Steve Penrod - Mayor | City of Vienna
Steve Penrod - Mayor | City of Vienna
City of Vienna City Council met Nov. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session, Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:
Steve Penrod, Mayor
Alan Racey, Alderman
Ron Pitts, Alderman
Austin Tuey, Alderman
Angela Moore, Alderman
Melissa Hill, Alderman
Tim Elliott. Alderman
Aleatha Wright, Clerk
Shane Racey, City Supt
Jim Miller, Police Chief
Joe Emery
Kelli Watson
Haley Ing
There being a quorum, Mayor Penrod called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.
Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the October 18, 2023 meeting minutes, the Warrant ($295,436.04), and the October Treasurer Report. Alderman Tuey seconded the motion. All present in favor, motion carried.
Haley Ing, Horner & Shifrin was present to review 146 East Project water and sewer pay estimate agenda items. Ing said the sewer relocation amount would need to be revised before issuing payment. Alderman Moore made a motion to authorize and approve Pay Estimate #2- Water Relocation costs, $204,621.84 and (up to) $59,062.64 for Sewer Relocation costs.
Kelli Watson, city animal control warden, was present to discuss contract renewal with the city. Watson reviewed contract changes saying she is no longer employed with Johnson County but would continue to operate under Watson Kennels, LLC. Police Chief Miller commented on the services Watson provides for the city. Council had discussion and was in consent to place the
contract on the following meeting agenda.
Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 23-10, A Resolution for the City of Vienna to cast a ballot in the 2023 IMRF Executive Trustee Election. Alderman Racey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Council reviewed a quote from Novacom for the purchase of a 10-8 camera for a city police squad. Chief Miller noted that installation fees were not listed on the quote. Alderman Tuey made a motion to Authorize and Approve $500.00 DUI Funds for purchase plus installation costs. Alderman Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Penrod discussed main pump replacements at the water plant. Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve $14,887.68 (TIF Funds) for a water plant pump from C and C Pumps & Supply. Alderman Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Supt Racey reported that Industrial Drive would be closed for one day due to watermain work the following week.
Alderman Racey updated council on the 50/100 mile run meeting that took place the prior week.
Alderman Tuey said the fire department had a very busy Halloween evening. Mayor Penrod thanked Joe Emery for the donation of candy to the department.
Mayor Penrod said a meeting was schedule with Milestone Water to discuss connection costs on November 21st.
Penrod said the Redbud Lane resurfacing project had started. One lane would remain open.
Penrod discussed cost estimates to provide a large volume of natural gas to Samron (Midwest Material) asphalt plant, currently in the development stages in the industrial park. Penrod reviewed draft estimates including gas metering station modification from Trunkline Gas in the amount of $496,450.00 (plus or minus 25%), and $150,000.00 to run a 6-inch gas line. Penrod said Samron (Midwest Material) would cover all costs for the metering station and line installation. Penrod said there would be a press release soon on the asphalt plant development. Discussion continued.
As there was no further business to discuss, Alderman Tuey made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Alderman Racey. Mayor Penrod adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.