
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Niles Board of Trustees Met October 27

Webp meeting 04

Village of Niles Board of Trustees met Oct. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A video recording of this meeting can be viewed on the Village of Niles website www.vniles.com.


The Board of Trustees Regular Meeting was called to order: electronically via Zoom audio/visual conferencing by President Przybylo at 7:04 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, in accordance with Governor Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-07 “Stay-at-Home” directive due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Przybylo announced that this electronic meeting is open to the public and the public may submit public comments in advance either by email to contactniles@vniles.com or call the Village Clerk's Office at 847-588-8014 and leave a voicemail message. Members of the public wishing to join the Zoom “Webinar” and comment were given a Webinar ID and password as published on the agenda.


President Andrew Przybylo led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Village Clerk Marlene Victorine called the roll. Board members present were President Andrew Przybylo and Trustees George D. Alpogianis, John C. Jekot, Danette O'Donovan Matyas, Denise McCreery, Craig Niedermaier and Dean Strzelecki.


• Niles Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars Recipients and 2020 Night of Roses Winners Announced by Alicia Bermes, Niles Chamber of Commerce & Industry Executive Director

o Dollars for Scholars Recipients $4,000 – Aleksandra Bigos and Anthony Schmidt 

o Small Business of the Year Award: Pilorum Salon and Spa - Maggie Bujak and Neil Karshna 

o Bob Wordel Living Legend Award: Mike Shields 

o Niles Citizen of the Year Award: Joe LoVerde

o Corporate Citizen of the Year: Shure Inc. 

o Ken Scheel Chamber Member of the Year: Judy McNulty of the Niles-Maine District Library 

o Distinguished Voluntary Service: Village Trustee Denise McCreery 

o Dedication to Youth Excellence: John Petitt of Culver School

o Public Safety Award of Excellence: Fred Braun of the Niles Public Works Department

Katie Schneider, Community Engagement Coordinator, announced:

• Community Virtual Bingo - Village of Niles and Niles-Maine District Library - October 28 (Fire Department Night) and November 5 (Mayor Przybylo and Library Staff Callers) from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Register through NilesLibrary.org 

• Halloween Trick or Treating Update – The Village does not recommend trick-or-treating for 2020. The CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health consider this a high risk activity. Veteran's Day Ceremony – The VFW will hold a ceremony for its members at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 2020. This ceremony is not open to the public, but will be live-streamed on the Village website.

• Village Hall will be closed on Veteran's Day – November 11, 2020

• 2020 Holly Jolly Fest Cancelled - Stay Tuned for Virtual Holiday Tree Lighting Information and look for the Holly Jolly Trolley

• Home for the Holidays Raffle - To enter, bring in your receipts (or submit them electronically) from Niles businesses totaling $50 or more from November 27 through December 24, 2020

• Twinkle & Lights 2020 Residential Holiday Decorating Contest






COVID-19 Community Update

Fire Chief Marty Feld reported that on October 26, the Village of Niles submitted its 33' update renewing its declaration of an emergency to the Cook County Emergency Operations Center. On October 16 the Governor of Illinois issued the oth extension of his Disaster Proclamation through November 16. Chief Feld continues to update the County daily on the status of the community and he has noticed an increase in positivity rate for Niles. Today he reported 215 new Coronavirus cases in the month of October. In September, there were 89 new cases; in August 81; July 89; June 176; May 297 and he believes there will be an additional 30 new cases for a total of 245 cases this month. Currently, there are 6 separate FEMA applications submitted for consideration and the Village is seeking $105,229 in reimbursement for the mitigation of Covid-19 in the community. The Village received a check for $457,477 this past week, bringing the total to $519,411 from the Cook County's Coronavirus Relief Fund as a part of the CARES Act Congress passed. Remember to pull your mask up over your nose and mouth, pull up your sleeve and wash your hands, and pull back on close contact while in public to protect others and ourselves.

