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Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees met May 17

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees met May 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges – Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, Wabash Valley College – Community College District No. 529, Counties of Richland, Clark, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Wabash, Wayne and White, and State of Illinois, held in Room 118, at Lincoln Trail College, 11220 State Highway 1 Illinois, in said Community College District at 6:15 o’clock P.M.

AGENDA #1 – “Call to Order & Roll Call” – Chairman Gary Carter called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. and directed the Board Secretary, Renee Smith, to call the roll.

Roll Call: The Secretary called the roll of members present and the following trustees answered to their names as called and were found to be present: John D. Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda K. Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Also present was Raechel Hnetkovsky, student trustee. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. There being a quorum present, the Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction of business.

(Note: In accordance with Board of Trustees Policy No. 100.4, the student trustee shall have an advisory vote, to be recorded in the Board Minutes. The advisory vote may not be counted in declaring a motion to have passed or failed.)

Also present at this meeting, in addition to trustees:

Ryan Gower, Chancellor.

Jay Edgren, President of Frontier Community College.

Rodney Ranes, President of Olney Central College.

Matt Fowler, President of Wabash Valley College.

Andrea McDowell, Director of Human Resources.

Alex Cline, Director of Information & Communications Technology.

Renee Smith, Board Secretary.

AGENDA #2 – “Disposition of Minutes” – Open meeting minutes as prepared for the regular meeting held April 19, 2022, were presented for disposition.

Board Action to Approve Minutes: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve minutes of the foregoing meeting as prepared. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The voice vote was taken and the Chair declared the “Ayes” have it and the motion carried.

AGENDA #3 – “Recognition of Visitors & Guests” –

#3-A. Visitors & Guests: Visitors and guests present were recognized, including college staff members. Members of LTC community attended the meeting.

#3-B. IECEA Representative: Rob Mason was present and reported on commencement.

AGENDA #4 – “Public Comment” – None.

AGENDA #5 – “Reports” –

#5-A. Report from Trustees: Trustees reported on their experiences with last week’s graduation ceremony.

#5-B. Report from Presidents: Electronic reports were presented from each of the colleges.

#5-C. Report from Cabinet: None.

AGENDA #6 – “Policy First Reading (and Possible Approval)” –

#6-A. Board Policy 400.8 Minimum Faculty Qualifications Requirements: Revisions to the current 400.8 Minimum Faculty Qualifications Requirements were presented for approval by Chancellor Gower:


Minimum Faculty Requirements/Qualifications (400.8)

Date Adopted: December 19, 1989

Date Revised: November 15, 2011

Date Revised: June 16, 2015

Date Revised: December 8, 2015

Date Revised: XXXXX, 2021 (Pending Board Approval)

Administration will determine the need for faculty personnel to fill vacancies or to meet changing enrollment or changing demands within each area of instruction and will follow the minimum qualification requirements as listed below:

Transfer Programs: Preparation shall include a master’s degree with 18 graduate hours in the academic field, discipline, or subfield. The primary method of determination shall be by credentials, however other secondary methods may be considered when determining qualified faculty, such as tested experience, related training, and academic experience in the course and/or discipline area. Tested experience includes, but is not limited to, a breadth and depth of experience outside of the classroom in real-world situations relevant to the specific field, discipline or subfield to be taught; certifications or licensure in the field, discipline or subfield; and compliance with legal, governmental, and professional requirements, if applicable.

Basic Skills Courses: Preparation shall include a Bachelor’s degree with course work in the academic area to be taught.

Career and Technical Education Programs: Preparation shall include a bachelor’s degree in the field and/or a combination of education, training and tested experience. Tested experience includes, but is not limited to, one year (2,000 hours) employment experience in the specific occupational area to be taught; certifications or licensure in the field, discipline, or subfield; and compliance with legal, governmental, and professional requirements, if applicable. For those occupations which employment or preparation is regulated by law or licensure, such laws and licensing requirements shall take precedence.

Acceptable Coursework

A. All undergraduate credit must be earned from regionally accredited institutions an institution accredited by an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in courses associated with the discipline in which the instructor shall teach

B. All graduate credit hours must be earned at regionally accredited institutions from an institution accredited by an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in courses at the graduate level with the major emphasis in either professional educational studies or the discipline in which the individual shall teach.

C. Credit for graduate work done at foreign universities may be given at the discretion of the Board.

The District shall work with current and new faculty, who are otherwise performing well, to ensure that they meet the above requirements/qualifications. In some instances, a written education plan may be established for a faculty member.

