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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board met Sept. 21

Webp meeting 11

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board met Sept. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges – Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, Wabash Valley College – Community College District No. 529, Counties of Richland, Clark, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Wabash, Wayne and White, and State of Illinois, held in the Bob Boyles Hall, at Frontier Community College, 2 Frontier Drive, Fairfield, Illinois.

AGENDA #1 – “Call to Order & Roll Call” – Chairman Gary Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and directed the Secretary to call the roll.

Roll Call: The Secretary called the roll of members present and the following trustees answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

John D. Brooks (via Zoom), Gary Carter, Brenda K. Culver, Alan Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Absent was Sania Borum, student trustee. Trustees absent: None. There being a quorum present, the Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction of business.

Note: Trustee John D. Brooks joined the entire meeting by electronic means – Zoom.

(Note: In accordance with Board of Trustees Policy No. 100.4, the student trustee shall have an advisory vote, to be recorded in the Board Minutes. The advisory vote may not be counted in declaring a motion to have passed or failed.)

Also present at this meeting, in addition to trustees:

Ryan Gower, Chancellor.

Jay Edgren, President of Frontier Community College.

Zahi Atallah, President of Lincoln Trail College.

Rodney Ranes, President of Olney Central College.

Matt Fowler, President of Wabash Valley College.

Alex Cline, Director of Information & Communications Technology.

Ryan Hawkins, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer.

Andrea McDowell, Director of Human Resources.

Renee Smith, Board Secretary.

AGENDA #2 – “Disposition of Minutes” – Open meeting minutes as prepared for the regular meeting held Tuesday, August 17, 2021 were presented for disposition.

Board Action to Approve Minutes: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve minutes of the August 17, 2021 meeting as prepared. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The voice vote was taken, and the Chair declared the “Ayes” have it and the motion carried.

AGENDA #3 – “Recognition of Visitors & Guests” –

#3-A. Visitors & Guests: Visitors & guests present were recognized, including college staff members.

#3-B. IECEA Representative: IECC faculty members Andrew King and Chelsea Gemeinhardt were in attendance.

AGENDA #4 – “Public Comment” – None

AGENDA #5 – “Reports” –

#5-A. Report from Trustees: Trustee Barbara Shimer noted that former Student Trustee Drew Halter recently passed the bar exam.

#5-B. Report from Presidents: Reports were presented from each of the colleges. 

#5-C. Report from Cabinet: None.

#5-D. Report from Chancellor: Ryan Gower reviewed the update of current issues facing the District that he previously provided by email to the Trustees.

AGENDA #6 – “Policy First Readings (and Possible Approval)” – None

AGENDA #7 – “Policy Second Readings” – None.

AGENDA #8 – “Staff Recommendations for Approval” – The following staff recommendations were presented for approval.

#8-A. Health and Dental Insurance - Calendar Year 2022: Ryan Hawkins reviewed information on employee health and dental insurance coverage. The current IECC Marketplace makes available four different health insurance options including a $250 deductible plan, a $1,500 deductible plan, a $2,650 deductible plan, and a $6,000 deductible plan.

The District will contribute $854.18 per month for health benefits and $30.96 per month for dental benefits. The calendar year 2022 premiums represent an increase of 9.5% for health insurance and a flat renewal rate for dental insurance.

In addition to health and dental insurance, employees will continue to have the option to purchase identity theft protection services, vision, critical illness, accident, hospital indemnity, term life, and long term disability insurance at their own expense.

By choosing one of the Qualified High Deductible Plans ($1,500, $2,650, or $6,000 deductible) the employee will qualify for a Health Savings Account (HSA). The District will continue to offer the Medical Reimbursement Plan (MRP) for eligible employees that waive coverage through the group health plan. The Chancellor recommended approval of the plans and premiums as negotiated with Blue Cross Blue Shield to be offered under the IECC Marketplace.

