
Southern Illinois News

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Metropolis City Council met May 8

City of Metropolis City Council met May 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

     The regular meeting of the City Council, City of Metropolis, Illinois was held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 8th, 2023 in Council Chambers of City Hall at 106 West 5th Street, Metropolis, Illinois. Upon roll call the following Council members were present: Alderwoman Michele Longworth, Aldermen Chuck Short, Chad Lewis, Jeremy Holley, Al Wagner, Dylan Chambers, Brian Anderson, Darryl Neill, Corporate Counsel Andrew Leonard, Mayor Don Canada, City Clerk Jan Adams and concerned citizens of Metropolis.


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Brian Anderson to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 4-24-2023 as presented;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea


     Amanda Ridel had concerns and shared her complaints about the lack of animal control. There are too many dogs roaming in her neighbor and throughout the city. She felt the fines should be increased especially for repeat offenders. Several dogs are neglected by their owners and their vaccinations are not up to date. She requested we look into increasing animal control’s budget and hire additional staff to provide microchipping, vaccines and testing for heartworms. She added working some evenings or weekends would help since they know animal controls hours. Amanda felt a play area was needed to lessen aggression in some dogs and would help with the adoption.


     Moved by Alderman Al Wagner and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to accept road closure of Market Street from the Northeast corner of the Courthouse lawn thru 8th Street for the Sperman Celebration from June 8th through June 11th;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Dylan Chambers and second by Alderman Al Wagner to accept road closure of 4TH Street between Ferry & Market for the Superman Celebration entertainment from June 8th through June 10th;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderwoman Michele Longworth to accept road closure of Metropolis Street between 3rd, & 4th, 4th Street between Park & Metropolis, and Park Street for “Summer Concerts at the Gazebo” on May 19TH, June 2nd, July 14th, August 4th, and September 1st; MOTION CARRIED:

Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     The mayor stated, we advertised the position after no one bid in-house. Natalie Harris, J.K. Thomas and myself conducted the interviews and need a motion to hire.

     Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Jeremy Holley to hire Water Plant Operator;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Chuck Short and second by Alderman Brian Anderson to approve purchase of old “Save A Lot” building to utilize for Happy Hearts Senior Center in the amount of $62, 747.17;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea


     The city is seeking bids on the following property. The ad will run three consecutive weeks in the Metropolis Planet.

     Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderman Brian Anderson to seek bids for sale of 611 West 11th Street;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     We are updating our travel expense policy to comply with the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act.

     Moved by Alderman Brian Anderson and second by Alderman Al Wagner to Adopt an Ordinance Amending Travel Expense Policy; 2023-06 MOTION CARRIED:

Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     We are changing the language to hire Human Resource personal. The position is currently appointed by the mayor with a set salary. This will no longer be appointed and the salary is negotiable.

     Moved by Alderman Chad Lewis and second by Alderman Brian Anderson to Adopt an Ordinance Amending Title III, Administration, Chapter 31, City Officers and Employees, Human Resources Director, Sections 31.163 Term of Office, 31.164 Method of Appointment, and Section Three Starting Salary; 2023-07


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Amending the ordinance will allow the host as well as the vender to be fined if they do not have a permit. The host should know who is on their property and asked for proof of permits.

     Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to Adopt an Ordinance Amending Title XI, Business Regulations, Chapter 114, Retail Food Establishments; 2023-08


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

There were two bids for 1803 Scott Street.

Quint Properties LLC bid $250.

Dustin Boos was awarded the bid in the amount of $1,001.

     Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to Adopt an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Municipally Owned Real Estate 1803 Scott Street; 2023-09


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

C & C Rentals was the only bid for 1011 Broadway in the amount of $1,500.

     Moved by Alderman Chuck Short and second by Alderwoman Michele Longworth to Adopt an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Municipally Owned Real Estate 1011 Broadway Street; 2023-10


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

Sharon Neill was the only bid for 509 Johnson Street in the amount of $1,010.10.

     Moved by Alderman Chuck Short and second by Alderwoman Michele Longworth to Adopt an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Municipally Owned Real Estate 509 Johnson Street; 2023-11


Anderson Yea 

Longworth Yea 

Chambers Yea 

Neill Abstain 

Holley Yea 

Short Yea 

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea


     Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of current Salaries, Payroll and Contract bills; MOTION CARRIED:

Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderwoman Michele Longworth and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of miscellaneous bills;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Jeremy Holley and second by Alderman Dylan Chambers that we go into Executive Session for reasons listed on the agenda; 7:30 p.m.


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Dylan Chambers and second by Alderman Chuck Short that we approve the minutes of the Executive Session and that they are to remain closed;


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea

     Moved by Alderman Darryl Neill and second Alderwoman Michele Longworth by to adjourn; 8:00


Anderson Yea

Longworth Yea

Chambers Yea

Neill Yea

Holley Yea

Short Yea

Lewis Yea 

Wagner Yea
