
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Massac County Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Oct. 23

Massac County Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Oct. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Massac County Unit School District No. 1, Massac County, Illinois, was called to order in the Library of the Massac County High School, located at 2841 Old Marion Rd, Metropolis, IL, in said District at 6:31 PM by Mr. Mark Souders

Upon a roll call, the following members answered present:

Present: Jeff Brugger

William Holt

Kelly Jennings

Don Koch

Jennifer Larrison

Mark Souders

Also Present: Jason Hayes, Superintendent

Kristin Rousseau, Supt/Board Secretary

Absent: John Willis

At 6:32 PM with a motion from Larrison and a second from Brugger, the Board voted to go to Closed Session to consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or file. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

At 6:55 PM the Board returned to Open Session.

Public Comment/Invited Guests:

Jeff Stroder-Reviewed 2023 Audit

Nancy Holt and Tiffany Schultz from SCC Board of Trustees-Presented $500 check to the district and reviewed information about the partnership between SCC and the district.

A motion was made by Koch and seconded by Brugger to approve the consent agenda consisting of Minutes/Treasurer’s Report/Bills/Payroll. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

Superintendent’s Report

A. Revenue/Expenditures

B. Construction Project Updates

C. School Report Card Update

D. Upcoming Dates

Unfinished Business:

New Business:

With a motion from Jennings and a second from Larrison the Board voted to Approve the moving of the December Regular Meeting from December 25, 2023 to December 18, 2023 at 5:30p. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion from Koch and a second from Brugger the Board voted to Approve the FY24 School Maintenance Grant to replace broken/non-functioning bleachers at Massac Junior High School. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion from Brugger and a second from Larrison the Board voted to Approve the FY23 District Audit as presented. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

First reading of Policy Updates: 2:80, 2:170, 4:45, 4:100, 5:230, 6:10, 6:190, 6:240, 7:275, 7:305, 7:330, 8:25, 8:95 (posted online)

With a motion from Brugger and a second from Koch the Board voted to Approve the amended 2023/2024 School Calendar (adding school improvement days). Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.


With a motion made by Larrison and seconded by Brugger the Board voted to Approve the Retirement of Diana Gilbert-December 4, 2023. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion made by Brugger and seconded by Koch the Board voted to Approve the Retirement of Teressa Newbold-June 30, 2026. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion made by Brugger and seconded by Jennings the Board voted to Approve the Hiring of Meagan Musselman as MCHS Girls Bowling Coach. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion made by Brugger and seconded by Holt the Board voted to Approve the following Volunteers: Ryan White and Micah Tolbert-5th/6th Franklin Boys, Tyson Bormann and Brian Baker-5th/6th Jefferson Girls, Jacki Horman-5th/6th Jefferson Girls, and Sandra Griffes-Devoe-MCHS Girls Basketball. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion made by Brugger and seconded by Holt the Board voted to Expel Student C for the remainder of the school year. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion made by Jennings and seconded by Koch the Board voted to Expel Student D through Quarter 1 of the 2024/2025 school year. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

With a motion from Larrison and a second from Brugger the Board voted to adjourn at 7:28 PM. Roll call: Brugger, Holt, Jennings, Koch, Larrison, and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.
