City of Vienna City Council met Nov. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:
Richard Owen, Mayor Pro-tern
Steve Penrod, Alderman
Austin Tuey, Alderman
Alan Racey, Alderman
Jim Evans, Alderman
Melissa Hill, Alderman
Jim Miller, Police Chief.
Brent Williams, Fire Chief
Michelle Meyers, Treasurer
Aleatha Wright, City Clerk
Phil Morris, Depot
Jon Simmons, Mayor
Shane Racey, Supt
Melissa Presser, City Attorney
Joseph & Marie Emery
Jordan McBride, Vienna Times
Alisa Sowers
Emily Kerley
Josh Stafford, VHS
There being a quorum, Mayor Pro-tern, Richard Owen, called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.
Alderman Racey made a motion to Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the October 21, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes and the Warrant ($57,272.47). Alderman Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, Motion carried.
Johnson County Revitalization Committee members, Phil Morris, Emily Kerley, Alisa Goins, Joseph Emery, and Marie Emery presented the city of Vienna a donation check in the amount of $20,000.00 towards funding the city park amphitheater project. Council thanked JCRC.
Kellie Watson was present to review the newly revised animal control contract with council, adding she was now insured. Owen noted that the city attorney was not present and no action would be taken at this time. Several council members engaged in a question/answer session with Watson over concerns with wording in the contract of "emergency situations" also discussing micro-chipping. Chief Miller added his concern of dogs that are dumped off in town. The contract would be revisited at the November 18th council meeting.
Alderman Evans made a motion to Authorize and Approve General Funds in the amount of $7,000.00 for the purchase of 1-SCBA pack for the fire dept. Alderman Hill seconded the motion.
All in favor, Motion carried. Fire Chief Willian1s noted that 15 packs would need to be replaced over the next few years as he would look for grant opportunities to help with funding.
Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve Tourism Funds in the amount of $225.00 to place a¼ page ad in the Southern Illinois Scout magazine. Alderman Penrod seconded the motion. All in favor, motion can-ied.
Alderman Penrod made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 20-05, A Resolution for the City of Vienna to cast a ballot in the 2020 IMRF Trustee Election, selection of Gwen Henry.
The motion was seconded by Alderman Hill. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Evans made a motion to Authorize and Approve the purchase of holiday ham/turkeys for city employees. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. All in favor, motion carried.
Josh Stafford, VHS Supt. was present to update council on the resource officer program commending officers as well as expressing appreciation for the city's cooperation with the program. Chief Miller made several comments on the success of the SRO program as a model for surrounding schools. Stafford mentioned his completion of the part time police academy program allowing him to carry a fire arm on school property adding that Principle, John Giffin was currently enrolled in the academy that began in August. Stafford also thanked the city Fire Dept for carrying out fire drills at local schools per state law.
Mayor Pro-tern, Richard Owen commented on the absence of Mayor Simmons saying he had not missed a meeting for the last 11 + years. Owen remarked on dirt work being started at the city park for the amphitheater/restroom project.
Per Shane Racey, Wright requested consent to donate several old refurbished Christmas lights.
Wright said the brackets from the lights would still be utilized for poles around the square for hanging Christmas wreaths JCRC purchased. Council gave consent. Wright also noted the new siding project on city hall was completed.
Wright said the public works dept. had planted 20 oak trees in the city park purchased by Scott Wright as a donation to the city.
Police Chief Miler said per Harper Ford, the 2021 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor would be delivered within weeks. Miller said he was starting to order equipment for the vehicle.
Alderman Penrod informed council that he made contact with property owner of one of the dilapidated homes the city was using grant money to demo. Penrod said VHS was interested in the lot for additional parking. Penrod suggested, with consent of council, that the city possibly waive the past due utility bill if the owner agreed to donate the property. No action taken at this time.
As there was no further business to discuss Alderman Tuey made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Alderman Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mayor Simmons declared the meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.