Alden-Hebron School District #19 Board of Education met Sept. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Norton called the meeting of the Board of Education of Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 to order at 7:03 p.m.
Roll Call
PRESENT: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
ABSENT: Mr. Madsen (in at 7:17), Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg
Tiffany Elswick-Superintendent, Katie Beck-SSC, Eric Slocum-ES Principal, Aaron Butler MS/HS Principal, Deanna VanderPal-DOM, Steve Fritsch, Ray Stalker, Pat Peterson
Colleen Geils-Instructional Coach
• 8/29/22: Letter from Patricia Peterson, VOH Trustee, announcing her resignation from the VOH Board of Trustees
• 9/1/22: Thank you from Hebron Community Food Pantry to HSFB Team and coaches for helping to unload their summer food delivery.
Public Comments:
Pat Peterson remarked that the Community Leaders Forum held at the Hebron Public Library this morning was informative and interesting and that the District and the Core Team have done a beautiful job planning and presenting the referendum. She added that, although she has resigned her position as a VOH Trustee, she plans to continue to work to improve the Village from the outside in.
Staff Comments:
• Colleen Geils stated that the opening remarks made by the Administration team at the all-staff in-service set the tone for a great school year.
• Mrs. Elswick offered a huge thank you to the community leaders and the Panel members who attended the Forum this morning at the Library. She also mentioned that Mr. Butler hosted a Parent University this afternoon at the MS/HS for them to better understand the online learning platform at the High School.
• Mr. Butler added that the Parent University went very well. The teachers presenting were well-prepared and were able to make the parents feel more comfortable with the platform. He would love to see more parents get involved at the HS level.
Board Comments:
Mr. Winkelman thanked Kate and Tiffany for their work on the Community Leaders Forum at the Library today.
Consent Agenda
*A. Approval of August 17, 2022, Regular and Executive Meeting Minutes
*B. Resolution to Adopt the TRS Supplemental Savings Plan
*C. Personnel Report
Mrs. Smith moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Madsen, Mr. Berg, Mr. Eskridge
Motion Carried
Information and Outreach:
Mrs. Johnson came prepared with a calendar of District/Community events at which BOE members will be able to share information and facts about the referendum that will be on the ballot at the November 8th General Election. BOE members signed up for various dates/events.
Public Comments:
Staff Comments:
Mrs. Elswick thanked the District employees who helped “behind the scenes” to prepare for the Community Leaders Forum this morning: Jim Hoss-Buildings & Grounds, Scott LeBaron-IT Director, Deanna VanderPal-DOM.
Mrs. VanderPal reminded the BOE and those present that September 20th is the first day prospective candidates can begin circulating petitions for the election in April, 2023. The District has 3 seats on the BOE that will be up for election then.
Board Comments:
Mrs. Johnson remarked that the Community Leaders Forum went well this morning; the tone between the panel and the community members was cordial and respectful. She feels that if the BOE members remain positive about the future of the district, sympathetic to the taxpayers, and continue to share their passion for the decisions that have been made, they will be able to maintain a good working relationship with the community.
Mrs. Smith moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:33pm. Motion carried.