Massac County Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met Feb. 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Executive Session - To consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or filed and to conduct a student suspension review hearing.
III. Hearings pursuant to Policy 8:30 to deny admission to school or events or meetings and action, if needed
IV. Executive Session (if necessary) - To consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or filed.
V. Public Comment/Invited Guests
VI. Consent Approval
a. Minutes
b. Bills due/payable
c. Treasurer’s report
VII. Superintendent’s Report
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX. New Business
a. Consideration resolution authorizing a supplemental property tax levy to pay the principal of and interest on outstanding limited bonds of the District
b. Consideration of accepting bids for Food Services, Student Pictures, and Student Insurance
c. Consideration of the proposed 2023/2024 school calendar
d. Consideration of the amended 2022/2023 school calendar
X. Action Items from Executive Session
a. Personnel
XI. Adjournment