Massac County Community Unit School District No. 1 Board met Aug. 23.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Executive Session - To consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or filed.
III. Public Comment/Invited Guests
IV. Consent Approval
a. Minutes
b. Bills due/payable
c. Treasurer’s report
V. Superintendent’s Report
V. Unfinished Business
VI. New Business
a. Consideration of Collective Bargaining Agreement with the MCEA for 2021-2024
b. Consideration to Authorize Bids for Food
I. Action Items from Executive Session
a. Personnel
b. Negotiations
II. Adjournment