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve revisions to Board Policy 400.8 Minimum Faculty Qualifications Requirements, effective immediately, and to waive second reading, as recommended. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#6-B. Board Policy 500.32 Open Admission: Revisions to the current 500.32 Open Admission as follow were presented for approval by Chancellor Gower.


Open Admission Policy (500.32)

Date Adopted: October 16, 2018

Revised: XXXXXX, 2022 (Pending Board Approval)

Students who are qualified to complete a program shall be admitted to Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IECC) through an open admission process, in accordance with all requirements respecting qualifications and preferences set forth in Illinois Complies Compiled Statutes, 110 ILCS 805/3-17 and 805/3-28 and in consideration of the guidelines established by the Illinois Community College Board.

Admission to the college IECC shall not guarantee the admission to all courses or programs of study. When space is limited in specific programs, IECC accepts those students best academically qualified, with preference given to students residing in the district or attending under a CAREER agreement.

IECC reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant when it is deemed IECC’s standards of student conduct might be put in jeopardy by such admission.

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges shall publish the open admission policy, procedures, and requirements in the catalog and on the website.

Admission to the college shall not guarantee financial aid eligibility.

Board Action: Trustee Brady Waldrop made a motion to approve revisions to Board Policy 500.32 Open Admission, effective immediately, and to waive second reading, as recommended. Trustee Roger Browning seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#6-C. Policy 500.37 International Student Health Insurance: New Policy 500.37 International Student Health Insurance as follows, was presented for approval by Chancellor Gower.


International Student Health Insurance Policy (500.37)

Date Adopted: ________________

Health insurance is mandatory for all international students enrolled at IECC campuses. International students who have F-1 and J-1 student visa categories are required to enroll in the IECC provided international insurance plan.

The insurance premium for this coverage will be added to the international students’ accounts. The premium will be assessed on a semester basis.

IECC shall enter into an agreement with an insurance provider to make available an IECC provided international insurance plan. The IECC provided international insurance plan will meet the minimum requirements of 22 CFR 62.14.

Certain students may be eligible to waive out of the IECC provided international insurance plan by providing proof of comparable health insurance coverage that meets the minimum requirements of 22 CFR 62.14.

Board Action: Student Trustee Raechel Hnetkovsky made a motion to approve Board Policy 500.37 International Student Health Insurance, effective immediately, and to waive second reading, as recommended. Trustee Roger Browning seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #7 - “Policy Second Reading”: None.

AGENDA #8 - “Staff Recommendations for Approval”:

#8A. Athletic Training Agreement LTC/Crawford Memorial Hospital: Chancellor Gower recommended approval of the annual renewal of the Athletic Training Agreement for LTC provided by Crawford Memorial Hospital. The training agreement is listed in full in the Board Agenda.

Board Action: Trustee Barbara Shimer made a motion to to approve the Athletic Training Agreement for Lincoln Trail College with Crawford Memorial Hospital. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion to approve the Athletic Training Agreement with Crawford Memorial Hospital and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8B. FY23 Activity Fee Allocations: The Chancellor recommended approval of the FY23 Activity Fee Allocations.

















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Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve the FY23 Activity Fee Allocations as recommended. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8C. Course Fees: The Chancellor recommended changes in the fee structure as follow.

A $20 fee (per student/per course effective Fall 2022) was recommended for the following courses: Clinical Fees:

1. PTA 1211 Clinical I

2. PTA 2249 Clinical II

3. PTA 2250 Clinical III

Lab Fees:

4. PTA 1203 PTA Clinical Processes

5. PTA 1205 Patient Care Interventions

6. PTA 1206 Functional Anatomy & Biomech.

7. PTA 1210 Field Experience for the PTA

8. PTA 2202 Musculoskeletal Therapy

9. PTA 2210 Multiple System Rehabilitation

10. PTA 2211 Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

District Administration notified the Board of intent to remove the $40 Course Lab fee for PHM 1204.

The following changes are a reassignment of existing course fees and do not represent a new or increased cost to program participants.

