
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District #43 Board of Education met Jan. 20

Webp meeting 05

Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District #43 Board of Education met Jan. 20

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call the Meeting to Order: 6:30 pm

II. Roll Call

Roll Call: Aye or Absent

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart P

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson P

Mr. Josh Kelley P

Mr. Michael Penninger P

Mrs. Amy Scheffer P

Vote: Present 5 Absent 2

Tardy board member arrival name and time:

III. Approval of Meeting Agenda

Motion to approve the January 20, 2022 agenda-made by Michael Penninger seconded by Daryl Barnhart.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye: 5 Nay: Abstain:

IV. Recognition of Guest, JEA Representatives, Board Addresses, and public comment

Mr. Scott Hickam - Audit report, Financially the school is in good financial condition

Mrs. Ramsey - JEA representative

V. Consent Agenda:

Approve minutes of previous meeting(s) - December 16, 2021

Review and Payment of Bills through January 20, 2022

Approve December 2021 treasurer’s report

Approve the destruction of executive session recordings older than 18 months after the completion of the meeting recorded

Motion to approve the Consent or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

VI. School Administration Reports:

Mr. Stark - IAR testing for 3-8 grade and ISA testing for 5 and 8 grade will start in march. Mid terms for 3rd quarter approaching. Feb. 4th. Girls basketball won regionals and advance to state.

Mr. Westall - Jan. 1% sales tax was $117,922 for the whole county. We got $16,550. We have a few minor maintenance project to work on, sprinklers, bleachers, new internet access points. Press Policy is being worked on. Discussion on staying with our architect Baysinger for the time being and looking at switching architects at the end of the summer if we want to.

VII. Closed Session - Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session:

For the appointment, employment, compensation, or performance of specific employees of the public body - 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

Motion to adjourn to closed session - made by Josh Kelley, seconded byCasey Johnson.

Time: 7:01 pm

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 4 Nay Abstain

Motion to re-enter open session - made by Daryl Barnhart, seconded byCasey Johnson.

Time to return to the open session: 7:13 pm.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

VIII. New Business (potential Action Items)

Motion to approve the FY 21 Audit as presented by Scott Hickam .

Made byCasey Johnson, seconded byDaryl Barnhart.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: Tammy Beggs as the bowling Coach.

Made by Michael Penninger, seconded by Josh Kelley.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: Tyler Jerrell as a part-time custodian as presented .

Made by Daryl Barnhart, seconded by Michael Penninger.

Roll Call: Aye or Nay or Abstain

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: Kevin Cox ss 5th and 6th grade girls basketball coach, along with Kassi Needling and Marley Smith as volunteer coaches.

Made byDaryl Barnhart, seconded byMichael Penninger.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

Motion to approve: the TRS new Supplemental Savings Plan .

Made byCasey Johnson, seconded byDaryl Barnhart.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y

Vote: Aye 5 Nay Abstain

IX. President Prerogative

X. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made byCasey Johnson seconded by Josh Kelley. Time: 7:20 pm.

Roll Call:

Mr. Justin Barlow A

Mr. Daryl Barnhart Y

Mr. Josh Cheek A

Mr. Casey Johnson Y

Mr. Josh Kelley Y

Mr. Michael Penninger Y

Mrs. Amy Sheffer Y
