Union County Board of Supervisors met Sept. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM with the following members present: Ron Riley, Dale Cline and Dennis Brown.
AGENDA: Motion by Cline and seconded by Brown to approve the Agenda. All voting aye, motion carried.
MINUTES: Motion by Brown and seconded by Cline to approve the minutes from August 27, 2018. All voting aye, motion carried.
OPEN FORUM: Wayne Pantini updated the board on the UCDA 3-year Plan.
ENGINEER: Union County Engineer, Zach Gunsolley, presented and discussed the weekly maintenance activity report also discussed a last-minute request to close a portion of Monroe Street to 180th Street in Cromwell for their Annual Fall Festival. The Board, with the recommendation of County Attorney Tim Kenyon, felt that the timing of the request needed to be made sooner to have enough time to put on the agenda for action to be taken. Utility Permit: Motion by Cline and seconded by Brown to approve the Utility Permit with Interstate Power and Light (Alliant Energy) to install underground electric service at 1920 Jaguar Ave, Section 22 in Highland Township. All voting aye, motion carried. Utility Permit: Motion by Cline and seconded by Brown to approve the Utility Permit with Windstream to install utility poles in Section 22 of Lincoln Township, Section 21 of Spaulding Township, Section 13 of Platte Township and Section 33 of Highland Township. All voting aye, motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION: Motion by Brown and seconded by Cline to go into closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(C) for matters in litigation @ 10:40 AM. Roll Call Vote: Cline aye, Brown aye, Riley aye, motion carried. Closed session ended at 11:25AM.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20AM.