
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Niles Board of Trustees met Feb. 23

Webp meet

Village of Niles Board of Trustees met Feb. 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees Regular Meeting was called to order electronically via Zoom audio/visual conferencing by President Przybylo at 7:00 p.m. in accordance with Governor Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-07 “Stay-at-Home” directive due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Przybylo announced that this electronic meeting is open to the public and the public may submit public comments in advance either by email to contactniles@vniles.com or call the Village Clerk's Office at 847-588-8014 and leave a voicemail message. Members of the public wishing to join the Zoom “Webinar” and comment were given a Webinar ID and password as published on the agenda.


President Przybylo led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Village Clerk Marlene Victorine called the roll. Board members present were President Andrew Przybylo and Trustees George D. Alpogianis, John C. Jekot, Danette O'Donovan Matyas, Denise M. McCreery, Craig Niedermaier and Dean Strzelecki.


Electronics Recycling on March 13, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Village of Niles Public Works (6849 W. Touhy Avenue). Niles residents only - masks must be worn.


Black History Month - February 2021




COVID-19 Community Update

Fire Chief Marty Feld reported that in January an additional 173 residents tested positive for COVID-19 and, sadly, 10 residents lost their lives to this disease. The community of Niles is currently tracking at a 2.2 percent positivity rate. On Monday, for the 50th time, Chief Feld reconfirmed the Village's Declaration with the office of Cook County Emergency Management. Since March 15, 2020, the Village has updated Cook County daily on any issues the community is experiencing. The Cook County Department of Public Health continues to be a source for vaccines. Sign-up for the vaccine at vaccine.cookcountyil.gov. The telephone hotline is (833) 308-1988. The call center is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. If you are not yet eligible in Phase 1b, you can still register in the system to receive information updates. If you are unable to register for an appointment over the phone and feel uncomfortable navigating the internet, please consider safely reaching out to a family member, close friend, a neighbor, or the Niles Senior Center to help you navigate these resources. On Monday, the Village received notice from FEMA that Public Assistance project number 163958 has been obligated. This means that in the near future the Village will be receiving a check for $7,782. Finally, it is going to take a considerable amount of time before every resident is able to receive the vaccine. Right now, we can do these three things to protect one another and stop the spread of this virus: 1) Wash your hands repeatedly for 20 seconds; 2) Avoid crowds and stand 6 feet away from others; and 3) Wear a mask over your nose and mouth.

Deputy Village Manager Hadley Skeffington-Vos reported that Village Hall will continue to be open to the public with limited staff on site, and the Village encourages residents to conduct business online or over the phone as much as possible. The Niles Family Fitness Center is now in Tier 1 of Restore Illinois Plan which allows 50% capacity to the Fitness Center. Due to emergency repairs, the pool is closed until further notice. The Senior Center is open, with capacity limits. The Niles Teen Center will remain closed to in-person events at this time and will continue to provide virtual programming and activities. As local school districts ease up restrictions and move towards full student participation, the Teen Center will follow suit and continue to prepare for a safe and healthy reopening as its facility space allows. As always, the Village's top priority is to promote the health and safety of our residents, customers, employees, and community. We encourage the public to view our website for more information and sign up for our e news and Rave alert systems to stay informed.

Public Safety Video

Howard Street Crossing with Flashing Beacons - New pedestrian crossing signals, or Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons ("RRFB"), have been installed at the North Branch Trail and Howard Street. They are designed to alert approaching vehicles of pedestrians crossing the roadway. Illinois law requires motorists to stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the road in a crosswalk. Pedestrians should activate the beacons by pressing the activation button on the sign posts. Pedestrians are reminded that even though they have the right of way, they should ensure approaching vehicles have come to a complete stop prior to crossing the street. Questions about rectangular flashing beacons should be directed to Public Works at (847) 588-7900. Watch the Public Safety Video on the Howard Street Crossing and access more safety information at this link: https://www.yniles.com/1327/Howard Street-Crossing.


