Illinois State Board of Education, Ensuring Success in School Task Force Educator and Staff Training Subcommittee met Aug. 30.
Here are the minutes provided by the subcommittee:
Educator and Staff Training Subcommittee Members Present:
• Tai Basurto, Chicago Public Schools
• Sean Black, Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
• Kim Hefner, Riverside School District 96
• Melissa McCutchen, Carbondale Community High School
• Maria Robles Sinkule, Addison School District 4 (arrived late)
• Jil Tracy, State Senator, 47th District
Educator and Staff Training Subcommittee Members Absent:
• Jerrilyn Parker, West Harvey-Dixmoor School District 147
ISBE Staff Present:
• Dawn Frison-Cook, Assistant to the Chief Education Officer - Operations
Chair: Tai Basurto
Vice Chair: Maria Robles Sinkule
I. Welcome/Roll Call
Ms. Basurto brought the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. After welcoming everyone, Ms. Basurto asked for a roll call vote. A voice roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Basurto, HERE
Mr. Black, HERE
Ms. Hefner, HERE
Ms. McCutchen, HERE
Ms. Robles Sinkule, HERE
Sen. Tracy, HERE
A quorum was established.
II. Approval of Meeting Minutes (May 24, 2023 and July 19, 2023)
Ms. Basurto asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from May 24, 2023. Mr. Black made the motion to approve the minutes. Ms. McCutchen seconded the motion. A voice roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Basurto, YES
Mr. Black, YES
Ms. Hefner, YES
Ms. McCutchen, YES
Ms. Robles Sinkule, YES
Sen. Tracy, YES
The motion passed.
Ms. Basurto asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from July 19, 2023. Mr. Black made the motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Hefner seconded the motion. A voice roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Basurto, YES
Mr. Black, YES
Ms. Hefner, YES
Ms. McCutchen, YES
Ms. Robles Sinkule, YES
Sen. Tracy, YES
The motion passed.
III. Public Participation
There was no public comment.
IV. Continued Discussion on Document
Ms. Basurto shared a link to a document that members continue to work on from the last meeting. During the discussion, she asked about the need for different levels of training for stakeholders; Ms. McCutchen said there should be different levels of training, depending on what role the person plays in providing equitable services to students, but everyone should have some type of training. Ms. Hefner agreed with Ms. McCutchen; she also said that she doesn’t see in the language of the statute who specifically would need to be trained. In response, Ms. McCutchen said the statute doesn’t specify who needs to be trained. Ms. Basurto said she believes every staff member who works in a school building needs to be trained for compliance.
In revisiting the question to who must take this training, Ms. McCutchen said she believes that, ideally, everyone in the school, whether certified or not, be trained due to potential liability. Mr. Black and Ms. Hefner agreed.
In reviewing when and how often the training should take place, Ms. Basurto said that she understands that whoever is responsible for resolving the complaints must have, initially, eight hours of training, and then have six hours of training in subsequent years. Ms. McCutchen said the school day is not eight hours and, if mandated, coverage would be needed for 1.5 days to cover employees who are in training. Ms. Basurto suggested that the Illinois State Board of Education create a budget for schools to do this work. Ms. Hefner said as school personnel are required to do more and more trainings, the challenge is time, as that is truly limited.
Ms. Basurto asked if the training should reside in a virtual space such as Safe Schools; she also suggested this training to be incorporated with the required mandated reporter training.
In discussing what content should be part of training, Ms. Basurto said she believes that all staff should be trained on prohibiting any adverse action against a student victim; she said she also believe it should be provided within general staff training. Ms. McCutchen suggested the topic of a school providing accommodations, so potential issues of truancy doesn’t arise. In addition, Ms. Hefner suggested that a 504 Plan could be created for students who suffer from mental health issues as a trauma response.
While discussing who would provide the training, members shared names of some current providers and platforms that house training, in addition to in-person training. There also was discussion about how and where the training would be conducted and if there would be a checklist from the state that each school district develop its own training or is there a universal training that school districts receive that they would have to either put on a platform or deliver in person?
V. Next Steps Goals/Timelines
Ms. Basurto said the next meeting will be after the next task force meeting. Sen. Tracy said that the legislature often does cleanup bills; she also thinks it would be helpful on the end of the report to mention there may need to be a cleanup bill to fine-tune it. She also expressed appreciation for all of the comments the members made.
VI. New Business
There was no new business.
VII. Future Meeting Dates
Ms. Hefner said wanted to thank Sen. Tracy for recognizing this legislation and how it impacts schools. She also said every school is different and while there are lots of good intentions in this legislation, there are limited resources, especially in underfunded areas -- that needs to be addressed.
VIII. Adjourn
Ms. Basurto made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Robles Sinkule seconded the motion. A voice roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Basurto, YES
Mr. Black, YES
Ms. Hefner, YES
Ms. McCutchen, YES
Ms. Robles Sinkule, YES
The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.