
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pope County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Jan. 24

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Pope County Elementary/Jr. High Faculty Members | Pope County Elementary/Jr. High | Facebook

Pope County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Jan. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes for Regular Called Meeting

Pope County CUSD #1

Board of Education

J. H. Hobbs Memorial Library

January 24, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Aly and the following members were present: Jeffords, Kizziar, Schuchardt, Hogg, Simmons, Wallace, and Aly.

Motion was made by Wallace and seconded by Hogg to approve the agenda. Roll call vote: all ayes.

Motion was made by Simmons and seconded by Hogg to approve the consent agenda including the following: 1) Approve Minutes of Board Meetings on 12/14/2023; 2) Approve Closed Session Minutes; 3) Approve Bills for Payment; 4) Accept Financial Reports; 5) Accept Retirement Letter; and 6) Approve destruction of Closed Session Meeting CDs more than 18 months old. Mr. Fritch thanked Mrs. Sherri Threlkeld for her years of service to the District and students. Mr. Fritch discussed some bills and answered some questions from members. With no further comments, roll call vote: all ayes.

At this time, Andrew Bonnell, President of Student Council, and Jessie Crawford, Student Council member, distributed a handout of all the activities and projects the Student Council have completed so far this year. They also discussed future events they are planning. Jessie Crawford is also running for Little Egypt District Student Council Treasurer. They thanked the Board on behalf of the entire council for their support over the years and for continuing to allow them to grow and learn.

Under Administrative reports, Mrs. Allen reported on the following; 1) Happy School Board Appreciation Month. She had a poster which all had signed and colored pictures made by some students to show their appreciation to the Board; 2) Student Involvement/Sports; a) Little GEC basketball tournament; i) Pope County hosted the girls tourney on January 2, 3, and 5. Our girls won 2nd

place; ii) Pope County hosted the boys tourney on January 17 and 20; b) Little GEC All Conference Team; i) Jayleigh Coram and Riley Presser made 1st team; ii) Harmony Mabry and James Leva were Honorable Mention; c) Jr High girls and boys basketball seasons have concluded; d) Jr High volleyball try-outs are underway with their first game on 2/5; 2) Assemblies/Activities/Projects; a) Teacher in-service on 1/2; b) 2nd Quarter Report Cards were sent home on 1/3; c) Mrs. Dunning’s 4th grade “Quest for a Million Pennies” is underway; d) Mrs. Reed is working on Aimsweb Winter Benchmark testing; i) So far, 1st grade math scores have shown significant improvement; e) 2:00 school improvement dismissal on 1/22; i) K-2, 3-5 met with special education teachers; ii) Jr High met with high school teachers; f) 100th day of school will be celebrated on 2/2; g) January’s PTO Student of the Month will be recognized on 2/2; h) Aisin Manufacturing donated $200 to the Principal’s account; and 3) Enrollment as of 1/24 is 304.

Mr. Graves reported the following: 1) Semester Exam make ups were completed our first week back and report cards were mailed out; 2) Homecoming week was held January 8th-12th and the dance was the 13th. This year along with our dress up days, we had student competitions, along with a parade in Golconda and a bonfire. A big hats off to Mrs. Sheyann Broadway and Ms. Natalie Bonnell, and all the staff and community support; 3) The Scholar Bowl team placed 2nd at the GEC Tournament; 4) The boys basketball team plays Friday night at SIC in the GEC Tournament; 5) SIC will be giving the Accuplacer Test February 7 for college bound students; 6) Senior Night is a double header on February 8 with Dongola; 7) Mrs. Sheyann Broadway will also be hosting a FAFSA night February 20th to help students and parents sign up for Financial Aid; and 8) Enrollment: 168.

Mr. Fritch reported the following: 1) Minivan has been purchased and was delivered on Monday. Thanks to Gary Roper for finding the van and all the work in getting it purchased; 2) 4 of our 5 emergency days were used with our winter weather last week, moving our last day of school to May 30th; 3) We had a few heating issues throughout the buildings with the cold weather. Most of those have been addressed. One hanging heater in the Ag shop is being replaced now; 4) Still waiting on the final IEPA stamp of approval on our septic project. All plans and bid packs are ready, just waiting on the IEPA; 5) Pope County Schools

was selected by ISBE for indicator 8 Parental Involvement survey. All parents of IEP students will be getting a survey in the mail to fill out and return; 6) Shout-out to Natalie Bonnell and Sheyann Broadway on homecoming week activities. They did a great job and thank you for all your hard work; and 7) Shout-out to our high

school basketball coaches and our cheer team. The girls won their 20th game and the boys have won their last 5 games. The cheerleaders are doing a great job as well.

Motion to enter closed session for the purpose of discussion of personnel performance, procedures, and employment was made by Jeffords and seconded by Hogg. Roll call vote: all ayes. Board entered closed session at 7:27 pm.

Motion to return to regular session was made by Kizziar and seconded by Jeffords. Roll call vote: all ayes. Board returned at 9:09 pm.

Mr. Fritch recommended the closed session minutes become public record. Motion to approve closed session minutes and recommendation of minutes to become public record was made by Wallace and seconded by Hogg. Roll call vote: all ayes.

Mr. Fritch explained that parent, Angela Bailey, met with him to propose starting a Junior High track team. She asked if a parent group could start up track with minimal cost to the District. They could use the cross country uniforms and some of the high school track equipment. She stated it would all be on a volunteer basis by Missy Presser, Ashley Bramlet, Tiffany Jarvis, and herself to sponsor the team and take them to meets. Motion to approve Junior High track and volunteers, Angela Bailey, Missy Presser, Ashley Bramlet, and Tiffany Jarvis as sponsors was made by Wallace and seconded by Simmons. Roll call vote: all ayes.

Motion to approve out-of-state field trip for the FFA to attend the Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY in February 2024 was made by Hogg and seconded by Jeffords. Roll call vote: all ayes.

Motion to post for full-time teacher substitute for the 24-25 school year was made by Kizziar and seconded by Hogg. Roll call vote: all ayes.

Motion to post for full-time custodian for the 24-25 school year was made by Hogg and seconded by Simmons. Roll call vote: all ayes

Under Old Business, Member Wallace updated the Board on the ball fields. They have some contacts for dirt. Chris Walker has some quotes for the batting cage insulation. Wallace has spoken with Adam Givens about moving the electric poles and lines. Wallace stated he is going to donate a backstop for one of the fields. He asked that this be on next month’s agenda to discuss it further.

With no further business to be discussed, a motion was made by Wallace and seconded by Simmons to adjourn the meeting until the next meeting to be held on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the J.H. Hobbs Memorial Library. All members present voted aye.

Meeting adjourned at 9:19 pm.
