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Monday, December 23, 2024

City of Anna City Council met Feb. 15


City of Anna City Council met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Anna City Council met in regular session at Anna City Hall at 5:07 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steve Hartline. The roll call went as follows: Present were Commissioner Michael Bigler, Commissioner Kathy Bryan, Commissioner Bryan Miller, Commissioner Martha Ann Webb and Mayor Steve Hartline. None were absent.

A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVETHEFEBRUARY 1ST, 2022 ANNA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES AS THE OFFICIAL MINUTES OF SAID MEETING. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

City Administrator Dori Bigler reported that Randy Buelna will be attending the meeting on March 1, 2022.

Tanya Loveless addressed the council. Ms. Loveless requested that South Main Street be included in a snow route. She stated that she understands that IDOT handles this route but it is difficult to park and visit downtown businesses. The snow is plowed into the parking spaces. She pointed out that she understands that the sidewalk is the responsibility of the business owners, but the parking is the issue. Mayor Hartline said that he thinks this is a good idea and that we will have to look into this and work with IDOT. Commissioner Bryan asked if we clear the parking lots on Davie. Public Works Manager Gary Dahmer stated that we partially clear them. Commissioner Bigler stated that the proposal is for the city to put up signs for no parking and then IDOT could fully plow the route and spaces. Mayor Hartline said that Administrator Bigler and PW Manager Dahmer will follow up with IDOT.

Administrator Dori Bigler reported on the following projects: (1) Our 2021 Tree City USA application was approved. This is the city’s 4th year as a Tree City USA. We also made an application for a growth award and received this recognition. This is the 1st year for a growth award. (2) Roy Turner is no longer employed at the city, he quit on Friday, February 4th. (3) This is a follow up regarding the 2022 Union County Animal Control agreement. The Village of Cobden tabled this again, and so did Dongola. Jonesboro passed it but stated that they would liked to have seen some type of warning on the increase, prior to the agreement being presented. Mayor Hartline asked if Administrator Bigler has spoken with the Union County Administrator. Administrator Bigler stated that yes, she had spoken with Angie Johnson prior to the council vote and reported that out during that meeting prior to their vote. Administrator Johnson said that they now believe they have their staffing issue at Animal Control fixed. (4) The annual Statement of Economic Interest forms are in the councils mailboxes. This year we included an informational sheet from IML because there are changes in the reporting requirements. (5) Earlier this week, Administrator Bigler sent an email to the council requesting that they reach out to our Senator’s regarding SB2298 to express our opposition. This bill changes the TIF law. Administrator Bigler ran down the top three reasons, she believes, that this bill is detrimental. The three reasons are: 1. SB2298 changes the period from 23 years to 10 years; 2. A TIF can be extended 15 years, rather than 35 years; and 3. It adds two very specific factors to the definition of blighted area. Commissioner Bigler asked if this bill passed, would the city’s TIF be grandfathered in. Administrator Bigler stated that our TIF would remain unchanged, but she would need to check if this would affect the renewal period. It would affect any new TIF created in the future, if the bill was passed. (6) the City’s natural gas comes through the TETCO pipeline. As of April 1, 2022 the pipeline will be increasing its transportation fees from $0.75 to $1.07 per dekatherm. This is a fee on top of the market price per dekatherm. (7) Administrator Bigler reported that she is working with PWM Gary Dahmer and Foreman Scott Wagner on a Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Efficiency Grant. We were awarded a grant from this program last year, this will be round two of this funding. We previously got VFDs. This round we are applying for an automated DO monitoring system. This will work hand in hand with the previously installed VFDs and combined, we would be able to then reduce our energy consumption by around 20%. (8) Administrator Bigler brought up streaming council meetings. Administrator Bigler reported that lots of positive feedback was received by the public when our meetings were virtual during COVID. Unless there is an objection, beginning at the next meeting, the video will be recorded and then uploaded the next morning on the City’s YouTube Channel: City of Anna, IL.

The Mayor addressed the members of the Union County Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development’s Annabelle Festival Planning Committee and said that their agenda item would be next. Those in attendance were Tracey Smith, Tanya Loveless and Lee Hackney. Administrator Bigler reported that Commissioner Webb and herself have been part of the UCCCED’s Annabelle Festival planning committee. The Chamber has held the Annabelle Festival in the City of Anna for the last 9 years. The City of Anna has never financially helped with the festival. In the agenda packet is a city usage application for the Annabelle Festival, which includes details about the request for the event to be co-sponsored by the City of Anna. Outlined in the application were the following requests: this would be considered a city-sponsored event and therefore the city block party would apply, the city will provide port-a-pots, trash cans, block the roads and fence off the alcohol area; the Anna Police Department would serve as the security plan; and an expense of $500 would be paid to the UCCCED to go towards professional marketing of the event through the firm TMG. The request also points out the request to work this into the budget year over year so that the UCCCED and the city can work together to make this festival better. If this is not in the current budget, the festival is in June and the new budget begins in May, so it could be in the next fiscal year.

