
Southern Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees met Sept. 20

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees Sept. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges – Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, Wabash Valley College – Community College District No. 529, Counties of Richland, Clark, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Wabash, Wayne and White, and State of Illinois, held in Williams Hall at Lincoln Trail College, Robinson, Illinois.

AGENDA #1 – “Call to Order & Roll Call” – Chairman Gary Carter called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. and directed the Secretary Pro Tempore, Barbara Shimer, to call the roll.

Roll Call: The Secretary Pro Tempore called the roll of members present and the following trustees answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda K. Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student Trustee Raechel Hnetkovsky was also present. Trustees absent: John Brooks. There being a quorum present, the Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction of business. Trustee John D. Brooks joined the meeting at 6:22 p.m.

(Note: In accordance with Board of Trustees Policy No. 100.4, the student trustee shall have an advisory vote, to be recorded in the Board Minutes. The advisory vote may not be counted in declaring a motion to have passed or failed.)

Also present at this meeting, in addition to trustees:

Ryan Gower, Chancellor.

Jay Edgren, President of Frontier Community College.

Matt Fowler, President of Wabash Valley College.

Zahi Atallah, President of Lincoln Trail College.

Alex Cline, Director of Information & Communications Technology.

Ryan Hawkins, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer.

Andrea McDowell, Director of Human Resources.

AGENDA #2- “Welcome from the Chair”- Chairman Carter welcomed all who were present for the meeting.

AGENDA #3 – “Recognition of Visitors & Guests” –

#3-A. Visitors & Guests: Visitors and guests present were recognized.

#3-B. IECEA Representative: Andy King was in attendance and greeted meeting members.

AGENDA #4 – “Public Comment” – None.

AGENDA #5 – “Reports” –

#5-A. Report from Trustees: None.

#5-B. Report from Chancellor: Chancellor Gower provided details on opportunities and challenges in addition to his electronic report.

#5-C. Report from Presidents: Reports were presented from the Presidents.

#5-D. Division Report: Office of Admissions and Records: Amber Malone, Dean of Admissions & Records and Andrea Loll, Director of Enrollment Management provided a presentation on the District’s Office of Admissions & Records.

AGENDA #6 “Consent Agenda” - The following consent agenda items were presented for approval.

#6-A. “Disposition of Minutes": Open meeting minutes as prepared for the regular meeting held Tuesday, September 20, 2022 were presented for disposition.

#6-B. “Emergency Response Plans”: Chancellor Ryan Gower recommended approval of Emergency Response Plans as previously provided separately to the Board.

#6-C. “Violence Prevention Plans”: To provide a safe and secure environment and to ensure compliance with the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008, the Illinois Eastern Community College District maintains a Violence Prevention Plan. Chancellor Gower recommended approval of the Violence Prevention Plan as provided separately to the Board.

#6-D. “2022 Annual Security Report”: The IECC 2022 Annual Security Report contains crime information including relevant policy statements, training and educational programming relating to campus safety and security, crime prevention, alcohol and drug use, and sexual misconduct. Chancellor Gower recommended acceptance of the Annual Security Report for 2022.

#6-E. “Affiliation Agreements”: Chancellor Gower recommended approval of an affiliation agreement between Illinois Eastern Community Colleges and The Rehabilitation Institute of St. Louis, LLC as listed in full in the board agenda.

#6-F. “Policy 400.12 Vacation Leave- Covid Revision Removal”: Following the expiration of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act the related text has been removed from the policy. Chancellor Gower asked the Board to waive the second reading and approve Policy 400.12 as presented.

#6-G. “Policy 400.4 Leave & Benefit- Covid Revision Removal”: Following the expiration of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act the related text has been removed from the policy. Chancellor Gower asked the Board to waive the second reading and approve Policy 400.4 as presented.

Board Action to Approve Consent Agenda: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Roger Browning seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #7- “Action on Items Removed from Consent Agenda”- None.

