
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Vienna Public School District 55 Board of Education met Oct. 16

Vienna Public School District 55 Board of Education met Oct. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The regular meeting of the Vienna Public School District #55 Board of Education was called to order by Mrs. Sherie Smith, President, at 6:00 p.m. with the following members present.


S. Smith, President

S. Borders, Vice-President

T. Betts, Secretary

P. Trovillion

S. Yadloski

C. Colson

Z. Moore



Others Present

G. Frehner, L. Hensley, S. Robinson, Jonathan Gearing (6:01-6:07).

Consent Agenda

Motion by Borders seconded by Colson to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Comments from Employees and Public

Jonathan Gearing, SRO spoke to the board and answered questions regarding the SRO position in the school.

Business of the Administration

(A) Treasurer's Report (1) fund balances (2) FY24 FRIS report (B) Administrative Reports (1) school improvement/internal review report (2) FY22 ISBE LEA determination review for VGS

Closed Session

Motion by Betts seconded by Colson to go in to closed session at 6:25 p.m. to discuss (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the district or legal counsel for the district including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the district or against legal counsel of the district, to determine its validity. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Trovillion seconded by Borders to come out of closed session and return to regular open session at 7:20 p.m. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Let the records show the following items were discussed: (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the district or legal counsel for the district including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the district or against legal counsel of the district, to determine its validity.

Appoint Board Representatives to PERA Committees

Motion by Betts seconded by Colson to appoint Dr. Frehner as the first board representative to the Senate Bill 7 (PERA) committee for the 2023-24 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Colson seconded by Borders to appoint Shawn Yadloski as the second board representative to the Senate Bill 7 (PERA) committee for the 2023-24 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Abstaining: Yadloski. Motion carried.

Motion by Borders seconded by Colson to approve the 2023-24 Vienna Public School district #55 PERA joint committee agreement, as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Approve Grouping Definitions

Motion by Borders seconded by Trovillion to approve the Vienna Public School District #55 SB7 grouping definitions agreement for the 2023-24 school year, as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

District Improvement Plan

Motion by Borders seconded by Moore to approve the Vienna Public School #55 continuous plan of district improvement for the 2023-24 school year, as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.


Motion by Betts seconded by Borders to authorize the voluntary transfer of Danielle Nagy to a paraprofessional librarian position for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Approve Matching Maintenance Grant/ HLS Amendment

Motion by Yadloski seconded by Borders to consider the approval of an FY24 ISBE Matching Maintenance Grant RFP and the use of Vienna Public School #55's Fire Prevention & Safety Funds to replace the roofing around the old gym during the summer of 2024. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Motion by Trovillion seconded by Borders to amend the Vienna School District #55's ten-year H/LS Plan to replace the roof around the old gym using ISBE Matching Grant Funds and local HL/S fund revenues in the summer of 2024. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Approve Snow Removal

Motion by Colson seconded by Borders to approve the snow removal bid proposal by Scott Engler Construction for the 2023-24 school year. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.

Approve PRESS Policies

Motion by Borders seconded by Moore to approve the recommended PRESS Plus policies, as presented. Roll call. Voting yes: Borders, Trovillion, Yadloski, Moore, Smith, Betts, Colson. Voting no: none. Motion carried.


D. Frehner thanked the board members, as it was Boss' Day.

Parent/teacher conferences will be October 17 and 19.


Motion by Betts seconded by Borders to adjourn at 7:44 p.m. All voted yea. Motion carried.
