
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Anna Jonesboro Community High School District 81 Board met May 18

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Anna Jonesboro Community High School District 81 Board met May 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Upon roll call at 6:06 p.m. the following members were present: Dr. Teske (by phone), Mr. Hughey, Dr. Blakely, Mr. Osman, Mr. Partridge and Mr. McGrath. Also present was Scott Finders, Superintendent Wright, and Brett Detering.

Due to Dr. Teske participating in the meeting remotely, she delegated her authority to run the meeting to Vice President John Hughey.

On motion by Mr. Hughey and seconded by Mr. Partridge to approve the Agenda as written. All members present voting yes.

On motion by Mr. Osman and seconded by Dr. Blakely to appoint Lenore Ashby as new school board member, who was present (by phone). On roll call all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

Vice President Hughey administered oath to new board member.

On motion by Mr. McGrath and seconded by Dr. Teske to approve the Consent Agenda which contained the following items: approval of board minutes 4/20/20, approval of closed session minutes; approval of payment for bills, acceptance of financial reports, acceptance of notices of intent to retire from Julie Lewis and Rob Wright. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

Julie Lewis represented the teachers. The items of interest presented were as follows:

Mrs. Stevens finished and successfully completed her last Project Lead the Way Training class Thursday night.

The ACES Teams (WYSE) will be competing in the state competition that will be conducted virtually this week.

Project Lead the Way had cancelled all end of year exams for their program. Initially, this meant that our students would not be able to receive college credit for the course, as the score from this exam was part of the requirements for credit. Fortunately, Missouri S&T waved the exam requirement and is allowing the students credit based on their course grades. This will allow 95% of our students in the course to receive the credit if they choose. The National Honor Society conducted a virtual induction ceremony on May 7th. New inductees and current members were invited to join a Zoom meeting where Mrs. Frownfelter and the NHS officers welcomed the inductees by presenting the ceremony script, reciting the pledge, and conferring membership upon the inductees. The newest members to NHS include Addison Denny, Gavin Osman, Marlee Smith, Bailey Bible, Bryce Henry, Beto Vaca Diez, Connor Hallam, Kristin Edmonds, Olivia Bowen, Blake Mays, Jessi Riley, Gracie Barlow, and Payton Seip. Additionally, Mrs. Frownfelter is proud to announce that the members of National Honor Society completed over 1000 service hours this school year; 300 more hours than the previous year. Despite current circumstances, the members of NHS are working hard to provide service to the school and community in unique and creative ways. The counselors have planned an alternative to our awards night. Mrs. Houseman has graciously agreed to assist in doing individual posts on the school Facebook page honoring seniors who have received scholarships. Mrs. Frownfelter has already posted about the NHS inductees, which leaves Top Ten, Certificate of Achievement, Illinois State Scholars, and Scholar Athletes. These awards would be recognized with one post per award naming the students (eg one post for freshmen top ten, one post for sophomore top ten, etc.). These posts are scheduled to begin running in June.

Scott Finders gave his report on professional development for teachers to possibly take courses over the summer for remote learning, alumni recognition committee, and the new SAT display case outside of the principal’s office.

Principal Detering reported on senior grades and the senior handout parade.

Superintendent Wright presented his administrative report. We have continued to receive our state aid payments as scheduled. Registration will begin for the Triple I Conference in June; anyone wishing to attend will need to let us know. A pre bid meeting was held on 5/14/20 for work to be done on the new entry and principal’s office. Bids will be opened on 5/22, and in order not to delay the project, it will be necessary to have a special meeting for approving the bid. Mr. Wright updated the board on the progress of our two current projects (district office and lower gym roof), he also updated the board on the damages on the lower gym floor. Graduation has officially been postponed to June 27th.

On motion by Dr. Blakely and seconded by Mr. Osman for the Board to enter into closed session at 6:50 p.m. for the following reasons (1) the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public to determine its validity. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Partridge and seconded by Mr. Osman to return to regular session at 7:16 p.m. On roll call all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Dr. Blakely and seconded by Mr. Hughey to approve changes to the Student Handbook for the 2020-2021 school year. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Osman and seconded by Mr. McGrath to approve the Consolidated District Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Partridge and seconded by Mr. McGrath to approve the Board Policy Updates as presented in 2nd and final reading. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Dr. Teske and seconded by Mr. Osman to approve the adaption of ISBE’s recommended guidelines for Graduation for the Class of 2020 only. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Hughey and seconded by Dr. Blakely to hold a public hearing on June 15, 2020 at 5:50 p.m in the High School Library for the purpose of transferring funds from Transportation to Operations and Maintenance Fund. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Partridge and seconded by Mrs. Ashby to hire Rick Kirt as a custodian for the 2020- 2021 school year. On roll call, the following members voted yes – Teske, Hughey, Ashby, McGrath, Partridge, Osman. The following member abstained – Blakely. Motion carried.

On motion by Mrs. Ashby and seconded by Mr. Partridge to appoint Sara Verble as School Treasurer for the 2020-2021 school year. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Hughey and seconded by Dr. Teske to renew the 3 year contract as presented for Brooke Frank as School Nurse. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Mr. Osman and seconded by Mr. Partridge to renew the 1 year contract as presented for Rick Livesay as Athletic Director. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

On motion by Dr. Blakely and seconded by Mr. Hughey to renew the 1 year contract as presented for Matt Hammer as IT Assistant. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.

President Teske called for a Special meeting to be held on May 26, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library for the purpose of approving a bid for the renovation of the Principal’s office and new entryway and to hire fall/winter coaches.

On motion by Mr. Hughey and seconded by Mr. Osman to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:32 p.m. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.

The next regularly scheduled Meeting is Monday, June 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Superintendent's Office.
