
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District #43 Board of Education met Dec. 15

Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District #43 Board of Education met Dec. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

E-Learning Hearing

I. Call the Meeting to Order: 6:16 pm

II. Roll Call

Roll Call: Aye or Absent

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart P

Josh Cheek P

Mr. Casey Johnson P

Mr. Josh Kelley A

Mr. Michael Penninger A

Mrs. Amy Sheffer P

Vote: Present 4 Absent 3

Tardy board member arrival name and time:

This is the E-Learning hearing for the 22-25 school year here at Jonesboro Elementary School.

III. Motion to Adjourn E-Learning hearing, made by Casey Johnson seconded by Daryl Barnhart.

Time: pm

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Absent _________


I. Call the Meeting to Order: 6:30 pm

II. Roll Call

Roll Call: Aye or Absent

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart P

Mr. Josh Cheek P

Mr. Casey Johnson P

Mr. Josh Kelley A

Mr. Michael Penninger A

Mrs. Amy Scheffer P

Vote: Present 4 Absent 3

Tardy board member arrival name and time:

III. Approval of Meeting Agenda

Motion to approve the December 15, 2022 agenda-made by Daryl Barnhart seconded by Amy Sheffer..

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye: 4 Nay: Abstain:

IV. Recognition of Guest, JEA Representatives, Board Addresses, and public comment

Scott Hickam - presented the annual financial report. Walked board through many different pages from compliance notes, investor activity, bonds and cd, working cash bond and pensions.

Josh Shearer - 

V. Consent Agenda:

● Approve minutes of previous meeting(s) - November 17, 2022

● Review and Payment of Bills through December 15, 2022

● Approve November 2022 treasurer’s report

● Approve the destruction of executive session recordings older than 18 months after the completion of the meeting recorded

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda-made by Daryl Barnhart seconded by Josh Cheek.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

VI. School Administration Reports:

Principal - Band concert was well attended and very good. Thank you to Mrs. Reece the music teacher. Come back to school on 1-2-23 and will have a motivational speaker.

Superintendent - MOU with Head Start with board approval, Board petitions are due Monday the 19th of Dec. Solar panel meeting is next week. We are still making progress with the panel project.

VII. Closed Session - Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session:

● For the appointment, employment, compensation, or performance of specific employees of the public body - 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

Motion to adjourn to closed session - made by Josh Cheek, seconded byCasey Johnson.

Time: 6:56 pm

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to re-enter open session - made by Casey Johnson, seconded byDaryl Barnhart.

Time to return to the open session: 7:16 pm.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

VIII. New Business (potential Action Items)

Motion to approve 21-22 audit as presented.

Made byJosh Cheek, seconded byCasey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: E-Learning plan as presented.

Made byDaryl Barnhart, seconded by Casey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: MOU between Jonesboro and Southern 7 head start Pre-K Program January 23 - December 23.

Made byJosh Cheek, seconded by Casey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: Blake Pena as head coach of 5-6 grade boys basketball and Ross Pinnon as Volunteer coach.

Made byDaryl Barnhart, seconded byAmy Sheffer.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: Graduation date as May 19, 2023.

Made byJosh cheek, seconded byAmy Sheffer.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: Jason Leek as girls 5-6 grade basketball coach, and Andrew Williams as volunteer coach.

Made by,Daryl Barnhart seconded byCasey Johnson.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

IX. President Prerogative

X. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made byJosh Cheek_ seconded by Casey Johnson. Time: 7:31 pm.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow _

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek Y

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley _

Mr. Michael Penninger _

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain
