Union County Board of Commissioners Met April 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Union County Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting in the Union County Courthouse Community Room at 8:30 A.M. Roll call was taken and Max Miller, Dale Foster, David Gould, Kent Pitts and Darryl Harvell were present.
Approval of Minutes:
There were no minutes to approve.
William Hall reported that Shawnee Development will have a semi load of food being delivered May 5th at 9am.
Darryl Harvell reported that Southern Five Regional Planning is working on some grants for Dongola sewer project, Alto Pass for hand rails for the park and the Wolf Lake Fire Department.
David Gould reported that Bobby Toler Jr has been appointed to the Southern Seven Health Department board as an at large member.
Parcel number: 04-05-02-068-B for Justin and Esmarie Boyles located at 10615 Old Hwy 51 N Cobden for a shop building. No subdivision and no flood plain. County Engineer Jeff Denny recommend for approval. A motion was made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Pitts to approve the building permit.
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
A) Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 of the Union County Code of Ordinances Regarding Animals Pursuant to 510 ILCS 5/1
Animal Control Officer Tiffiny Dillow is wanting some changes made to this ordinance. She presented the Board with some information on changing the fees collected for fines. State's Attorney Tyler Tripp will look into ways that the Animal Control can keep most of the money for Animal Control. Tiffiny mentioned having the Treasures office collect the fines. Treasurer Leigh Burns agreed that her office is willing to collect the money for the fines and other Animal Control fees. Tiffiny mentioned that some of the Veterinarians are handing out their own rabies tags and not the County's. Commissioner Harvell voiced concerned for Service Animals and their position within the ordinance. After much discussion the Board agreed to table this ordinance for the changes to be made.
New Business:
A) Approval of Bills
A motion was made by Commissioner Gould and seconded by Commissioner Foster to approve the bills that were presented.
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
B) Union County IT Service Contract
County Administrator Angie Johnson presented the Board with the top 2 bids for County IT services. CDS and Mayer Networks. Both companies had similar monthly charges. Mayer Networks have an additional charge in their monthly rate that included a new security program. Angie reviewed both bids and made sure that both companies had comparable specs.
Angie voiced that Mayer Network is currently working on some projects with the Sheriff's Department, Highway Department and Ambulance Service. Mayer Networks added that if we signed a 5 year contract that they would reduce their price increase to 2%.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gould and seconded by Commissioner Pitts to approve Mayer Networks 5 year IT Service Contract.
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
C) Resolution Proclaiming Apraxia Awareness Day
A motion was made by Commissioner Pitts and seconded by Commissioner Gould to approve the Resolution Proclaiming May 14, 2021 as Apraxia Awareness Day
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
D) Covid-19 Day of Remembrance
The Southern Seven Health Department has asked that May 4, 2021 at 2pm be a day of remembrance for the first Covid-19 death in their region. Union County was the first county to have a death from Covid-19 in the Southern Seven Health Department region.
A motion was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Foster to approve Covid-19 Day of Remembrance
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
E) Collection Service Agreement by and Between Union County EMS and Credit Bureau Systems Inc
Ambulance Director Grant Capel explained that this is part of the same company they signed a contract with previously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gould and seconded by Commissioner Pitts to approve the Collection Service Agreement by and Between Union County EMS and Credit Bureau Systems Inc
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
F) Approval of Redeploy IL Lease
County Administrator Angie Johnson informed the Board that the lease agreement for Redeploy is up in July. Redeploy has found another building to rent at the same price that they are currently paying and this would include 2 units. The landlord has agreed that they would connect the units with an inside door and repaint and remodel these units.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gould and seconded by Commissioner Foster to approve the Redeploy IL Lease
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.
No executive session.
Commissioner Harvell mentioned that the Highway Department is doing a good job on repairing the roads.
Commissioner Miller informed the Board that the County Clerk's office has sent out the tax compilation sheets to the taxing districts for them to review and send back. Also the certificates from the Consolidated Election were mailed out.
Commissioner Pitts made a motion to adjourn the board meeting and seconded by Commissioner Foster.
Kent Pitts Yes
Darryl Harvell Yes
Dale Foster Yes
Max Miller Yes
David Gould Yes
Motion Passed.