City of Anna City Council met April 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Anna City Council met in regular session at Anna City Hall at 5:01 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steve Hartline. The roll call went as follows: Present were Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline. None were absent.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 15, 2022 ANNA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES AS THE OFFICIAL MINUTES OF SAID MEETING. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Administrator Dori Bigler gave the council a handout on revenue for the city. She also gave a handout on public nuisance properties for the council to consider for the upcoming demolition budget. As the Budget Officer for the city, Administrator Bigler then gave a presentation on the proposed FY23 Budget.
Administrator Dori Bigler reported on the following projects: (1) The lead-time for materials for the downed streetlight at E. Davie & Main is the end of May. (2) Last meeting the UCCCED had an application for the Farmer’s Market on the agenda and a comment was made regarding changing the parking due to safety concerns. Administrator Bigler spoke with the Chamber, who said they have never received any complaints and don’t desire to change it. The city was contacted by a farmer who also requested that we don’t change the set up. Therefore, there won’t be any updates to the set up this year. (3) The City of Anna’s Tree City USA committee is participating in the ‘adopt a river’ program with Living Lands and Waters and adopted the first 1.5 miles of the cache river. On Saturday, March 26th, there was a river clean up with tree committee members, Boy Scout Troop 44 and the AJ Garden Club. (4) As part of Tree City USA, we participate in both Arbor Day and Earth Day. This year we were able to get free saplings for every District 37 student from Living Lands and Waters. Those will be handed out later this week. (5) Previously it was reported that Administrator Bigler is working with the Active Transportation Alliance on making the Walmart corridor more bike/walk friendly. A survey, flyer and QR code was put on social media to get input from the community. Within a few hours, there was already 117 responses, so we feel that this is an issue that is important to many residents. (6) Administrator Bigler has engaged the city engineer to look into the WWTP capacity with the expansions happening at Aeriz. We pulled some data and realized that we have plenty of capacity, but there is an infiltration issue. On a rainy/wet day, 2/3 of what we process is infiltration. We will be getting together some ideas, trying to isolate the problem areas and will have a project in the near future. (7) The Police Department supplied the District 37 Art Club with paint and they plan to start their picnic table project in the next week. (8) The new fire truck was expected to be delivered in May; it now looks like July. We will keep the council informed on any more delays.
Mayor Hartline pointed out that there will be a public hearing for the budget at 4:30 before the next regularly scheduled council meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-05; MAKING THE TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay - none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Administrator Bigler reported that previously an agreement was passed with Just Chill to operate the park concession stand, it was then amended to add the month of April. Just Chill submitted a proposal to operate the pool concession stand and the resolution on the agenda includes all of the previous language as well.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-06; AUTHORIZING AND APPORVING AN AGREEMENT WITH JUST CHILL TO OPERATE THE CONCESSION STANDS AT THE ANNA, ILLINOIS CITY PARK AND CITY POOL. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the resolution for mutual aid with Union County Rescue. Mayor Hartline asked Chief Dammerman if there will be notification made to 911. Chief Dammerman explained that once the council approves this, he will talk with Dana Pearson and then get the information to dispatch.
A motion was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-07; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH UNION COUNTY RESCUE CONCERNING RESCUE CALL MUTUAL AID A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 2022-08; DECLARING AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS, PERSONAL PROPERTY. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF $9,075 FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the liquor license for the Union County Fair. Administrator Bigler reported that the Mayor, herself and Commissioner Bigler met with members of the Southern Illinois Fair Board to discuss their proposed liquor application. They are requesting two alcohol areas this year, one is under the grandstand, but does not include the grandstands. The other is in the midway. Both are contained with a fence. Commissioner Bryan pointed out that they will not be serving alcohol on Sunday.
A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR
THE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS FAIR BOARD ASSOCIATION. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Commissioner Bryan abstained. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A ZONING PERMIT FOR 142 LEIGH AVE. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A PARK USAGE APPLICATION FOR SIBSA FOR APRIL 1, 2022 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. Commissioner Bryan abstained. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Miller that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A ZONING APPLICATION FOR 121 TURNER AVE. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A SIGN APPLICATION BY CANEDY SIGN & GRAPHICS AT 120 N MAIN STREET. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A SIGN APPLICATION FOR ROD MCINTOSH AT 803 BRADY MILL ROAD. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A SIGN APPLICATION FOR ROD MCINTOSH AT 608 S MAIN STREET. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO APPOINT JOHN HUGHEY TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR A 5-YEAR TERM ENDING APRIL 30, 2027. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Miller that it be RESOLVED TO APPOINT FRANK LAFOON TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR A 5-YEAR TERM ENDING APRIL 30, 2027. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Bigler reported that he was approached by John Bigler, who is representing the estate of Bill Cunningham, about some lots that are available on North Main Street. Mr. Bigler wanted to know if the city was interested in purchasing these lots. Commissioner Bigler explained that he just wanted the council to be aware that it was available if there was interest. It is the parking lot of Swaffords, which has some sort of agreement for parking and the lot behind.
Commissioner Bigler also reported that when he met with the fair board members regarding their liquor license application, he also brought up the wear and tear on E-Field. He explained that our new fencing will be going up after the SIBSA season, with Denny and E Fields receiving all new fencing. Commissioner Bigler stated that he doesn’t think the city should allow the fencing to be taken down once the new is put in place. He stated that the conditions of E Field will never be up to par if it is continued to be utilized during the fair week. Administrator Bigler pointed out that the city spent an extra $11,000 to get removal panels for E Field. Commissioner Bigler stated that he believes the fencing won’t last as long if we continue to take down the panels and put them back up. He said that he would like a meeting between Matt Denny, the city, the fair board and even SIBSA prior to the installation. Mayor Hartline asked the Police and Fire Chiefs about emergency access. Chief Dammerman stated that if E Field fencing remained in place, a fire truck wouldn’t be able to fit and the access would be blocked. Commissioner Bigler stated that he would involve both chiefs when he schedules a meeting. Commissioner Bigler stated that our fences and fields must be put back and left at our standards. Commissioner Bigler inquired what we were doing with the old fencing. Public Works Manager Gary Dahmer stated that he was approached by Josh Schlenker, asking if the city would donate them to Lick Creek School. PWM Dahmer stated that he told Mr. Schlenker to approach the council when it is closer to time.
Commissioner Webb stated that she wanted to commend the Anna Police Department. One of her neighbors had a stranger knock on her door and an officer happened to drive by and see, stopped, and helped the situation. Commissioner Webb stated that she really appreciates all they do on her end of town, it means so much.
Commissioner Webb also pointed out that the blue lights at City Hall and the City Park look so nice for child abuse awareness.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL AT 6:07PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bigler that it be RESOLVED TO EXIT CLOSED SESSION AT 6:15PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE PREVIOUSLY READ CLOSED SESSION MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 2022 AS THE OFFICIAL CLOSED SESSION MINUTES OF SAID MEETING. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED THAT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 2022 BE ADJOURNED AT 6:16 PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.