Union County Board of Commissioners met March 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Roll Call
Commissioners in attendance are Darryl Harvell, Kent Pitts, Bobby Toler Jr., Max Miller & David Gould.
II. Call Meeting to Order
. The Union County Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting in the Union County Courthouse Community Room at 08:30am. County Board Chairman Max Miller called the meeting to order.
III. Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes- 2/25/22 Mr. Toler made the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes and Mr. Harvell seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES
Kent Pitts YES
Max Miller YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
IV. Public Comments
Lindsey Rye, is a former employee of the Union County Animal Control and on Friday, March 5th, she went to UCAC to drop off items for donation, she was concerned with the amount of trash and cleanliness of the facility. She then asked if the Valentine Fund is being used.
Mary Faulkner, handed out letters from other concerned citizens about the UCAC. Mr. Miller then reminded Ms. Faulkner of the Public Comment regulations and that there will be no comments about individuals or groups. Ms. Faulkner assured Mr. Miller that they are not. Ms. Faulkner stated that she has volunteered at the UCAC for more than 15 years. She listed many originations and had made monetary donations for animal rescues in the area. She then asked if in the job description for the UCAC Administrator, it lists that it is up to administration to perform the duties of a kennel tech if it is needed and answer to the public if there are questions.
Pamela Marsh, wanted to present a letter she wrote to Stacy at the Department of Ag. Her letter was about the concerns for the animals at UCAC. She also stated that she has recently witness unfit living conditions at UCAC. She wants to know what she can do to help fix these issues.
Sue Hironimus, stated that she fosters many dogs and cats from UCAC. She is concerned about the facility and it bad enough she will not bring animals to her house anymore because of the facility's conditions and the possibility of bring that into her house. She also asked what she can do to help get the facility back in proper operation. She also wants to know what the regulation on disposal of the animals waste at the facility.
Russ Marsh, stated that he transports a lot of the animals but what the UCAC needs is volunteers to help.
Dale Moreland wanted to let the board know that the problem from two weeks ago with the dogs in his cattle is still on going and the dogs have still been in his cattle.
Mr. Miller wanted to let the public know that they are working on the issues and they have been heard and it is under consideration.
V. Committee Reports
Mr. Harvell stated that he attended a Southern Five Regional Meeting and the new Union County citizen board position person, Stephanie Cox and he thinks she is a great asset. The Village of Cobden is waiting for grant funds for a new police car. The Village is waiting on an award for new hand rails. Village of Dongola has sent off paperwork for an upgrade on their sewer system. The City of Anna will being starting a Revolving Loan Program within the City. Mr. Harvell invited Tiffany George to come to a board meeting to give an update on the Southern Five plans.
VI. Building Permits
1. 08-50-06-292-2 7962 St. Rt. 146 W. for McLane Real Estate Holdings
Mr. Pitts made the motion to approve the building permit and Mr. Harvell seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES
Kent Pitts YES
Max Miller YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
A. Approve Payment of Bills
Mr. Pitts made the motion to pay the bills and Mr. Harvell seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES
Kent Pitts YES
Max Miller YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
B. Shawnee Community College Update - “SCC Impact/Happenings in Union County" Dr. Tim Taylor - Tabled
C. Declaration of Surplus Property - Plat Scanner/Printer -County Clerk & Recorders Office Mr. Miller made the motion to surplus the plat scanner/printer and Mr. Pitts seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES Kent Pitts
YES Max Miller
YES Bobby Toler Jr. YES David Gould YES
Motion Passed D. Approval of Engineering Contract - Wing Hill Road
Mr. Pitts made the motion to approve the contract and Mr. Harvell seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES
Kent Pitts YES
Max Miller YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
E. Approval of Engineering Contract - St. John/Cypress Road
Mr. Pitts made the motion to approve the contract and Mr. Toler seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES
Kent Pitts YES
Max Miller YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed
F. Resolution to Approve Compensation for Certain Elected Officials
X. Executive Session
XI. Other Business
Lance Meisenheimer, Union County Clerk, advised the board that the Voter's Registration Purge Cards have been sent out. He advised that it is done to keep up the voter registration rolls to date and to be on the lookout for it when it comes in the mail.
Mr. Harvell wanted to address the citizens with the UCAC concerns and thinks a committee needs to be formed to help with the issues.
Mr. Miller stated that April is Child Abuse Awareness Month and March 31st Mr. Miller will be reading the proclamation in front of the courthouse at 9:00am.
XII. Adjournment
Mr. Pitts made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Harvell seconded the motion.
Darryl Harvell YES
Kent Pitts YES
Max Miller YES
Bobby Toler Jr. YES
David Gould YES
Motion Passed 9:10am