
Southern Illinois News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Hardin County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met June 24

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Hardin County Cougars | Hardin County CUSD #1

Hardin County Cougars | Hardin County CUSD #1

Hardin County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met June 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Regular called meeting of the Hardin County Community Unit School District No. 1 met in the board room at the District office. The meeting was called to order by Britt Belford at 6:35 p.m. Present were: Britt Belford, Greg McDowell, Ryan Cowsert, Jana Cowgill, Ryan Vaughn. Colby Potts was absent. Administrators present: Andy Edmondson, Susan Armstrong, and Johnie Edwards.

Keith Williax, Aaron Bishop, Isabella Rose, Alisha Foster, and members of the HCEA were recognized as guests.

Public Participation: Alisha Foster presented data on Social Work Services for the year. Isabella Rose addressed the Board with information about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and asked for permission for them to meet during school club hours.

A motion was made by Cowsert and seconded by McDowell to approve the consent agenda as presented. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

Administrative Reports: Mrs. Armstrong reported on end of the year reports, JH grant for next year, and presented handbook changes to the Board. Mr. Edmondson gave an update on the Compliance report, Grants, Bus contract and discussed 3 month paid gym membership.

A motion was made by Belford and seconded by Cowgill to approve a 3 month membership for employees to Spar Gym. Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by McDowell and seconded by Vaughn to adopt 2023-24 budget. Cowsert, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Cowgill and seconded by Cowsert to award bids to: Prairie Farms - Dairy; Southern FS - Fuel; CRS - Food service; Bulldog - 2 years for Trash services. Cowsert, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowgill, yes.. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by McDowell and seconded by Vaughn to approve the Student Handbook with the changes as presented. Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Belford and seconded by McDowell to approve the increase of Adult Breakfast to $3.25 and Adult Lunch to $4.80. Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Cowgill and seconded by Vaughn to approve the purchase of a new Tractor. Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Belford and seconded by Cowsert to approve the rebid of Fire system. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Vaughn and seconded by Cowsert to approve IHSA participation for 2024-25. Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Cowsert and seconded by Belford to approve the Press Policy updates Issue 115. Cowsert, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Belford and seconded by McDowell to enter into executive session at 7:35 p.m.; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Cowgill and seconded by Belford to exit executive session at 8:01 p.m. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by Vaughn and seconded by McDowell to approve the June 24th BOE sheet as presented.

Resignations of sponsors: HS Special Education teacher - Denver Cowsert, 8th grade sponsor - Carita Hodge, Jr. class sponsor - Allison Cleary, HS Archery coach - John Hall, Jr High Girls basketball coach ---Nyssa Mills, HS Boys Basketball asst - Ryan Mitchell, Jr High Softball coach - Grace Vaughn

• Employment - Teachers: HS Special Education teacher -- Ira Cruson, LOA Elementary teacher -- Chelsea Smith

Reassignment-Teachers: Michael Milligan - moved to 4th grade, Samantha Fulkerson - moved to kindergarten

PT Summer help: Annetta Beeson (painting), Chase Ramsey (labor) Substitutes: Sarah Conkle - Secretary, cook, aide Belford, yes; Cowsert, abstain; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes. 4 yes, 1 abstain, motion carried.

A motion was made by Cowgill and seconded by Vaughn to approve a 5% increase for non-union employees. Vaughn, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.

A motion was made by McDowell and seconded by Cowsert to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; Vaughn, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