1. TEL 1202 Networking Fundamentals ($94)

2. TEL 1203 Combination Technician I ($167.50)

3. TEL 1204 Outside Plant Technician I ($375)

4. TEL 1232 Networking Fundamentals II ($94)

5. TEL 1234 Outside Plant Technician II ($375)

District Administration recommended a $10 fee (per student, per course effective Spring 2023) for the following courses:

1. CHM 1124 Elem Organic & Biochemistry

2. CHM 2120 Organic Chemistry

3. CHM 2122 Organic Chemistry

4. GEG 1104 Introductory Meteorology Lab

5. GEL 1110 General Geology

6. GEL 1112 Physical Geology

7. GEL 2111 Environmental Geology

8. LSC 1103 General Botany

9. LSC 1104 General Zoology

10. LSC 1106 Introduction to Biology

11. LSC 1109 Human Biology Lab

12. LSC 1111 Intro to Forensic Science

13. LSC 2104 Field Biology

14. LSC 2113 Human Cadaver Anatomy

15. PHY 1110 Survey of Physics

16. PHY 1111 Technical Physics I

17. PSC 1101 Intro to Physical Science

18. PSC 1112 Intro to Astronomy Lab

19. PSC 2101 Environmental Science

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to revise certain student fees as presented. Trustee Roger Browning seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8D. Affiliation Agreements: IECC enters into affiliation agreements with area health care facilities. The Chancellor recommended approval of affiliation agreements with Newton Care Center, Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Wabash Christian Retirement Center, Cozy Corner, Kiddie Kollege, Wayne County Health Department, and Deaconess Hospital.

Board Action: Trustee John Brooks made a motion to approve the affiliation agreements. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #9 - Bid Committee Report: The Chancellor reviewed the following Bid Committee report and recommended it be approved as presented.

The Bid Committee recommended acceptance of the bid received from Synapsis for a total of $879,771.64.

Synchronous Learning Classrooms





Board Action: Trustee John Brooks made a motion to approve the Bid Committee Report recommendation as presented. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #10 – “District Finance” – The following District financial matters were presented.

#10-A. Financial Reports: The monthly financial reports were presented, including the treasurer's report, showing the balance in all funds as of April 31, 2022.

10-B. Approval of Financial Obligations: District financial obligations (Listing of Board Bills) for May 2022, totaling $850,213.82, were presented for approval.

Board Approval for Payment of Financial Obligations: Trustee Roger Browning made a motion to approve payment of district financial obligations for May 2022, in the amounts listed. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #11 – “Executive Session” – The Board of Trustees did not hold an executive session at this meeting.

AGENDA #12 – “Approval of Executive Session Minutes” – The Board of Trustees did hold an executive session at the regular meeting, April 19, 2022. Chancellor recommended approval of the April 19, 2022 closed session minutes. Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve the executive session minutes as presented. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #13 – “Approval of Personnel Report” – Andrea McDowell presented the following amended Personnel Report and the Chancellor recommended approval.

400.1. Employment of Personnel

A. Professional, Non-Faculty, Non-Exempt

1. Trevin Milner, Coordinator of Public Information & Marketing, FCC, effective May 23, 2022.

B. Classified

1. Allison Stephens, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/OCC, effective May 23, 2022.

2. Angel Kerner, Advisor, LTC, effective May 23, 2022.

3. Clarence Burwell, Custodian, WVC, effective May 25, 2022.

400.2. Change in Status

A. Faculty

1. Chase Bramlet, Coordinator of Public Information & Marketing, WVC, to English Instructor, WVC, effective August 11, 2022.

400.3. Approval to Hire Program Director Financial Aid Prior to June BOT Meeting

400.4 Special Assignments

A. Faculty

1. Carla Cadwalader, Assistant Professor, WVC, Child Care Workforce Grant, effective May 23, 2022.

B. Classified

1. Trina Dunkel, Interim Coordinator of Financial Aid, DO/WVC, effective May 23, 2022.

400.5. Memorandum of Agreement with IEA/NEA and Bargaining Unit Faculty

400.6. Resignation Ratifications

A. Administrative

1. Andrea Puckett, Program Director of Financial Aid, DO, effective June 1, 2022.

B. Professional, Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Jamie Carman, Director of Advising & Retention, LTC, effective May 27, 2022.

2. Pamela Schell, Program Director, Adult Ed, FCC, effective May 21, 2022.

C. Classified

1. Holly Burns, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/WVC, effective May 10, 2022.

400.7. Retirement Ratification

A. Professional, Non-Faculty, Non-Exempt

1. Jane Owen, Coordinator of Financial Aid, DO/WVC, effective July 1, 2022.

Board Action: Student Trustee Raechel Hnetkovsky made a motion to approve the Personnel Report as recommended. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: Jan Ridgely. The motion having received 6 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #14 - “Collective Bargaining”: None.

AGENDA #15 - “Litigation”: None.

AGENDA #16 - “Other Items”: None.

AGENDA #17 - “Adjournment”: – Trustee Roger Browning made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The voice vote was taken. The Chair declared the “Ayes” have it, the motion is adopted, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.



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