Board Action: Trustee Al Henager made a motion to approve the Health and Dental Insurance plans as recommended for Calendar Year 2022. Trustee Jan Ridgely seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Absent. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8-B. Health Savings Accounts, Calendar Year 2022: CFO Ryan Hawkins informed the Board that since February of 2010 the Board has approved the offering of a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan. The Board also implemented a plan allowing Health Savings Accounts (HSA) that enabled qualified employees to set aside money in pre-tax dollars. The Chancellor recommended that the Board make a $1,000 contribution for Calendar Year 2022 to each qualified employee’s HSA. A qualified employee being all bargaining unit faculty employees and all non-bargaining unit employees working at least 40 hours of service per week as defined in Business Procedure 300.1 for Employee Benefits.

Board Action: Trustee Barbara Shimer made a motion to approve a $1,000 contribution for Calendar Year 2022 to each qualified employee’s Health Savings Account. Trustee Brenda CulverJan Ridgely seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8-C. 2021 Annual Security Report: The IECC 2021 Annual Security Report contains crime information including relevant policy statements, training and educational programming relating to campus safety and security, crime prevention, alcohol and drug use, and sexual misconduct. The Chancellor recommended acceptance of the Annual Security Report for 2021.

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to accept the 2021 Annual Security Report as send to trustees electronically. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop . Student advisory vote: Absent. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8-D. Revised Board Meeting Schedule: Chancellor Gower recommended the following revised listing of board of trustee meeting dates and locations for calendar year 2021:

Board Meeting Dates 2021

Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 7 p.m., Frontier Community College

Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 7 p.m., Lincoln Trail College

Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 7 p.m., Olney Central College

Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 7 p.m., Wabash Valley College

Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 7 p.m., Frontier Community College

Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 7 p.m., Lincoln Trail College

Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 7 p.m., Olney Central College

Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 7 p.m., Wabash Valley College

Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 7 p.m., Frontier Community College

Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 6:15 p.m., Lincoln Trail College

Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 6:15 p.m., Olney Central College

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 6:15 p.m., Wabash Valley College

Board Action: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to adopt the listing of revised board meeting dates and locations for calendar year 2021 as recommended. Trustee Jan Ridgely seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Absent. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

#8-E. Affiliation Agreements: The Chancellor recommended approval of affiliation agreements as listed in full in the Board Agenda. Affiliation agreements presented for approval were between IECC and Deaconess Gibson Hospital, Edwards County Ambulance, Oakview Nursing and Rehabilitation, RWR Medical Arts, and Wayne County Ambulance.

Board Action: Trustee Brady Waldrop made a motion to approve the five affiliation agreements as presented. Trustee Brenda Culver seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair, the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Absent. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #9 - “Bid Committee Report” – Chancellor Ryan Gower reviewed the following Bid Committee report and recommended it be approved as presented.

TO: Board of Trustees

FROM: Bid Committee

DATE: September 21, 2021

RE: Design and Construction of New Exterior Electronic Sign

The following bid recommendation is based on the lowest responsible bid, considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality, and serviceability.

The Bid Committee recommends acceptance of the bid received from T. Ham Signs for a total of $55,919.31.


Total Bid

Martin Branding Group Oak Park, IL


T. Ham Signs

Mt. Vernon, IL


Respectfully submitted,

Ryan Gower

Ryan Hawkins

Renee Smith

Purchase is for Olney Central College.

Source of Funds: 028-5510O-8700-806.

Rationale for Purchase: The proposal from T. Ham Signs was the lowest responsible bidder in conformity with the bid specifications.

The “Advertisement for Bids” was placed in The Hometown Register for one (1) day. In addition, individual invitations to bid were sent directly to potential vendors.

Specifications for OCC Design and Construction of New Exterior Electronic Sign

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (Olney Central College) is seeking bids for Design and Construction of New Exterior Electronic Sign to be installed on the west side of 305 N. West Street (Rt. 130) near the entrance to the College. The design of the structure should include: college seal, college name, digital display, and a base panel. An artist rendering with dimensions and material specifications to be included in the base bid is provided. Adherence to material selections and dimensions should be followed in providing a base bid. Alternate bids will be considered for substitute products or dimensions. However, alternates should clearly communicate basis for providing an alternate to allow full consideration by the Board of Trustees.

All bids should include work for demolition of existing sign. Electricity is provided at site but may require relocation for placement of the newly constructed sign. To schedule a site visit, contact Ryan Hawkins at 618.393.2982 or by email at hawkinsr@iecc.edu.

Product and material warranty should be a minimum of five (5) years.