Deputy Village Manager Hadley Skeffington-Vos reported that beginning October 28, indoor restaurant and bar service is no longer permitted in accordance with Governor Pritzker's Covid-19 Tier Two Resurgence Mitigation Order. Please continue to support our local restaurants through outdoor dining or take-out and delivery. All Village facilities are still open and all meetings continue to be held remotely.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group

Trustee Niedermaier, Chair of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group, reported that in an effort to assure the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists throughout Niles, a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group has been formed. Applications from many terrific candidates were submitted to participate in this ad hoc committee. It is with pleasure that Trustee Niedermaier announced the new members: Peggy Reins, Matthew Abtahi, Ticia Doughty-Ashcroft and Stephen Sanders. The mission of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Group is to advise the Village President and Board of Trustees on the implementation of the Village of Niles Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

Police Department

Face Masks Follow-Up

President Przybylo commented on a WGN news story regarding the Village no longer allowing the Niles Police Department officers to use masks with the “Thin Blue Line" symbol. The order to cease wearing the masks came from a joint letter from himself, the Village Manager and the Police Chief so that our police officers would not be placed in harm's way regarding the controversial “Thin Blue Line” symbol. He stated that he is in full support of the Niles Police Department and cares about the safety of our Police officers.


Early Voting at Niles Village Hall for November 3, 2020 Presidential Election

Village Clerk Marlene Victorine reported that Early Voting continues at Niles Village Hall through Monday, November 2. The hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In addition to mailing completed mail in ballots, they may also be dropped off at a secure dropbox at Niles Village Hall any time during Early Voting. Village Hall is not a polling place on Election Day, November 3. Everyone must vote at their assigned polling places on Election Day. Contact the Clerk's office if you need assistance locating your polling place.


Building and Zoning Committee

Trustee McCreery reported that the Building and Zoning Committee met on October 15 and continued discussion on the proposed changes to the Village's fence ordinance and are still looking for members who would like to serve on the Building and Zoning Committee. The Committee received updates on the Grow Your Home Program, the new fire inspector, and the Village’s new pest control company. Trustee McCreery reported on the virtual meeting held with the Nordica residents to try and find a solution to the parking problem.

Economic Development and Neighborhood Renewal Commission

Trustee McCreery reported on the September 24 meeting of the Economic Development and Neighborhood Renewal Commission (EDNR). The Commission approved a facade grant application for 7665 through 7667 Milwaukee Avenue. Economic Development Director provided an update on the Small Business Recovery Loan Program for local restaurants affected by Covid-19. To date, six applications for this loan program have been received. The various EDNR subcommittees met and specifically reviewed the new resident attraction campaign which is in full force. She encouraged residents to check out the new www.loveniles.com website.

Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee

Trustee McCreery reported that the Comprehensive Advisory Committee met on October 6 and heard a presentation by Jane Grover with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) on about the ON TO 2050 Regional Plan. Ms. Grover explained CMAP's purpose and programs available to municipalities in the region. The Lakota Group has conducted focus groups and interviewed nearly 40 people to gain an understanding of how the community would like to see the Village grow and develop. The Committee met again on October 20 and heard an update from the Lakota Group on the status of the Village's Comprehensive Plan and next steps. The Village has launched a new website 2040 website www.niles2040.com and encouraged all residents to visit that site and participate in this process.

Finance Committee

Trustee Alpogianis reported on the October 21 meeting of the Finance Committee. The Committee reported on a water account adjustment request and the Finance Director reported on health insurance updates, the water shut-off project, and the FY20 Audit update. A 7B request and revisions to the Purchasing Manual were tabled until the next meeting. The Village will be holding a public Truth in Taxation Hearing and will improve transparency by describing the property tax process and the Village's levy. Finance Director Kent Oliven explained that the Truth in Taxation Hearing will explain to residents what a tax levy is, where their tax dollars go and what the Village is proposing for next year's levy. The Truth in Taxation Hearing will be held virtually on November 17 at 6:00 p.m. and residents are encouraged to participate.

Human Services Committee

Trustee Jekot reported that the Human Services Committee met on October 20. The Teen Center Grand Opening was held on October 8 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony with Village staff and the Chamber of Commerce. In September, 46 students attended the Teen Center and programming activities consist of cooking, crafts and pumpkin carving. Virtual programming is available for teens who cannot attend the Center. Membership is down at the Fitness Center which is a direct result of COVID-19 with only 50% capacity is allowed at the Center. Senior Center programming is going very well and staff will open the second floor for additional groups as of November 1. Medicare open enrollment has begun with in-person and virtual appointments. Community bingo is a huge hit and participant numbers have increased. The Center for Concern Lunch With Us Program is offering curbside pickup of meals for seniors 60 and over and the Senior Center staff will start distributing meals at the Senior Center, reservations must be made. The Family Services Department thanked Public Works for their food drive where a truckload of food and $60 was collected and donated to the Food Pantry. New initiatives of the Engage Program will provide immediate support to clients and engage them in the process with professional support if desired.

