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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees met April 19

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges – Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, Wabash Valley College – Community College District No. 529, Counties of Richland, Clark, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Wabash, Wayne and White, and State of Illinois, held in Main Hall Room 101, at Wabash Valley College, 2200 College Drive, Mt. Carmel, Illinois, Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

AGENDA #1 – “Call to Order & Roll Call” – Chairman Gary Carter called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. and directed the Board Secretary, Renee Smith, to call the roll.

Roll Call: The Secretary called the roll of members present and the following trustees answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

John D. Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda K. Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Also present was Maggee Bleyer, student trustee. Trustees absent: None. There being a quorum present, the Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction of business.

Trustee Barbara Shimer and Trustee Elect Roger Browning joined the entire meeting by electronic means – via Zoom.

(Note: In accordance with Board of Trustees Policy No. 100.4, the student trustee shall have an advisory vote, to be recorded in the Board Minutes. The advisory vote may not be counted in declaring a motion to have passed or failed.)

Also present at this meeting, in addition to trustees:

Ryan Gower, Chancellor of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges.

Jay Edgren, President of Frontier Community College.

Zahi Atallah, President of Lincoln Trail College.

Rodney Ranes, President of Olney Central College.

Matt Fowler, President of Wabash Valley College.

Ryan Hawkins, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer.

Alex Cline, Director of Information & Communications Technology.

Andrea McDowell, Director of Human Resources.

Renee Smith, Board Secretary.

AGENDA #2 – “Disposition of Minutes” – Open meeting minutes as prepared for the regular meeting held Tuesday, February 15, 2022 were presented for disposition.

Board Action to Approve Minutes: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve minutes of the foregoing meeting as prepared. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The voice vote was taken and the Chair declared the “Ayes” have it and the motion carried.

AGENDA #3 – “Recognition of Visitors & Guests” –

#3-A. Visitors & Guests: Visitors and guests present were recognized, including college staff members. The trustees gave special recognition to Robert Conn, Lisa Hoipkemier, and Kinsey Whitaker who recently submitted Wabash Valley College’s accreditation application for the Physical Therapy Program. The trustees also congratulated Prof. Kyle Peach and several Radio/TV students from Wabash Valley College for winning the National Community College TV Station of the Year Award. The trustees also thanked Maggee Bleyer, Student Trustee, expressing appreciation for her service to the Board of Trustees and the IECC district. Maggee is a student at Wabash Valley College and filled the remainder of the term left by outgoing student trustee Sania Borom. Raechel Hnetkovsky (Frontier Community College) will be seated as the next student trustee in the April 2022 meeting.

#3-B. IECEA Representative: None.

AGENDA #4 – “Seating of Trustee” – Roger Browning took the Oath of Office as administered by the Board Secretary.

AGENDA #5 – “Public Comment” – None.

AGENDA #6 – “Reports” –

#6-A. Report from Trustees: None.

#6-B. Report from Chancellor: Dr Gower provided additional details in addition to his electronic report.

#6-C. Report from Presidents: Reports were presented from each of the colleges. 

#6-D. Report from Cabinet: None.

“Recognition of Student Board Member Maggee Bleyer”- The trustees gave special recognition to Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer. Each year the students of a college within the IECC system select a member of the student body to serve as Student Trustee to the Board of Trustees. The colleges make the selection on a rotating basis. Since December 2021, Maggee Bleyer from Wabash Valley College has served as Student Trustee to the IECC Board. Trustees expressed appreciation for her service to the Board of Trustees and the IECC District.

AGENDA #7 – “Policy First Readings (and Possible Approval)” –

#7-A. Policy 500.30 Withdrawal: Dr. Gower recommended approval of revisions to the following policy:


Withdrawal Policy (Policy 500.30)

Date Adopted: January 19, 2016

Revised: June 20, 2017

Revised: April 17, 2018

Revised: September 15, 2020

Revised: March 15, 2022 (Pending Board Approval)

Unforeseen circumstances or changes in plans may lead to necessary modifications to a student’s schedule. Adding, dropping, or withdrawing a course is the responsibility of the student and Students may must be initiated add, drop, or withdraw from courses during specifically set forth days in the manner as established by Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IECC). Related dates and deadlines are published on the iecc.edu website. While the responsibility to drop or withdraw a course is the student’s, there are limited instances when a college administrator may initiate this action, as outlined in procedure 500.30.