Village Clerk Victorine reported on the April 6, 2021 Consolidated Election. Online voter registration will reopen on February 25, 2021 and will remain open until March 21, 2021 on the Illinois State Board of Elections website. Residents can also register to vote in-person at Village Hall until March 9, 2021. Early Voting will be available at Niles Village Hall from March 22 through April 5, 2021, Monday Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sundays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Residents may request a mail-in ballot from the Cook County Clerk's Office: cookcountyclerk.com/election.


Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC)

Trustee Jekot reported that the Northwest Municipal Conference has a done a great job of keeping their members up-to-date regarding the COVID-19 vaccinations and have been a helpful resource regarding the various mitigation efforts. NWMC staff continues to work with local government partners to share pertinent COVID-19 information as it becomes available.

Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC)

Trustee Jekot reported he attended the most recent Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County meeting stating that they have begun their budget process. The Board of Directors will vote on the budget at their April 14, 2021 meeting.

Human Services Committee

Trustee Jekot reported that the Human Services Committee met on February 16. The Fitness Center is in Phase 4 of COVID State Guidelines, which allows 50% capacity in reservations. Virtual Group Exercise Classes will continue to take place. Daily check-ins have averaged 221 in the last month, locker rooms are now open, and the FY22 budget presentation and five-year plan are being prepared. Trustee Jekot reported the Senior Center reopened for limited in-person programming on February 1. Virtual programming continues. Staff is assisting residents to register for the COVID-19 vaccine. Senior Center staff is coordinating COVID-19 relief packages in partnership with the Center of Concern and 600+ are being distributed to the community with the help of 28 volunteers, including 10 families. The Center of Concern "Lunch with Us” program continues to grow and is averaging 50 meal packages per week. Staff has also volunteered to work at the MABAS3 vaccination site. Virtual programming continues at the Teen Center, and staff will be back at the Teen Center on March 1. Plans are being developed for the reopening of the Center upon the reopening of schools. Two new staff members have been hired, which brings the total Teen Center part-time employees to three. The teen snow shoveling program assisting seniors was a big success. The virtual Valentine's Dance was recently held, and had 22 attendees. 248 teens attended virtual programs in January. Family Services is closed for limited hours on Tuesday and Thursdays, and Saturdays by appointment. The Food Pantry is being held on the mentioned days and staff is managing crisis calls around the clock. Lastly, an increase in homelessness services and domestic violence calls have been seen since the pandemic started. Staff is working with Police to ensure these callers are being taken care of.

Finance Committee

Trustee Alpogianis reported on the February 19 Finance Committee meeting held via Zoom. The Committee was presented the employee health care package for the upcoming plan year, which shows only a slight increase in anticipated healthcare costs and will be offset by anticipated savings in pharmacy benefits. The plan year will be for eight months from May 1 - December 31, 2021 and will coincide with the claim year going forward. There will be no premium increase for employees with the PPO benefits, and a slight decrease for those employees in the HMO. Dental, life and AD&D insurance will remain the same. The Finance Committee unanimously passed and recommended that the Village Board approve the renewal of the BlueCross/BlueShield coverages. The Committee also unanimously recommended approval to the Village Board of a contract with Rx Benefits, a new company, instead of ExpressScripts, although the underlying plan will still be with ExpressScripts. Trustee Alpogianis advised it was a very good year for renewals.

Building and Zoning Committee

Trustee McCreery reported on the February 18 Building and Zoning Committee remote meeting. The Committee received several applications from interested residents to join the Building and Zoning Committee. The Committee discussed proposed design guidelines and appearances, specific to the residential community. Entrance signage was also discussed and what to allocate in the budget for this project. Text amendments were discussed for masonry construction.

Economic Development and Neighborhood Renewal Ad Hoc Commission

Trustee McCreery reported on the Economic Development and Neighborhood Renewal Commission meeting of February 18. Herbert Atanus generously donated his Home for the Holidays Raffle winnings to the Family Services Food Pantry. The Committee thanked Mr. Atanus for his donation. The Communication and Marketing Subcommittee have been taking active steps in the “Grow Your Home” Program and is looking at hosting an online event with the Niles Design District for popular home design trends. Economic Development Director John Melaniphy provided an update on new businesses in Niles and the Commission is seeking individuals who may be interested in assisting with business retention efforts. The Neighborhood Renewal Subcommittee continues to work on expansion of resident and business relations. The Incentives Subcommittee has taken an active role in making new recommendations to the façade program, which will be presented to the Board for approval.

