Michelle Stevens - Assistant Principal | Anna-Jonesboro Community High School Website
Michelle Stevens - Assistant Principal | Anna-Jonesboro Community High School Website
Anna Jonesboro Community High School District 81 Board of Education met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Anna-Jonesboro Community High School held its regular meeting on January 21, 2025. Upon roll call at 6:00 p.m. the following members were present: Mr. Houseman, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Plott, and Mr. Mays. Mr. Mix arrived at 6:01.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mr. Mays to approve the Agenda as written. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mrs. Plott to approve the Consent Agenda which contained the following items: approval of board minutes on 12/16/2024; approval of closed session minutes; approval of payment for bills, acceptance of financial reports, and approve destruction of closed session tapes at least 18 months old. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.
Recognition of visitors and correspondence: NONE
Items of Interest from Teachers: We had two teams compete at the REO Brain Games competition at John A Logan. The teams were comprised of one student from each grade level. Try-outs were held earlier in the year. One team consisted of Josh Binversie, Grayson Garner, Jay Althoff, and Ruby Yates. The other team placed 6th overall, and will get to advance to the next level of competition at Rend Lake. These team members were Gabe Morey, Nati Corbit, Drue Teske, and Cash Hodges. Thank you to the administration and board for allowing us to compete in this competition. Southern Seven Health Department has a group of volunteers called the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) who have been awarded funding to conduct "Stop the Bleed" trainings in our seven counties. Mr. Detering has arranged for them to conduct 2 training sessions at AJCHS on 2/19/25 and 3/19/25 at 6:00pm in the library. The trainings are free and attendees will each receive a Stop the Bleed starter kit. If you or someone you know would like to attend the training, email Brooke Frank so that she can provide a head count to SSHD / MRC. This training is open to anyone in the community, not just faculty/staff. The purpose of the "Stop the Bleed" campaign is to help residents of our region be better prepared to save lives by knowing how to help in bleeding emergencies. Preparations for the 25-26 school year are underway in the Student Services Office. Mrs. Miller and Ms. Webb will begin individual meetings with students next week to sign them up for classes. The 8th grade visit has been tentatively set for Friday, February 21st, with an evening event for parents to follow during March parent-teacher conferences.
Curriculum Director Finders reported on student performance and academic improvement.
Principal Rice spoke about upcoming dates and attendance.
Superintendent Detering spoke about kitchen renovations, soccer complex, SRO position, and linkage agreement with Arrowleaf.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mr. Mix for the Board to enter into closed session at 6:43 p.m. for the following reasons (1) the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public to determine its validity. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined by the Open Meetings Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance. 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(3) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for the purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(14) On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mrs. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Mix to return to regular session at 7:56. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mr. Mays to approve keeping all closed session minutes closed. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mrs. Johnson and seconded by Mrs. Plott to approve the Board Policy Updates. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mrs. Plott to approve the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mr. Mix to approve the overnight trip by the Beta Club to Springfield, IL in March for the State Convention. All members present voting yes. Motion carried.
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mr. Mix to purchase track equipment. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried
On motion by Mr. Mays and seconded by Mr. Mix to approve the Winter/Spring Coaches as follows: Amy Fitzgerald-Wilson; Assistant Track Coach, Marlee Smith: Volunteer Track Coach, Justin Johnson: Volunteer Wrestling Coach. On roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried
On motion by Mr. Houseman and seconded by Mr. Mix to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:30 p.m. On Roll call, all members present voting yes. Motion carried.
Next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library.