Illinois State Board of Education, Performance Evaluation Advisory Council met Oct. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of July 17 Minutes
III. ISBE Update
a. Illinois Administrators Academy Update
b. Moving Forward with AA 2000
IV. Update on Principal Evaluator Work (AA3000) by Ms. Scott and Ms. Triezenberg/IPA
V. Team Updates
VI. Discussion
VII. Working Time for “New” Administrator Academy 2000:
a. Potential new student growth retraining AA to determine new AA objectives, identify resources/research, and assign ourselves homework. [A one-day Teacher Evaluation retraining Student Growth academy that is grounded nglish learners, students with disabilities; accessibility of assessment and data analysis; and calling out nuances for evaluators in the facilitator guide and facilitating conversations to prompt thinking as they do the training.]
VIII. Set Additional Meeting Dates to Develop New AA
IX. Public Comment
X. New Business
XI. Adjourn