Common Council Meeting |
Common Council Meeting |
Hardin County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Oct. 30.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Regular called meeting of the Hardin County Community Unit School District No. 1 met in the board room at the District office. The meeting was called to order by Britt Belford at 6:30 p.m. Present were: Greg McDowell, Britt Belford, Ryan Cowsert, Jana Cowgill and Colby Potts. Mike Dutton was absent. Administrators present: Andy Edmondson, Ira Cruson, and Susan Armstrong.
Ryan Vaughn, Jessica Cullum and members of the HCEA were recognized as guests.
Administrative reports:
Mr. Cruson reported on fire drill, trauma training and improved discipline.
Mrs. Armstrong discussed monthly reward days and the State Board summative for Jr. High.
Mr. Edmondson gave updates on the construction projects and discussed the upcoming tax levy.
A motion was made by Cowsert and seconded by Potts to approve the consent agenda as presented. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Belford and seconded by McDowell to approve the Teacher Vacancy Grant MOU with HCEA. Belford, yes; Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Cowgill and seconded by Cowsert to approve JH Archery activity account. Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Potts and seconded by Cowsert to approve the updated Athletic Policy. Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Belford and seconded by McDowell to approve the 2023 Maintenance Grant. Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes: Cowsert, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Cowgill and seconded by Potts to approve the addition of Jr High Golf. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Cowsert and seconded by Belford to approve the purchase of a 6 month CD with Banterra Bank for $1,500,000 at 5.25% interest. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Potts and seconded by Belford to enter into executive session at 7:01 p.m. Belford, yes; Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Potts and seconded by Belford to exit executive session at 7:14 p.m. Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Belford and seconded by McDowell to appoint Ryan Vaughn to the vacant board seat. Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by Potts and seconded by Cowsert to approve the October 30th BOE sheet as Presented. ∙ Approve volunteers: Natalie Griffith – Jr High volleyball
∙ Approve extra-curricular positions: Ian Jones – Sophomore Class sponsor
∙ Approve additions to the district sub list: Gerald Sanders – Cook, Custodian; Alisa Foster – Custodian; Keshia Mercurio – Secretary, Custodian, Cook.
Cowgill, yes; McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes: Cowsert, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.
A motion was made by McDowell and seconded by Potts to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. McDowell, yes; Belford, yes; Potts, yes; Cowsert, yes; Cowgill, yes. 5 yes, 0 no, motion carried.