Refund Period

A refund of 100 percent of the tuition and fees will be made to a student who withdraws during the first 10 business days of a sixteen-week course period and the first 5 business days of an eight-week course period or the proportionate time of any other course not conforming to a sixteen-week or eight-week schedule.

Academic Record

Courses dropped before the start of a semester do not become part of a student’s academic record. If a student attends and withdraws either during or after a refund period, a W (withdraw) becomes part of the student’s academic record. Failure to follow the official withdrawal policy will result in a grade of F.

Student Initiated Drop or Withdrawal

A student is responsible for initiating a drop or withdrawal request by contacting Student Services and completing a Course Change Form (withdrawal form). The student is encouraged to meet with the instructor, his or her Academic Advisor or Retention Coordinator, and the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from any course.

Withdrawal requests must be received in Student Services no later than two weeks prior to the last day of classes of any regular length semester. (See exceptions below.) Students are advised to contact Student Services for withdrawal deadlines for courses not conforming to a sixteen-week schedule.

Administrative Withdrawal

Prior to an administrative withdrawal, the instructor should submit a Progress Report to allow the Retention Coordinator or Academic Advisor to contact the student. If there is no resolution, i.e. a student- initiated withdrawal, an instructor may recommend an administrative withdrawal after mid term for a student, if such withdrawal is deemed to be in the best academic interest of the student. The

administrative withdrawal must be approved by the Dean of Instruction. The Student Services/Student Records Office will notify the student and Coordinator of Financial Aid of the student’s administrative withdrawal.

Upon review and approval by the Dean of Instruction, faculty may request to withdraw a student from their course with a failing grade due to plagiarism, cheating, non-attendance, or other gross infractions as outlined in IECC’s Student Code of Conduct and/or described in the course syllabi.

IECC also has the authority to administratively withdraw a student from classes for the following reasons:

• Registration in violation of college regulations and requirements (academic ineligibility to register);

• Disciplinary suspension or dismissal for the remainder of an academic semester orlonger;

• Severe psychological or health problems such that a student cannot be permitted to continue in attendance; and

• Other reasons deemed appropriate by the proper administrative staff such as the President or Dean of Instruction.

• Exceptions/Related Policies

Policy to Protect Academic Standing of Dual Credit Students (Policy 500.29) specifically applies to students who are not successful in dual credit courses that follow the high school calendar and may withdraw from the college course after the college drop date to protect their academic standing.

Student Military Policy (500.21) addresses withdrawals which result from a student enlisting or being ordered to active duty.

Return of Title IV Funds Policy outlines federal rules and regulations related to attendance, withdrawal, and various calculations for determining if funds must be returned by the student.

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to waive second reading and approve the Policy 500.300 Withdrawal as presented. Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #8– “Policy Second Readings” – None.

AGENDA #9 – “Staff Recommendations for Approval” – The following staff recommendations were presented for approval.

#9-A. International Students Transportation Fee” – Chancellor Gower recommended a revised fee structure and an increase in the Transportation Fee for International Students. Effective Fall Semester 2023, the International Department will assess a minimum transportation fee $75 per semester and a maximum transportation fee per semester of $350 for students requiring regular transportation to and from campus.

Board Action: Trustee Roger Browning made a motion to approve the change in structure and increase in the International Students Transportation Fee. Trustee John Brooks seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion passed.

#9-B. Identity Theft Prevention Program: Illinois Eastern Community Colleges participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program, offers institutional loans to students, and administers a tuition payment plan that allows qualified students to pay their tuition and fees throughout the semester. Therefore, IECC is a “creditor” and student accounts are “covered accounts” subject to the Red Flags Rule which required IECC to develop and implement an identity theft prevention program. The Identity Theft Prevention Team reviewed and updated the prevention program. The red flags were evaluated by the various departments at IECC that work closely with student accounts to ensure the red flags identified are appropriate. There were no significant changes made to the program this year. Chancellor Gower recommended acceptance of the Identity Theft Prevent Program as listed in full in the Board agenda.

Board Action: Trustee Brady Waldrop made a motion to accept the revised Identity Theft Prevention Program document as recommended. Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom) Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#9-C. 2023-2025 Academic Calendar: Chancellor Gower recommended the Board’s approval of the following:

Academic Calendar


2023 Fall Semester

August 10-11 Faculty Workshop

August 14-16 Registration, Testing

August 17 First Day of Classes

September 4 Colleges Closed. Labor Day

September 18 Constitution Observance Day. Classes in session

October 9 Colleges Closed. Columbus Day

October 10 No Classes. District Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day

October 12 Midterm

November 10 Colleges Closed. Veteran’s Day Observed

November 22 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

November 23-24 Colleges Closed. Thanksgiving

December .8 Last Day of Classes

December 11-14 Final Exams

December 15 Last Day of Semester.

