
Southern Illinois News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Massac County Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met July 24

Massac County Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met July 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

II. Executive Session - To consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or filed.

III. Public Comment/Invited Guests


IV. Consent Approval

a. Minutes

b. Bills due/payable

c. Treasurer’s report

V. Superintendent’s Report

VI. Unfinished Business

VII. New Business

a. Consideration of the 2023/2024 Unit #1 Elementary Student Handbook and Massac County High School Student Handbook

b. Consideration of the six month review of the executive session minutes

c. Designation of City National Bank as Depository of District funds for 2023/2024

d. Designation of Banterra Bank as Depository of Student Activity Funds, Imprest funds, and other District funds for 2023/2024

e. Authorization for Paula Foss to write Imprest Checks as approved

f. Extend the authority to the administration to hire temporary substitutes for the district

g. Designate the following as Student Activity Fund Managers:

i. High School: Parker Windhorst

ii. Junior High School: Laura Hayes

iii. Metropolis Elementary School: JR Conkle

iv. Franklin/Jefferson Elementary: Candace Armstrong

v. Brookport/Unity Elementary: Brooke Durham

h. Designate Superintendent Jason Hayes as the chief investment officer and Title I Coordinator

i. Designate Thomas Walker as the District liaison to homeless children

j. Approve the following order of succession if the Superintendent is unable to act

i. Parker Windhorst, JR Conkle

k. Consideration of the Contract for OT, PT, VI, HI Services from JAMP as presented

VIII. Action Items from Executive Session

a. Personnel

IX. Adjournment