AGENDA #8- “Policy First Reading (and Possible Approval)”- The following new or revised policies, as listed in full in the agenda were presented for approval:


Graduation Requirements Policy (500.38)

Date Adopted: September 20, 2022 (Pending Board Approval)

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529, upon the recommendation of faculty, staff, and the chancellor, will grant a certificate or degree to students who meet the requirements of a program. It is the student's responsibility to know and follow the requirements of the curriculum and the rules governing academic work. No IECC official or faculty member can relieve a student of this responsibility.

To be recommended for graduation, all students must:

1. Successfully complete all of the prescribed requirements in the selected program of study for the effective Catalog Term;

2. Earn, at a minimum, the required number of college-level credits at IECC:

• For a degree, 16 credit hours

• For a certificate, 16 credit hours or 50% of the required credit hours, whichever is less;

3. Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for all IECC coursework;

4. Satisfy all IECC financial obligations;

5. Fulfill any outstanding requests for records; and

6. Make application for graduation and pay any associated fees by the due date.

Graduation Honors

Effective beginning with the graduating class of Spring 2024, graduates who meet the following academic achievements will be recognized at the college's commencement ceremony and an appropriate designation will appear on their transcript and diploma.

Highest Honors

4.0 GPA

High Honors

3.75 – 3.99 GPA .


3.50 – 3.74 GPA

These honors are awarded based on the student’s cumulative grade point average for college-level coursework completed from IECC through the term prior to graduation.

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve Board Policy 500.38 Graduation Requirements, effective Spring 2024, and to waive second reading, as recommended. Trustee Roger Browning seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #9- “Policy Second Reading”- None.

AGENDA #10- “Staff Recommendations for Approval”- The following staff recommendations were presented for approval.

#10-A. City of Robinson, IL TIF Extension: - The City of Robinson, Illinois has expressed interest in extending the life of the West Robinson Industrial Tax Increment District and the Downtown Robinson TIF District. Chancellor Gower asked the Board’s approval of support for the extension as presented.

Board Action: Trustee John Brooks made a motion to approve supporting the extension, Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees Absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes the Chair declared the motion carried.

#10-B. Appointment of Ethics Officer: - Chancellor Ryan Gower recommended a motion to present the name of a prospective individual to fill the vacancy of Ethics Officer.

Board Action: Trustee Roger Browning made a motion to appoint Alex Cline as Ethics Officer. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees Absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes the Chair declared the motion carried.

#10-C. Board of Trustees Election: Elections to the Board of Trustees will occur on April 4, 2023. The Chancellor recommended the Board approve the dates and terms open for election on April 4, 2023, and for the appointment of Sheryl Childers as the Election Official and the appointment of Nickie Daniel to be the Assistant Election Official. Terms of Board members Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, and Roger Browning are up for reelection. All three trustees holding office are expected to seek reelection.

AGENDA #11 – “Bid Committee Report” – Chancellor Gower recommended approval of the bid committee report based on the lowest responsible bid, considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality, and serviceability.

The Bid Committee recommends accepting the bid received from Homes by Schuetz for a total of $42,350.

Department: Operations & Maintenance.

Source of Funds: OCC Maintenance Budget.

Rationale for Purchase: Student pathway is presently unpaved and in need of paving. Vendor submitted the lowest bid to meet specifications for this project. It is recommended that the Base bid, Alternate 1 bid, and Alternate 2 bid be accepted.

The “Advertisement for Bids” was placed in The Hometown Register for one (1) day. In addition, individual invitations to bid were sent directly to potential vendors.

The Bid Committee recommends accepting the bid received from Bobcat of Effingham for a total of $52,350.00.

Department: FCC’s Electrical Distribution Systems Program.

Source of Funds: Perkins Postsecondary Education Grants passed through the Illinois Community College Board.

Rationale for Purchase: 100% Perkins supported expense in line with the Perkins workplan to enhance the EDS instruction.

