Kathy Bryan — Commissioner | Facebook
Kathy Bryan — Commissioner | Facebook
City of Anna City Council met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Anna City Council met in regular session at Anna City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on January 21st, 2025. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steve Hartline. The roll call went as follows: Present were Mayor Steve Hartline, Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Carter and Commissioner Martha Ann Webb. Other members present were City Administrator Dori Bigler, Public Safety Director Bryan Watkins, Public Works Manager Jordan Chamness, and Treasurer Angela Webb.
Mayor Hartline opened up the meeting to the public communications portion of the agenda. Janet Turner addressed the council regarding the upcoming city-wide yard sale event. She will pick up participant waivers from City Hall and will have a statement prepared to go on the back on the February bill. Zach Rowan addressed the council with a request to paint the old railroad pillars on East Vienna St. across from Dairy Queen. All supplies will be provided. He will return with a few design options for approval prior to starting work.
City Administrator Dori Bigler provided updates on various projects:
· Storm debris pick up is happening and a notice will go on the back of February’s bill to notify citizens.
· Monthly meetings on the Davie St Project began. The temporary fencing has been installed and demolition should wrap up soon. Ryan Dodd is working on some promotional materials to promote the project that will be displayed on site.
· Work on declaring properties as public nuisances is continuing. We should be able to declare and demolish three in FY26.
· There is an access issue in the cemetery due to a lack of road. It doesn’t qualify as a MFT project but Administrator Bigler will look at the budget in FY26 to see what can potentially be done.
Mayor Hartline asked if there were any Consent Agenda items the Council would like to pull for further discussion or a separate vote.
The following Consent Agenda items were presented for approval. A. Minutes of the January 7, 2025 Regular Session
B. January 2025 Accounts Payable List
C. Resolution 2025-01; Authorizing the 2025 MFT Maintenance Program
D. Approve Pay Estimate #3 For the ARPA Project of $77,045.00
E. Approve a Restaurant/Lounge Liquor License for Los Dos Gallos Mexican Bar & Grill at 101 Leigh Avenue
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and Seconded by Commissioner Carter that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Old Business Item for Downtown Beautification was approved as presented during the 01.07.2025 meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter and Seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO RAYMOND GROVED AS A FULL TIME POLICE OFFICER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and Seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO WILLIAM BARTHOLIC AS A FULL TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and Seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO CALEB CLOVER AS A FULL TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter and Seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO MASON WATKINS AS A FULL TIME/PART TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and Seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO NASH OXFORD AS A FULL TIME/PART TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and Seconded by Commissioner Carter that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO JAY KISTAT AS A FULL TIME/PART TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and Seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO ETHAN KIRKMAN AS A FULL TIME/PART TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and Seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO JUSTICE KOSTAL AS A FULL TIME/PART TIME LABORER. A vote was taken on the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Mayor Hartline opened the floor to Commissioner reports.
Commissioner Bigler mentioned complaints received about the slow service provided by Republic over the past few weeks.
Commissioner Webb reminded Officials of an old ordinance for 2-hour parking on many of the downtown streets. She requested the signs be sent to IDOT for approval and re-installed on Main and Davie streets.
Mayor Hartline opened the floor for the department heads to speak.
Chief Watkins said the new fire engine as been purchased and is in great shape. They will begin outfitting in over the next month so it can be put in use.
Public Works manager Jordan Chamness stated cleanup is moving along.
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO RE-APPOINT GRANT CAPEL TO THE POLICE PENSION BOARD WITH A TERM EXPIRING 12/31/2026. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED THAT THE REGULAR SESSION ON THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 21st, 2025 BE ADJOURNED AT 5:39 p.m. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Webb, and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay-none. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.