
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District #43 Board of Education met March 15

Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District #43 Board of Education met March 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Place of Meeting: Board Meeting Room, Jonesboro Elementary School, 309 Cook Ave., Jonesboro, IL

Meeting Type: Regular_X_

Name of person taking the minutes: Josh kelley

Name of the person presiding: Casey Johnson

I. Call the Meeting to Order: 6:00 pm

II. Roll Call

Roll Call: Aye or Absent

Mr. Justin Barlow P

Mr. Daryl Barnhart P

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson P

Mr. Josh Kelley P

Mr. Michael Penninger P

Mrs. Amy Scheffer P

Vote: Present 6 Absent 1

Tardy board member arrival name and time:

III. Approval of Meeting Agenda

Motion to approve the February 13, 2023 agenda-made byJustin Barlow seconded by Amy sheffer..

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye: 6 Nay: Abstain:

IV. Recognition of Guest, JEA Representatives, Board Addresses, and public comment

JEA rep Tammy Vicenzi

V. Consent Agenda:

● Approve minutes of previous meeting(s) - January 19, 2023

● Review and Payment of Bills through February 13, 2023

● Approve January 2023 treasurer’s report

● Approve the destruction of executive session recordings older than 18 months after the completion of the meeting recorded

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda-made by Daryl Barnhart seconded by Casey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

VI. School Administration Reports:

Principal - March is state testing 3-8 grade. Ms. Hargreaves spearheading the testing. Early dismissal school improvement website.. Valentines day luncheon.

Superintendent- second reading of Board Policy (leaves and absences) answer a question on covid policy. Earlier this month Colton Penrod 3 bids on that job across the road. Called a plumber to propose fixing drain line in front of school. Paving parking lots bid parking lots separate. Fence in front of school for safety reasons. After school art program 6-7 grade flyers are out and we have two interested. We have used 3 elearning days and 2 snow days May 25 is end of year at the moment.

VII. Closed Session - Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session:

● For the appointment, employment, compensation, or performance of specific employees of the public body - 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

Motion to adjourn to closed session - made by Josh kelley, seconded byJustin Barlow.

Time: 6:42 pm

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

Motion to re-enter open session - made by Casey Johnson, seconded byJosh Kelley.

Time to return to the open session: 7:00 pm.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

VIII. New Business (potential Action Items)

Motion to approve the hire of nurse, Jacklyn Plott

Made byJosh Kelley, seconded by Amy sheffer.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: hiring Marie Dallas as new 1st grade teacher for the start of the 23-24 school year pending background check and paperwork.

Made byDaryl Barnhart, seconded by Amy sheffer.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: hiring Jama Eddleman as new 3rd grade teacher for the start of the 23-24 school year pending background check and paperwork.

Made byJosh Kelley, seconded by Casey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek U

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: the hire of Braden Benefield as new baseball coach for the 23-24 school year.

Made byDaryl Barnhart, seconded byJustin Barlow.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: the second reading and adoption of board policy 110.

Made byJosh Kelley, seconded byCasey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: hiring Brooke Toedte, as the bowling coach for the 22-23 school year.

Made byAmy Sheffer, seconded byCasey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain

IX. President Prerogative

X. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Casey Johnson seconded by Josh kelley. Time: 7:13 pm.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow Y

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 6 Nay Abstain