Certified Vendor in accordance with the Business Enterprise Program for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act: ⬜ Yes ⬜ No If yes, you must attach a copy of the current letter of certification.

Board Action: Trustee Al Henager made a motion to approve the Bid Committee Report recommendations as presented. Trustee Jan Ridgely seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Absent. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #10 – “District Finance” – The following district financial matters were presented:

#10-A. Financial Reports: The monthly financial reports were presented, including the treasurer's report, showing the balance in all funds as of August 31, 2021.

#10-B. Approval of Financial Obligations: District financial obligations (Listing of Board Bills) for September 2021, totaling $2,124,549.19, were presented for approval.

Board Approval for Payment of Financial Obligations: Trustee Jan Ridgely made a motion to approve payment of district financial obligations for September 2021, in the amounts listed, and payments from the revolving fund for August 2021. Trustee Barbara Shimer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #11 – “Executive Session” – The Board of Trustees did not hold an executive session at this meeting.

AGENDA #12 - “Approval of Executive Session Minutes” - The following actions were taken relative to executive session minutes.

#12-A. Written Executive Session Minutes: The Board of Trustees did not hold an executive meeting at the August 17, 2021 meeting.

#12-B. Audio Recording of Executive Session: The Board of Trustees did not hold an executive meeting at the August 17, 2021 meeting.

AGENDA #13 – “Approval of Personnel Report” – The Chancellor recommended approval of the following Personnel Report as presented by Human Resource Director Andrea McDowell.

400.1. Employment of Personnel

A. Faculty

1. Michael Patilla, Vocal/Instrumental Music Instructor, LTC, effective August 16, 2021.

B. Professional Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Pamela Schell, Program Director, Adult Education, FCC, effective September 27, 2021.

C. Professional Non-Faculty, Non-Exempt

1. Micah Drummond, Covid Care Coordinator, DO, effective August 31, 2021.

2. Emma Rudolphi, Director of Cozy Corner, OCC, effective September 27, 2021.

3. Michele Anderson, Coordinator, Human Resources, DO, effective October 4, 2021.

D. Classified

1. Chelsea Dulany, Office Assistant, FCC, effective September 27, 2021.

2. Christy Morley, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/WVC, effective September 27, 2021.

3. Lucas Harms, Custodian, WVC, effective October 4, 2021.

400.2. Change in Status

A. Professional, Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Brady Martin, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO, to TRIO Upward Bound Coordinator, effective September 27, 2021.

400.3. Change in Title and Wage Adjustment

A. Classified

1. John Watson, Custodian, LTC, to Lead Custodian, LTC, effective September 22, 2021.

400.4. Approval to Hire Site Facilitators Prior to October Board Meeting

400.5. Approval to Hire Project Director, Title III, OCC, Prior to October Board Meeting

400.6. Termination of Employment

A. Classified

1. Allyson Wagaman, Student Services Specialist, LTC, effective August 26, 2021.

400.7. Resignation Ratifications

A. Professional Non-Faculty, Exempt

1. Stephanie Nuttall, Program Director, Title III (GR), OCC, effective September 21, 2021.

B. Professional Non-Faculty, Non-Exempt

1. Beverly Mathews, Director of Cozy Corner, OCC, effective August 28, 2021.

C. Classified

1. Beth Graham, Custodian, WVC, effective August 26, 2021.

2. Shawn Poindexter, Information Systems Technician, LTC, effective September 25, 2021.

3. Rhonda Webster, Custodian, LTC, effective September 18, 2021.

Board Action to Approve Personnel Report: Trustee Brenda Culver made a motion to approve the foregoing Personnel Report as recommended. Trustee Al Henagerseconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea: John Brooks, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Al Henager, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop. Student advisory vote: Absent. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.

AGENDA #14 – “Collective Bargaining” – None.

AGENDA #15 – “Litigation” – Chancellor Gower provided an update on litigation.

AGENDA #16 – “Other Items” – None.

AGENDA #17 – “Adjournment” - Trustee Jan Ridgely made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Brady Waldrop seconded the motion. The Chair asked the trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No”. The voice vote was taken. The Chair declared the “Ayes” have it, the motion is adopted, and the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.




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