The “Advertisement for Bids” was placed in The Hometown Register for one (1) day. In addition, individual invitations to bid were sent directly to potential vendors.

The Bid Committee recommends accepting the bid received from Steve Faulkner’s Chevrolet, Buick & GMC for a total of $80,940.

(2) 2022 Pickup Trucks for OCC/WVC

Company: Steve Faulkner’s Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Princeton, IN

Bid: $40,470 each $80,940 for 2

Respectfully submitted,

Ryan Gower

Ryan Hawkins

Department: OCC & WVC Operations and Maintenance.

Source of Funds: OCC & WVC Operations and Maintenance.

Rationale for Purchase: Trucks are replacing aged fleet. Only bid received and meets specifications.

The “Advertisement for Bids” was placed in The Hometown Register for one (1) day. In addition, individual invitations to bid were sent directly to potential vendors.

AGENDA #12 – “District Finance” – The following district financial matters were presented by CFO and Treasurer, Ryan Hawkins:

#12-A. Financial Reports: The monthly financial reports were presented, including the treasurer's report, showing the balance in all funds as of August 31, 2022.

#12-B. Approval of Financial Obligations: District financial obligations (Listing of Board Bills) for September 2022, totaling $1,101,951.72, were presented for approval.

Board Approval for Payment of Financial Obligations: Trustee Jan Ridgely made a motion to approve payment of district financial obligations for September 2022, in the amounts listed. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #13 – “Executive Session” – The Board of Trustees went into executive session at 7:59 p.m. and the executive session was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. and returned to regular session. Separate minutes for the closed executive session meeting have been prepared for this meeting.

AGENDA #14 – “Approval of Executive Session Minutes” – Trustee Brenda Culver made motion to approve written and audio executive session minutes of a closed session held during the regular meeting, Tuesday, August 16, 2022, as presented. Trustee Jan Ridgely seconded the motion and the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #15 – “Approval of Personnel Report” – Andrea McDowell reviewed the following Personnel Report and the Chancellor recommended approval.

400.1. Employment of Personnel

A. Faculty

1. Elaine Hasty, Spanish Instructor, IECC, effective September 26, 2022.

B. Professional, Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Morris Nead, Project Director, Title III, FCC, effective September 26, 2022.

2. Brittany Biddle, Retention Coordinator, WVC, effective September 26, 2022.

3. Dennis Stroughmatt, Music & Theatre Specialist, WVC, effective September 26, 2022.

4. Shanna Bradford, Data Analyst, DO, effective September 26, 2022.

C. Classified

1. Brian Stevens, Groundskeeper, OCC, effective September 26, 2022.

2. Hunter Meritt, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/LTC, effective September 26, 2022.

3. Megan Hildebrand, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/OCC, effective September 26, 2022.

400.2. Temporary Contract

A. Professional, Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Isaac Wodajo, Associate Head Men’s Basketball Coach, WVC, effective September 26, 2022.

400.3. Approval of Proposed Non-College Employment

Name: Becky Coleman

Employer: Richland Nursing & Rehab, Olney, IL

Days per Academic Year: 36

400.4. Honorable Dismissal

1. Micah Drummond, Covid Care Coordinator, DO, effective July 29, 202

400.5. Special Assignment (Attachment)

400.6. Resignation Ratifications

A. Faculty

1. Logan Marshall, Industrial Maintenance Instructor, OCC, effective December 31, 2022.

B. Classified

1. Whitney McCullough, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO, effective August 22, 2022.


400.7. Approval to Hire Head Baseball Coach, FCC, Prior to October Board Meeting

#15- Board Action to Approve Personnel Report: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve the Personnel Report as presented. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion, and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #16 – “Collective Bargaining” None.

AGENDA #17 – “Litigation” – Chancellor Gower provided an update on ongoing litigation.

AGENDA #18 – “Other Items” – None.

AGENDA #19 – “Adjournment” – Trustee Culver made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.



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