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Hardin County Commissioners met December 18

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Hardin County Commissioners met Dec. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the commissioners:

All Commissioners were present. Commissioner-elect, Tim Striker, was present. Staff recited the pledge at 9:00. Purchase orders and bills were reviewed and signed. Pending issues were discussed with the following resolutions approved and signed:

V101-249 Minutes of December 13, 2018:

1 st -Rogers 2 nd -Beaman Roll call: Rogers-yes, Beaman-yes, Crowe-yes

V101-350 HARCO lease $400 per month thru 6/30/19

1 st -Beaman 2 nd -Rogers Roll call: Beaman-yes, Crowe-yes, Rogers-yes

V101-351 Out of County Travel

1 st -Rogers 2 nd -Beaman Roll call: Crowe-yes, Beaman-yes, Rogers-yes

V101-352 Release of Funds: License Tag Fees Kenton $20,466.50

1 st -Beaman 2 nd -Rogers Roll call: Beaman-yes, Rogers-yes, Beaman-yes

V101-353 Reallocation: Soil &Water, Hardin Hills, Waste Disposal

1 st -Rogers 2 nd -Beaman Roll call: Beaman-yes, Crowe-yes, Rogers-yes

V101-354 Additional Appropriation: EMA, West Annex expenses

1 st -Beaman 2 nd -Rogers Roll call: Rogers-yes, Beaman-yes, Crowe-yes

V101-355 Advance Back: Reed Rd WWTP $5000

1 st -Rogers 2 nd -Beaman Roll call: Crowe-yes, Beaman-yes, Rogers-yes

V101-356 Transfer of Funds: Reed Rd WWTP $5000

1 st -Beaman 2 nd -Rogers Roll call: Rogers-yes, Beaman-yes, Crowe-yes

V6-286 Resignation & Vacation Payout P. Sanchez $349.43

1 st -Beaman 2 nd -Rogers Roll call: Crowe-yes, Rogers-yes, Beaman-yes

Commissioner Beaman made a motion that the PILOT for the Invenergy Solar Project be set at $9000; $2000 to the county with the remaining $7000 distributed by the Auditor per the formula to the taxing districts. The last discussion in reference to the tax exempt letter from April 18, 2018 and the ORC 5727.25 E (1) (b) stated the service payment shall be assessed $2000 of the PILOT and are the reason for the motion. Per then, Rep. Hites, the PILOT should have been established at $9000 and the county got $1000 but the authority granted by the ORC is $2000. Commissioners can take the first $2000, “shall be” is the language. Commissioner Rogers-no second, I need more information. Commissioner Crowe has called the Columbus Department of Taxation representative who stated she sent a draft letter of her response one month ago to her Supervisor with no response. Commissioner Rogers-we need to talk to her supervisor. Commissioner Beaman- give me her name and I will call. Motion failed for lack of second.

Marcia Hauer, Interim Administrator Hardin Hills. Gave a monthly report. Three payrolls, long term retirement. She noted the Accounts receivables are overstated. Medicaid does not pay for long term care if already on Medicare with a co-insurance. It will be written off. $884, 194 is not a factual number. She has seen a bill from 2008 that could be written off-it is not collectable at this point. Her last day is December 24. Sharon Huston, new Administrator, will meet with her before then and explain the difference between profit and not for profit. She reviewed the nursing homes standing. Hardin Hills is 3 star rated. Marcia said this was very good. The building is an issue, one bathroom in a hallway, building is old and in need of constant repair. The volunteer Corsa walk thru showed a lot of areas that could have been taken care of prior to. Maintenance will take care of all issues prior to her leaving. There is a dedicated management staff. People like the care they receive and that is what is most important. There has been a loss of $100,000 in six months. 70% might be slightly high for commodes in the room. Commissioner Beaman asked: What is the future of long term care? for government? can you compete? Marcia noted you would have to diversify. Assisted living and rehab adds to long term care.

Melissa Boday, CEBCO, gave a 3rd quarter report. Discussion on the Wellness Program. No incentive for 2019. It is hoped that employees will do their preventative.

The Commissioners hosted the annual employee Christmas Party in Veteran’s Hall.

Commissioner Rogers moved to approve the 3% wage increase for CSEA staff on the recommendation of Laura Rogers. Effective first pay in 2019. Commissioner Beaman second. Roll call: Beaman-yes, Rogers-yes, Crowe-yes. V101-357

Commissioner Beaman moved to approve the purchase of a monitoring system for the courthouse boiler on Richard Lawson’s recommendation from Sensaphone Inc. cost is $989. To come from N02. Commissioner Rogers second. Roll call: Beaman-yes, Rogers-yes, Crowe-yes. V101-358

Commissioner Rogers moved to approve the 2019 Agreement with CEC Environmental at a cost of $31,478.00 for the closed landfill. Commissioner Beaman second. Roll call: Beaman- yes, Crowe-yes, Rogers-yes. V101-359

Mike Smith, Nick Borhland and Tom Covrett, CEC Environmental, discussed the landfill work for 2019. The landfill is within five years of being closed but the EPA shows no indication of them walking away and allowing the county to monitor. This also involves other counties. Tom will monitor as this will set a precedent. Tom stated you can still drink the water.