Commissioner Bigler asked if the only costs would be the $500 for advertising and the staffing for public works and police department. Administrator Bigler pointed out that port-a-pots will cost around $945. Mayor Hartline stated that this is good timing with the new budget coming out. Administrator Bigler said that yes, it could be worked into next year’s budget, and this would then be the 4th festival that the city sponsors for the year, which is doable with current staffing levels. Mayor Hartline asked Ms. Smith about the special event liquor license and if other businesses wanted to participate. Ms. Smith said that they got commitment from Starview Vineyards but they would be open to others. Commissioner Bryan asked if other bars and restaurants could still participate. Administrator Bigler said that yes, this would be treated just like Colorfest and a city block party. Commissioner Bigler praised the ladies and the committee for their hard work and for supporting the community. Commissioner Bryan asked if it rains, will it be cancelled? Ms. Smith stated that if it rained, many of the events could be moved into the Arts Center. Commissioner Bryan stated that moving the music would be difficult. Ms. Smith said that they would be looking into a plan, possibly talk to other vendors such as Davie School Inn. Commissioner Bryan asked how many food vendors they are planning to have. Ms. Smith stated that they currently have two. Administrator Bigler said that once the council approves the application, city staff will call the vendors from Colorfest to see if they would be interested in participating. Commissioner Bryan stated that her concern was that the brick-and-mortar shops wouldn’t get business. Administrator Bigler stated that only local businesses would be invited and based on Colorfest, everyone did really well.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Miller that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE CITY USAGE REQUEST FROM THE UNION COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR THE 2022 ANNABELLE FESTIVAL ON JUNE 11, 2022. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE TO PAY THE BILLS. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

Administrator Bigler reported that a bid opening was held on January 25, 2022. Four bids were received for the project and they ranged from $305,450 to $387,040. Ted Beggs wrote a recommendation that we accept the bid from Wiggs Excavating for $305,450.00

A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO ACCEPT THE BID FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FROM WIGGS EXCAVATING, INC. FOR $305,450.00. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay - none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

Administrator Bigler explained that the Employee/Retiree Health Insurance Committee met on Monday, February 7th. The committee was Dori Bigler, Danyelle Dodd, Tim Smith, Austin Pender, Retiree Mike Stegle, and Commissioner Martha Ann Webb. Of all the insurance quotes, our current provider BCBS was the lowest and everyone seems very pleased with this company. Although it was the cheapest quote, it is still an increase of 10% from the current rates. The committee makes the recommendation to renew our current health insurance with BCBS.

A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-03; APPROVING EMPLOYEE/RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

City Administrator Bigler explained that Shawnee Mass Transit wanted to buy a lot and a half from the Tri D Subdivision. We informed them that Tri D had to re-subdivide the lots because a half of a lot could not be sold. The following resolution is to re-subdivide lots 5, 6 and 7. Our city engineer has approved this as well.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-04; APPROVAL TO A CERTAIN PLAT OF RE-SUBDIVISION FOR LOTS 5, 6, & 7 OF TRI D SUBDIVISION. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

Mayor Hartline as Liquor Commissioner explained that Don Sol 2 has met the requirements for a liquor license, the only item we are waiting on is a copy of the Illinois State Liquor license.

A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Miller that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE A RESTAURANT/LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR DON SOL 2, INC. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. Commissioner Bryan abstained. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A discussion was held regarding Ordinance 2016-04 which regulates signs in the City of Anna. As was previously discussed, there are numerous signs in town that violate this ordinance and the council is willing to update the ordinance. Administrator Bigler reported that she and City Attorney Foley need to know what the council wishes for the rules to be in order to put together a new ordinance. Mayor Hartline said that he doesn’t mind the signs but we don’t want flashing-colored lights all over. Commissioner Bryan commented that you don’t want a sign to be hazardous. She then inquired if anyone has noticed any signs that cause an issue. Chief Watkins said that Steve Landreth’s sign can be when it is raining. Commissioner Bryan inquired if there was a way to measure brightness. Administrator Bigler suggested that she do some research on sign regulations in other communities and report back.

