 Chromebook Storage Solution (IA/FOP) $60,175
B. Action – Approve Additional Special Education Paraprofessional at AJK (IA/FOP) $40,000
C. Discussion – Clear and Present Danger Reporting Requirement to Illinois State Police (IA/FOP) $0
D. Discussion – Communications Associate Job Description (IA) $0
11. Executive Session – I move that we enter into closed session under the exceptions set forth in the Illinois Open Meetings Act as follows:
● 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) to discuss personnel matters
● 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) to discuss collective negotiating matters
● 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) to discuss litigation matters
Reconvene Open Session
12. New Business – Discussion/Action Continued
A. Action – Approve Human Resources Report – Appointments, Absences, Adjustments, Retirements, Resignations and/or Separations (IA/FOP)
B. Action – Approve Separation Agreement with John Skorupa (IA/FOP)
C. Action – Approve the Resolution Authorizing the Non-Renewal of Administrative Contract and Honorable Dismissal of Administrator (IA/FOP) $0
D. Action – Approve the Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Dismissal of Administrator / Non-Renewal of Administrator Contract and Reassignment of Administrator to Non-Administrative Position (IA/FOP) $0
E. Action – Approve the Resolution for Non-Renewal of Administrators’ Contracts and Reassignment to Teaching Position (IA/FOP) $0
F. Action – Approve the Resolution for Dismissal of First, Second, and Third-Year Probationary Teachers for Reasons Other than Reduction in Force (IA/FOP) $0
G. Action – Approve the Resolution for Dismissal and Non-Renewal of Fourth-Year Probationary Teachers for Reasons Other than Reduction in Force (IA/FOP) $0
H. Action – Approve the Resolution Authorizing a Reduction in Force of Educational Support Personnel - Administrative Assistant at NCCHS (IA/FOP) $0
I. Action – Approve the Resolution Authorizing a Reduction in Force of Educational Support Personnel - Administrative Assistant from 260 days to 213 days (IA/FOP) $0
J. Action – Approve the Resolution Authorizing a Reduction in Force of Educational Support Personnel - Health Aides (IA/FOP) $0
13. Adjourn