General Government / IT Committee

Trustee Niedermaier reported on the February 9 General Government /IT Committee meeting held via Zoom. The Committee discussed the Village's options for Electrical Aggregation Programs. Senior HR Manager, Joana Ardelean, presented an update on health insurance renewal changes. Acting Village Manager Hadley Skeffington-Vos led a discussion on improving the Performance Measurement software. IT Director Bill Shaw presented a Resolution for Annual Energov Software Support and Licensing Fees, which the Committee recommended for Board approval. Assistant Liquor Commissioner Pat Byrne presented amendments to the video gaming ordinance and the pros and cons of the fee structure were discussed.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group

Trustee Niedermaier reported on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group meeting held on January 27. The Planning Firm, Epstein and Engineering Firm, Christopher B. Burke, presented an overview to the Committee on improvements for intersections and areas of improvement for safety around Niles. The priorities of improvements was discussed, among those were Milwaukee and Jonquil, Milwaukee and Monroe, as well as a number of other locations and the accessibility of bus stops. Village Engineer Tom Powers presented several grant opportunities to assist with completing some of the discussed projects, with many of these projects being estimated for years 2022 and 2023. Challenges with these projects will be working with Park Ridge and Maine Township where our towns and townships overlap. The group agreed to put in applications for the completion of the sidewalk installation at Bunker Hill and Milwaukee Avenue. The bike trail extension at Bunker Hill and Milwaukee was also discussed. The Committee heard back from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) on the Waukegan and Cleveland intersection recommending rapid flashing beacons to increase safety at that location.

Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee

Trustee Niedermaier reported that the Comprehensive Advisory Plan Committee met on February 3 and is looking to hear feedback and input from residents on what you would like Niles to be. Go to Niles2040.com website for more information.


Louella Preston, Niles Ms. Preston asked if the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group works in conjunction with the Northwest Municipal Conference

Transportation Committee that includes bicycle plans.

Jamila Jusino, Niles Ms. Jusino is a Senior at Loyola Academy and is joining tonight's meeting as a part of her Political Science Class. Ms. Jusino thanked the Board for its Proclamation of Black History Month, and asked what plans the Village of Niles has to better support its black residents and black-owned businesses.


President Przybylo stated that all items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no individual discussion of these items unless a Trustee so requests. The requested item will then be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of New Business.

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Niedermaier, to allow items 1 through 7 to be included on the consent agenda. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Village Clerk Marlene Victorine read consent agenda items 1 through 7 into the record:

#1 Approval of Minutes – January 26, 2021 Board of Trustees Informal Consideration

#2 Approval of Minutes - January 26, 2021 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting

#3 Resolution Authorizing the Application for 2021 CMAQ and TAP L Grant Programs for the North Branch Trail Connection

#4 Resolution Authorizing the Application for 2021 CMAQ and TAP L Grant Programs for the Milwaukee Avenue Pedestrian Improvements - Main Street to Dempster Street

#5 Resolution Authorizing the Application for 2021 Cook County Department of Transportation and Highway Grant "Invest in Cook Program”

#6 Ordinance Abating the Tax Hereto Levied for Tax Years 2020 Through 2033 to Pay the Interest on $3,965,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A, Bond Fund of the Village of Niles, Cook County, Illinois

#7 Ordinance Abating the Tax Hereto Levied for Tax Years 2020 Through 2037 to Pay the Interest on $14,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018, of the Village of Niles, Cook County, Illinois

