Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 Board of Education Met June 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Norton called the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Alden-Hebron Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 to order at 7:01 P.M.
PRESENT: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson ABSENT: None
Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg-Interim Superintendent, Tiffany Elswick-ES Principal/Assistant Superintendent, Tim Hayunga-MS/HS Principal, Katie Beck Student Service Coordinator, Scott Redden-Buildings & Grounds, Pat Peterson, Ray Stalker
Vicki Spraker-ES Teacher, Teresa Eick-George-HS Teacher, Colleen Geils-ES Teacher, Karen Fallon-ES Teacher, Patti Peisert-ES Teacher
• 06/07/2021: FOIA from Plumbers Local 130 requesting payroll, contract, and invoice records for American Backflow and Fire Prevention, Inc. for 2018, 19, 20, & 21. Satisfied on 6/15.
Public Comments:
See Below**
Staff Comments
See Below**
Board Comments
**Community members, staff members, and BOE members all congratulated Dr. Ehlenburg on her long career as an educator and thanked her for her years of service and dedication to the students, staff, and communities that make up Alden-Hebron School District.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Norton stated that Mrs. Elswick has requested that item “E. Personnel Report” be removed for later discussion prior to the motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
*A. Approval of May 19, 2021, Regular Meeting Minutes
*B. Approval of May 2021 Expenditures
*C. Treasurer’s Report for May 2021
*D. Approval of Current Invoices & Payroll
*F. Illinois Prevailing Wage Act Resolution
Mr. Eskridge moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda with item “E. Personnel Report” removed.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Motion Carried
Tiffany Elswick-ES Principal – as presented
Mrs. Elswick added that the three open teaching positions in the ES building for next year have been filled. She thanked Mr. Redden and his team for getting all the rearranging done in the building already. It was awesome that they got it done before the teachers left for the summer. Also, the BOE members and Administrators have been successfully registered for the JAC Triple I Conference in November and are just awaiting confirmation of accommodations. Finally, she presented the BOE members with a tentative schedule of township and village meetings to be attended by the members, as was requested of her at the May Board meeting.
Mr. Tim Hayunga-MS/HS Principal – as presented
Mr. Hayunga added that for the 4th year in a row, Alden-Hebron High School has been recognized by US News and World Report as a Best High School. The award is granted to schools based on standardized test scores (SAT), advanced placement tests, and graduation rates. AHHS ranked in the top 70th percentile in the State of Illinois and in the 63rd percentile nationally.
Mr. Norton commended Mr. Hayunga, as well as Mr. Redden and the custodial team, for putting together the HS Graduation and 8th Grade Recognition ceremonies.
Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg – Superintendent – as presented
In addition to her report, Dr. Ehlenburg also shared that this month, she and Mrs. Elswick have been working on transitioning the Superintendency into Mrs. Elswick’s very capable hands. Also, the Annual Safety Meeting needs to be scheduled for next month.
Mrs. Smith moved, Mr. Eskridge seconded to schedule the Annual Safety Meeting for Wednesday, July 28 at 6:00pm.
Motion Carried
Mrs. Smith attended the Village meeting on 5/24/2021. Items discussed include:
• Sidewalk replacement
• New Trustee appointed to take Mrs. Ritzert’s position: Mark Mogan
• Still one Trustee needed for the position vacated by Mrs. Lillie
• K-9 program that was in danger of being cancelled has been given a reprieve, in part due to a financial donation from Mrs. Karen Lalor
• Next meeting will be June 28
Mrs. Elswick reported on items discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on 6/10/2021:
• Gilbane (construction management firm the BOE has consulted) information was reviewed
• ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) II Fund Money reviewed and discussed
• Lease information was reviewed and discussed
• Check Signer recommendation
o Debbie and Shannon off
o Ken and Tiffany on
• Staffing
o Discussed possible ways to incorporate communications within our current staff
Mr. Redden stated that the work on the transoms/doors in the MS/HS is well underway. The rearranging and deep cleaning is essentially finished at the ES.
Dr. Ehlenburg stated that the Mobile inspection with is set with the architect for Friday, June 17. Mrs. Elswick shared items that were discussed at the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting:
• Door/Transom project should be completed by June 30
• Gilbane
o Reviewed info regarding light, medium, heavy renovations
o Phone meeting with Gilbane Thursday, 6/17 to revisit numbers and request they walk through building to clarify
• ESSER II Funds— Money may be used for learning loss, preparing for reopening (past expenses as well), testing for covid, more devices, hotspots, support remote learning, repairing and/or upgrading air quality in school building
• Expiration of lease on, and future plans for District-owned vacant land
o Length of lease
o Notify current lessor by end of August of District’s intentions to go out for bid • Reviewed current custodial and maintenance staff and wages
• Meeting with Jill Huskisson regarding her proposal for development of a referendum
Dr. Ehlenburg presented the specs for the new bus that the Mrs. Erckfritz chose to purchase for the upcoming school year. The cost of the bus has already been included in the budget.
Mr. Madsen moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the Purchase of new bus: 2020 IC 71- passenger; net price after trade-in=$70,450
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Smith
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Mrs. Beck shared that the Birth to Three teachers held a Family Farm Fun Community this morning at the Elementary School. The event was very well-attended. Pre-school screening will be held on Wednesday, June 23. Summer School is in session until 7/1/2021.
Discussion and update regarding future board meetings and school with respect to Covid and the necessity for masks.
Policy Committee meeting scheduled for July 13 at 10:00am.
Public Comments:
Staff Comments
Dr. Ehlenburg thanked the District and the Alden and Hebron communities for the honor and privilege to have served in the capacity of Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent for the 34 years.
Board Comments
Mr. Norton welcomed Mrs. Elswick to the position of Superintendent and once again thanked Dr. Ehlenburg for her years of dedication and service.
Executive Session
Mr. Norton moved, Mrs. Johnson seconded to go into executive session at 8:09pm for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance of specific employees, and semi annual review of Executive Session minutes.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Returned to open session at 9:16pm.
Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve a $3000.00 stipend to Mrs. Davina VanderPal, Academic Advisor for FY22 to handle District Communications.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve a $600 increase for FY2021-2022.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Berg seconded to approve the Personnel Report and the 2021-2022 Coaching Assignments with the exception of the HS Boys Basketball position.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Mrs. Johnson moved; Mr. Madsen seconded to approve the release of the Executive Session minutes for 5/19/2021, 12/16/2020, 1/20/2021, 3/17/2021.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Eskridge, Mr. Berg, Mrs. Johnson
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion Carried
Mrs. Smith moved; Mr. Berg seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:21pm.
Motion Carried.