(Colleges closed December 19, 2023 – January 1, 2024. Winter Break)

2024 Spring Semester

January 2 Colleges Open

January. 3 Faculty Workshop

January 4-5 Registration, Testing

January 8 First Day of Classes

January 15 Colleges Closed. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

February 19 Colleges Closed. President’s Day

March 1 Midterm

March 4 No Classes. Casimir Pulaski Holiday

March 5-10 No Classes. Spring Break

March 19 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

March 29 Colleges Closed. Spring Holiday

May 3 Last Day of Classes

May 6-9 Final Exams

May 10 Last Day of Semester/Graduation

2024 Intersession

May 13 First Day of Classes

May 21 Midterm

May 31 Last Day of Intersession

2024 Summer Session

June 3 First Day of Classes

June 19 Colleges Closed. Juneteenth

June 28 Midterm

July 4 Colleges Closed. Independence Day

July 19 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

July 26 Last Day of Classes

July 29-30 Finals

2024 Fall Semester

August 7-8 Faculty Workshop

August 9,12-14 Registration, Testing

August 15 First Day of Classes

September 2 Colleges Closed. Labor Day

September 17 Constitution Observance Day. Classes in Session

October 9 Midterm

October. 14 Colleges Closed. Columbus Day

October 15 No Classes. District Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day

November. 11 Colleges Closed. Veteran’s Day

November 22 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

November 28-29 Colleges Closed. Thanksgiving.

December 6 Last Day of Classes

December 9-12 Finals

December 13 Last Day of Semester

(Colleges Closed December 19, 2024 –January 1, 2025. Winter Break)

2025 Spring Semester

January 2 Colleges Open.

January 2 Faculty Workshop

January 3 Registration, Testing

January 6 First Day of Classes

January 20 Colleges Closed. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

February 17 Colleges Closed. President’s Day

February 28 Midterm

March 3 No Classes. Casimir Pulaski Holiday Observed

March 4-9 No Classes. Spring Break

April 17 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

April 18 Colleges Closed. Spring Holiday

May 2 Last Day of Classes

May 5-8 Final Exams

May 9 Last Day of Semester/Graduation

2025 Intersession

May 12 First Day of Classes

May 20 Midterm

May26 Colleges Closed. Memorial Day

May 29 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

May 30 Last Day of Intersession

2025 Summer Session

June 2 First Day of Classes

June 19 Colleges Closed. Juneteenth

June 27 Midterm

July 4 Colleges Closed. Independence Day

July 21 Last Day to Withdraw from Courses

July 25 Last Day of Classes

July 28-29 Finals

Board Action: Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer made a motion to approve the proposed 2023-2025 Academic Calendar as recommended. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom)

Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#9-D. FY2021 Audit: Trustees heard a report from audit committee members Trustee Jan Ridgely and Trustee John Brooks. Both committee members were complimentary of the work of the CFO and all business office employees district-wide which resulted in an overall strong report. Chancellor Gower recommended approval of the FY2021 Audit.



WHEREAS, 110 ILCS 805/3-22.1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act requires the conduct of an annual audit for Illinois Eastern Community College District 529,

WHEREAS, it is required that the Board of Trustees review and accept the annual audit. WHEREAS, it is required that the audit be submitted to the Illinois Community College Board,

THEREFORE, SO BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District #529, accepts and approves the annual audit of the district as submitted by Martin Hood LLP.

FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges District 529 authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to submit the audit to the Illinois Community College Board.

By order of the Board of Trustees.


Board Action: Trustee Brady Waldrop made a motion to approve the FY2021 Audit as recommended. Trustee Roger Browning seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#9-E. Annual Financial Report : Chancellor Gower recommended approval of the Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021, as presented by CFO Ryan Hawkins.

Board Action: Trustee John Brooks a motion to approve the Annual Financial Report as presented. Trustee Jan Ridgely seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#9-F. Employee Benefit Consulting Broker Selection: The Chancellor recommended the firm HUB be employed as the District’s next employee benefits consultant.