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Matyas, to approve consent agenda items 1 through 7. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Ordinance Approving Trustee Matyas made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to Change Order Number 1 to adopt the Ordinance Approving Change Order Number 1 to Purchase Purchase Additional Bulk Additional Bulk Highway Deicing Road Salt from Detroit Salt Highway Deicing Road Salt Company LLC Increasing the Contract Price by $62,280 for a Total from Detroit Salt Company Contract Amount of $373,680 and Authorizing the Expenditure of LLC Increasing the Funds to Pay for Such Change Order. The contract with Detroit Salt Contract Price by $62,280 Company allows for purchase of road salt at the contracted price for a for a Total Contract Amount quantity up to 120% of the total contract amount. A much higher than of $373,680 and Authorizing typical amount of snow accumulation in and significantly colder than enditure of Funds to normal temperatures have resulted in recent salt usage that could leave Pay for Such Change Order the Village short of road salt with an extended winter if additional salt is not purchased now. Multiple suppliers have stated that they are having trouble fulfilling the high number of orders being placed. Therefore, the Department wants to be proactive by securing funding for additional salt now in the event additional salt needs to be purchased. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement with GolfGreen Motor Sales, LLC and the Village of Niles for the Improvement of 9530 N. Greenwood Avenue and Certain Incentives, Including Sharing of Retailers' Occupation Tax Revenue Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the Resolution Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement with GolfGreen Motor Sales, LLC and the Village of Niles for the Improvement of 9530 N. Greenwood Avenue and Certain Incentives, Including Sharing of Retailers' Occupation Tax Revenue. GolfGreen Motor Sales, LLC. (Dealer) is requesting a Sales Tax Incentive Agreement with the Village to facilitate the development of a new Chevrolet auto dealership and service facility on the vacant former Best Buy site at 9530 N. Greenwood Avenue across the street from Golf Mill Mall. Dealer plans to redevelop the former Best Buy retail store into a new auto dealership with an auto sales showroom and service facility. GolfGreen Motor Sales, LLC and Village staff have negotiated a sales tax incentive agreement to share the sales tax revenue as follows: 70-30% for the first 5 years and 60-40% for years 6-10. The Village is not currently receiving sales tax revenue from the property and has not for five years. The proposed automobile dealership will generate more retail sales than Best Buy. The Village will retain the first $50,000 in sales tax revenue each year for 10 years. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution Authorizing an Amendment of the Intergovernmental Agreement Relating to the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC) for an Five Year Extension

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Niedermaier, to approve the Resolution Authorizing an Amendment of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Relating to the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission for a Five Year Extension. On January 27, 2021, the City of Chicago affirmed its interest in extending the ONCC IGA for another five years, thru December 31, 2025. The Intergovernmental Agreement was first established in 1996 and the Village of Niles has been a member community since its creation. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for the Installation of Advance Warning Signage on the North Branch Trail

Trustee Niedermaier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jekot, to approve the Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for the Installation of Advance Warning Signage on the North Branch Trail. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Group requested that additional safety signage be installed on the North Branch Trail crossing at Howard Street. The Forest Preserve District will allow the signs to be installed with an IGA adopted to document the agreement. The signage will be installed by the Public Works Sign Department. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Board Approval - Annual Energov Software Support and Licensing Fees in the Amount of $36,719.02

Trustee Niedermaier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Matyas, to approve the Annual Energov Software Support and Licensing Fees in the Amount of $36,719.02. This is the second renewal of the Energov software. Niles went live on Energov in February of 2019. Energov is the Community Development Licensing software. Along with the Licensing, Permitting and the Land Management Software Suite, this renewal includes the online portal, the planning and inspection apps and GIS integration. This renewal represents a 4% increase since our last renewal. President Przybylo commented that he has noticed the increasing costs of IT software, hardware, and maintenance; and encouraged the Board to look at the cost-to-benefit ratio of IT as the Village begins a study of the IT Department. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Treasurer's Report December 2020

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, that the Accounts Payable including Payroll in the amount of $7,309,639 for the month ending December 2020 be approved for payment. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, that the Treasurer's Report for the month ending December 31, 2020 be approved and filed for audit with a beginning cash balance of $54,480,442, receipts of $6,786,573, disbursements of $12,714,371, and ending cash balance of $48,552,645. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Trustee Strzelecki made a motion, seconded by Trustee Matyas to cancel the March 9 Informal Consideration. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

March 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. - Informal Consideration (CANCELLED) March 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting (Remote) March 15, 29 and 31, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. - Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Workshops (Remote)




Trustee Alpogianis made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body per 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1), seconded by Trustee Matyas. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Matyas made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee McCreery. On roll call, all concurred. The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.




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