Egyptian Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met January 28.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by Terry Shafer, Vice-President.
The roll call was as follows:
Diane Blaney Present
Charlie Cox Present
Jeremy Greenley Present
Lamar Houston Absent
Justin Schultz Absent (Arrived at 6:04 p.m.)
Terry Shafer Present
David Thompson Present
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by Diane Blaney to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Vote: Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Diane Blaney, second by Jeremy Greenley to approve the bills and payroll. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by David Thompson to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Investments. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by Justin Schultz to reimburse the Imprest Fund in the amount of $2,247.75. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by Charlie Cox that a closed session be called at 6:15 p.m. to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1) The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Justin Schultz, second by Charlie Cox to go out of executive session at 6:44 p.m. All voted yea.
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by Justin Schultz to authorize Baysinger Architects to proceed with the bathroom project and alternate bids for doors and bleacher repair. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Diane Blaney, second by Charlie Cox to accept the resignation of Dawn Poole. All voted yea.
A motion was made by Charlie Cox, second by Diane Blaney to accept the resignation of Danny McCrite. All voted yea.
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by David Thompson to accept the resignation of Elizabeth McCoy for the purpose of retirement. All voted yea.
A motion was made by Diane Blaney, second by Justin Schultz to employ Delma Price as a full time custodian effective January 29, 2019. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jeremy Greenley, second by David Thompson to employ Justin Richardson as the Interim High School Head Baseball Coach. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Justin Schultz, second by Charlie Cox to employ Tony Smith as the Interim High School Assistant Baseball Coach. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Diane Blaney, second by David Thompson to retain Precision Lawn Care for the mowing and trimming during the 2019 mowing season at a cost of $7,200. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Justin Schultz, second by Jeremy Greenely to keep closed session minutes confidential. The roll call vote was as follows: Jeremy Greenley, yea; Charlie Cox, yea; David Thompson, yea; Terry Shafer, yea; Justin Schultz, yea; Diane Blaney, yea. Yea votes 6, Nay votes 0. Motion carried.
A motion was made by David Thompson, second by Diane Blaney to establish the high school graduation date as Friday, May 10, 2019. All voted yea.
A motion was made by David Thompson, second by Diane Blaney to establish the eighth grade promotion date as Monday, May 20, 2019. All voted yea.
A motion was made by Charlie Cox, second by David Thompson to adjourn the meeting. All voted yea.