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to employ HUB to serve as the District’s employee benefits consultant as recommended. Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#9-G. “Affiliation Agreements”- IECC enters into affiliation agreements with area health care facilities. The Chancellor recommended approval of affiliation agreements with Crawford County Health Department and Sullivan County Community Hospital.

Board Action: Trustee Brady Waldrop made a motion to approve the affiliation agreements. Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom) Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #10 – “Bid Committee Report” – Chancellor Gower reviewed the bid committee recommendation for the OCC TRIO Upward Bound Educational Trip 2022 and recommended approval of the following report:

The following bid recommendation is based on the lowest responsible bid, considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality, and serviceability.

The Bid Committee recommends acceptance of the bid received from Brightspark Travel for a total of $81,000.



Big Country Tours

Hudson, FL


Brightspark Travel

Chicago, IL


CE Tours

Allen TX


Gerber Tours

New York, NY


Good News Travel

Greenville, SC



Austin, TX


Respectfully submitted,

Ryan Gower

Ryan Hawkins

Renee Smith

Department: TRIO Upward Bound.

Source of Funds: The TRIO Upward Bound programs are 100% federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education for $312,480 (LTC), $361,983 (OCC) and $297,601 (WVC). Bid award is subject to approval by Illinois Eastern Community Colleges.

Rationale for Purchase: The proposal from Brightspark Travel was the lowest responsible bidder in conformity with the bid specifications.

The “Advertisement for Bids” was placed in The Hometown Register for one (1) day. In addition, individual invitations to bid were sent directly to potential vendors.

Board Action: Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer made a motion to approve the Bid Committee Report as presented. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom) Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #11 – “District Finance” – the following District financial matters were presented.

#11-A. Financial Reports: The monthly financial reports were presented, including the treasurer’s report, showing the balance in all funds as of February 28, 2022.

#11-B. Approval of Financial Obligations: District financial obligations (Listing of Board Bills) for February, 2022 totaling $1,183,111.12 were presented for approval.

Board Approval for Payment of Financial Obligations: Trustee Jan Ridgely made a motion to approve payment of district financial obligations for February 2022, in the amounts listed. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #12 – “Executive Session” – The Board of Trustees did hold an executive session at this meeting.

Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to go into closed session under Open Meeting Act exception 2(c) 11 Litigation. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded that motion and the Board went into closed session at 8:32 a.m.. The Executive Session adjourned at 9:11 p.m. and returned to regular and open session. Separate minutes were prepared for the meeting.

AGENDA #13 – “Approval of Executive Session Minutes” – The following actions were taken relative to executive session minutes. 

#13-A. Written Executive Session Minutes: The Chairman recommended that written minutes and audio recorded minutes of an executive session held during the regular meeting Tuesday, February 15, 2022 be approved and remain closed at this time.

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve, as prepared, written minutes and audio recorded minutes of an executive session held February 15, 2022, but that executive session minutes of that date will remain closed and not be opened to public inspection at this time. This audio recording shall be destroyed 18 months after the date of the meeting if the Board has adopted written minutes of the executive session in question. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared the “Ayes” have it and the motion was adopted.

AGENDA #14 – “Approval of Personnel Report” – Andrea McDowell presented the following Personnel Report and the Chancellor recommended approval.

400.1. Employment of Personnel

A. Classified

1. Kenneth Pryor, Jr., Information Systems Technician, LTC, effective March 21, 2022. 400.

2. Approval of Proposed Non-College Employment

Name Employer Days per Academic Year

Jasmyne Lewis Southern Illinois University 22

Carbondale, IL

400.3. Resignation Ratifications

A. Faculty

1. Chelsea Gemeinhardt, Chemistry Instructor, WVC, effective August 1, 2022. 

B. Professional, Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Casey Wyllie, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, OCC, effective March 22, 2022. 

C. Professional, Non-Faculty, Non-Exempt

1. Holden August, Coordinator of Public Information & Marketing, FCC, effective March 18, 2022.

D. Classified

1. Shayla Miller, Office Assistant, FCC, effective March 18, 2022.

2. Zachary Wingert, Covid Site Facilitator, DO, effective March 7, 2022.

Board Action to Approve Personnel Report: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve the personnel report as recommended. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer (via Zoom), Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #15 – “Collective Bargaining” – None.

AGENDA #16 – “Litigation” – None.

AGENDA #17 – “Other Items” - None.

AGENDA #18 – “Adjournment” – Student Trustee Maggee Bleyer made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The voice vote was taken. The Chair declared the “Ayes” have it, the motion is adopted, and the meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.



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