Discussion was held regarding Just Chill operating the concession stand during the AJCHS booster club concession stand. Commissioner Bigler suggested that Administrator Bigler call the Athletic Director at AJCHS and the Russell’s with Just Chill so that they can work together. Administrator Bigler said that she would reach out to both of them.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE CITY USAGE REQUEST FOR AJ HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL SEASON FEBRUARY 20, 2022 – MAY 31, 2022. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Miller that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE CITY USAGE REQUEST FOR ANNA KIWANIS EASTER EGG HUNT ON APRIL 9, 2022, WITH A RAIN DATE OF APRIL 16, 2022. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and

Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

Commissioner Bigler wanted to discuss Ordinance 2022-05; Council Censure Policy since Mayor Hartline was absent at the previous meeting when the ordinance was approved. Commissioner Bigler pointed out that Mayor Hartline did not want the council to table this ordinance in his absence. Commissioner Bigler reported that the discussion at the last meeting included the following comments; 1. Would it go back to the past? This ordinance would only affect actions while in your term of office. Administrator Bigler commented that the ordinance doesn’t specify a time limit, but that it is related to your job as commissioner. 2. This will not lead to petty items. Commissioner Bigler addressed Mayor Hartline and said that this ordinance stems from previous meetings regarding items with Commissioner Miller, his actions and consequences. Mayor Hartline agreed. Mayor Hartline stated that if a complaint comes up in the future, he will discuss it with City Attorney Foley. If he is doing the investigating, he will bring back founded or unfounded. City Attorney Foley stated that yes, it would be brought initially to the council.

Commissioner Bigler stated that in his meeting with Mayor Hartline, they discussed the Mayor’s authority of appointing commissioners over departments; that is a power that is given and it is a privilege. Commissioner Bigler said he feels that Commissioner Miller’s appointment over Police and Fire should be suspended due to his actions. Commissioner Webb agreed that maybe the appointment needs to be removed. Mayor Hartline said that he has never had to deal with this during his tenure and he would need to check with City Attorney Foley to see if this is even a possibility.

Commissioner Webb reported that Rich Elliot found an old City of Anna flag at the Vienna Town Square Mall antique store and he presented it to the city today. The AJ Women’s Club had a contest for making a city flag and Adolph Walter won the contest.

Commissioner Bryan brought up street sweeping and the possibility of renting a street sweeper. A new street sweeper would cost upwards of $120k new and $80k used, while renting would cost $4,500 for a week or $10,000 a month. Commissioner Bryan stated that she just wanted the council to start thinking about it. Commissioner Webb stated that she still believes we need to purchase one. Commissioner Bigler stated that if we rent one, we can see if we like the results. Commissioner Webb stated that the money it costs to rent one could go towards the purchase price instead. Administrator Bigler asked PWM Dahmer about how long it takes to street sweep the entire town. PWM Dahmer stated that he talked with Billly Sharp, Street Foreman, and they thought a full week should cover the town. Commissioner Webb pointed out that the sweeper must be emptied and that was an issue before. Commissioner Bryan stated that we would need to notify vehicles that they can’t park in the street. Mayor Hartline asked Administrator Bigler if this was in the budget. Administrator Bigler pointed out that a few months ago when we first had this discussion it was determined that we would try to work the rental costs in the FY23 budget. Administrator Bigler is currently working on the budget and has this in her notes from the last discussion. PWM Dahmer said that he would get some updated pricing on new and used street sweepers and report back to the council.

Mayor Hartline stated that he received no complaints regarding the remove of snow and ice and wanted that passed along to the street crew.

Commissioner Bryan addressed Chief Watkins regarding recent crimes and a recent arrest. Chief Watkins said that yes, an arrest has been made.

A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL AT 6:13PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mayor Hartline and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL AT 6:13PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bigler and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO EXIT CLOSED SESSION AT 7:11PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commissioner Webb that it be RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE CLOSED SESSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 2022 AS PREVIOUSLY READ AS THE OFFICIAL MINUTES OF SAID MEETING. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Webb and seconded by Commissioner Bryan that it be RESOLVED THAT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 15, 2022 BE ADJOURNED AT 7:11 PM. A vote was taken upon the motion with the following results. Commissioner Bigler, Commissioner Bryan, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Webb and Mayor Hartline voted yea. Nay – none. None were absent. Mayor Hartline declared the motion carried.



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