Brian Anderson, City Aldermen - Ward 2 | City of Metropolis
Brian Anderson, City Aldermen - Ward 2 | City of Metropolis
City of Metropolis City Council met March 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council, City of Metropolis, Illinois was held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 25th, 2024, in Council Chambers of City Hall at 106 West 5th Street, Metropolis, Illinois. Upon roll call the following Council members were present: Alderwoman Michele Longworth, Alderman Brian Anderson, Al Wagner, Dylan Chambers, Jermey Holley, Chad Lewis, Chuck Short, Darryl Neill, Corporate Counsel Andrew Leonard, Mayor Don Canada, City Clerk Jan Adams and concerned citizens of Metropolis.
Anderson Present Longworth Present
Chambers Present Neill Present
Holley Present Short Present
Lewis Present Wagner Present
Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3-11-2024 as presented.
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Jeff Stroder CPA representing Beussink, Hey, Roe & Stroder, L.L.C. presented the independent auditor’s report. He reported on the financial statements of governmental activities, each major fund, business-type activities and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Metropolis, Illinois for the year ended June 30th, 2023. He gave a Qualified Opinion on the Street Fund; management was unable to reconcile the difference of pooled cash from the accounting records to the bank reconciliation. The unreconciled difference totals $16,637 they are not able to track which fund this difference is from and since the street fund has low balance they must qualify the street fund. These pooled cash funds accounts have been unbalanced since at least 2017. The second was related to end of the year accrual entries that had not been done, not day to day data entries. There was no sign of fraud or misappropriation of funds that they could find.
Moved by Alderman Dylan Chambers and second by Alderman Jeremy Holley to TABLE to accept audit findings for Fiscal year 2022-2023. MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Water Filtration Superintendent JK Thomas requested the following motion for a new valve exerciser and will be addition to our safety program. The purchase will help with the maintenance of our aging valves and avoid unnecessary injuries to our employees.
Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Al Wagner to approve the purchase of a new valve exerciser for the Water Department in the amount of $17,200.00.
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
The mayor asked to table motions C-D and E to give time the council to come speak with him. He wants to explain how he came to his decision on matters concerning the Library Board of Trustees and give them time to do their own research. The three board members to be replaced are Kelley Sullivan, LaDawn Bradley (treasurer) and Rhonda James (president). The new appointees are Penny Emery, Katie Eller, and Letitia Brazell.
Moved by Alderman Jermey Holley and second by Alderman Chad Lewis to TABLE motions C-D & E on the agenda until April 22nd.
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderman Al Wagner to accept road closure of Market Street from the Superman Statue to 6th St for MCDAC’s Prevent Child Abuse Event on 4/18/24 from 2 pm to 5 pm. MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Chief Micah Tolbert wanted to give recognition to firefighter Clay Childers for his bravery and performance. He is a true hero and honored with the Valor Award on behalf of the Firefighter Medal of Valor for the events occurring on October 23, 2023. This prestigious award recognizes firefighters who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, exemplifying the highest traditions of their respective departments. Clay’s actions demonstrate unwavering courage and selflessness, making him a beacon of valor in the community. The Valor Awards are presented to those who put their lives on the line to protect and serve. His dedication and bravery have undoubtedly left a lasting impact, and his name will forever be associated with honor and sacrifice. Congratulations on this well deserved recognition!
Moved by Alderwoman Michele Longworth and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of current Salaries, Payroll and Contract bills. MOTION CARRIED:
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of miscellaneous bills.
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea
Several questions, concerns and accusations were aired over the state of the library and its board members due to a motion to remove 3 of its board members. Mayor Canada asked for clarification from former corporate counsel Rick Abell who was at the meeting. Abell explained the letter has to be presented in no less than five, but no more than 10 days, and written charges have to be made against the people who are being removed. “The council has the opportunity to consider those charges and overrule those charges at a special meeting,” Abell said. “They're not removed until after the council has had the opportunity to take its action. There is a role for everybody — there’s a role council has to play and that may include inquiry, questions, and discourse. That is how it should be exercised, just like any other body that appoints with the advice of consent. The existing (library board) members are there until it is a final decision.”
Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and seconded by Alderman Chad Lewis to adjourn. 8:10
Anderson Yea Longworth Yea
Chambers Yea Neill Yea
Holley Yea Short Yea
Lewis Yea Wagner Yea