Hardin County Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met April 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1) Call to Order
2) Roll Call
3) Recognition of Guests/Public comments
4) Consent Agenda
a. Approve minutes of previous meetings
b. Approve destruction of executive session recordings older than 18 months after the completion of the meeting recorded
c. Review & payment of bills
d. Treasurers report
5) Administrative Report(s)
6) Bid opening for Drivers Education car
7) Authorize Superintendent to Amend 2022-23 Annual Budget
8) Authorize Superintendent to seek bids for Milk, Bread, Fuel, Food Services, and Trash for 2023-24 school term
9) Approve Trips
➢ FFA State Convention – Springfield, IL – June 13-15
10) Executive Session - (personnel, employment, compensation and review of executive session minutes)
11) Possible action items
a. Resignations
b. Employment
c. District Sub List
12) Appoint Superintendent as President pro tem
13) Appoint Superintendent as Secretary pro tem
14) Old Board of Education Adjourn “sine die”
1) Call to Order
2) Oath of Office
3) Roll Call
4) Nominate and elect board President
5) Nominate and elect board Vice President
6) Nominate and elect board Secretary
7) Nominate and elect board Secretary pro tem
8) Set dates and times of regular monthly meeting
9) Mandatory Board Training Review
10) Adjourn