Public Works and Public Safety Joint Committee Meeting

Trustee Strzelecki reported that the Public Safety Committee and Public Works Committee met jointly on October 20. The Committees discussed the use of a commercial grade drone. Drones in Police work are used to solve community problems and promote public safety for rescue operations, Police officer safety, crime scene investigations, security, air support and Police officer accountability. Even though this item will come out of the Police budget, other Departments such as Fire, Public Works, and Community Development can benefit from the use of a drone. Operations from burned out building searches to disaster responses could be assisted by the use of a commercial grade drone. After lengthy discussion, the purchase of the drone for the use of all the Departments was approved by both the Public Safety and the Public Works Committees. Public Works Director Braun reported that Pace will be adding advertising on the Free Buses and will receive all the revenue from the ads. The topic of racism was discussed and the Committees agreed that the Village of Niles and all its Departments denounce racism. The Niles Police Department does not condone, allow, or perform their duties adhering to systemic racism and that the staff of the Niles Police Department, from the Chief on down, are not racist and do not perform their duties in that manner.

Stormwater Commission

Public Works Director Fred Braun reported that the Stormwater Commission met on October 14 and discussed recent flooding issues on the 7600 blocks of Oketo and Odell and the 8200 block of Merrill and the Backyard Drainage Program. To date, eight applications have been received for this Program and the deadline is January 1 to submit applications. The Commission was updated on the Greenwood Stormwater Project which is targeting a January 2021 letting and the Commission provided technical comments which may delay the letting process. Updates were provided for the Oketo stormwater project and stormwater ordinance revisions.


Joe Roth, Illinois Association of Realtors Mr. Roth commented they are fully and unequivocally opposed to approval of the proposed agreement and proposed amendment to the distressed property registration ordinance no longer requiring vacant properties to be registered but will require properties in foreclosure to be registered which will place a burden on struggling homeowners as this cost goes directly to homeowners.

Alexis Garcia Ms. Garcia spoke for those who have been silenced regarding the Niles Police Department Thin Blue Line masks. She appreciates the earlier comments but personally believes they were disingenuous stating that when you silence and censure an entire community without any regard for what that symbol means to them you have minimized community cohesion, stifled dialog and maximized division. Those masks were created for a grieving department as a means to mourn the loss of their fallen brothers by the family that bear's that grief the most and by telling them they cannot wear the mask you are telling them that you don't care about them. She offered the Niles Police Department her sincere sympathy and heartfelt support.

Steven Yasell, Niles Mr. Yasell questioned why the changes were being made to the proposed ordinance amending registration of foreclosed mortgaged property, new business #1.

Julie Andelin Ms. Andelin expressed her disappointment in the order to stop police officers from wearing the Thin Blue Line masks. Our Niles Police officer's deserve our respect and backing and wishes the Village would reverse their decision and allow them to wear the masks to "back the blue".


Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Property Registration Champions, LLC to Register and Administer Vacant and/or Foreclosed Properties on Behalf of the Village of Niles

Trustee McCreery made a motion to take off the table the Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Property Registration Champions, LLC to Register and Administer Vacant and/or Foreclosed Properties on Behalf of the Village of Niles at No Cost to the Village, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to approve a Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Property Registration Champions, LLC to Register and Administer Vacant and/or Foreclosed Properties on Behalf of the Village of Niles at No Cost to the Village. Pro Champs will gather required property contact information for the Community Development Department which is vital in maintaining these properties before they become blighted. This agreement was reviewed and recommended by the Building and Zoning Committee. Stanley Urban, representing ProChamps as a contractual agent for the State of Illinois, stated that ProChamps has over 45 Illinois partners and explained the property registration process and stated that, contrary to what Mr. Roth stated, residents have not paid the fees. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


President Przybylo stated that all items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no individual discussion of these items unless a Trustee so requests. The requested item will then be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of New Business.

Trustee Jekot made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to allow items 1 through 7 to be included on the consent agenda. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Village Clerk Marlene Victorine read consent agenda items 1 through 7 into the record:

#1 Approval of Minutes - September 22, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

#2 Resolution Appointing Katharine N. Darr as Authorized Agent for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

#3 Resolution in Support of the Village of Niles Application for the 2020 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Grant Program

#4 Resolution Authorizing and Agreeing to a One Year Extension Pursuant to a Letter of Engagement with Selden Fox, Ltd. for Professional Auditing Services for the Village of Niles for Fiscal Year Ending in 2021 in the Amount of $34,700

#5 Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois and the Village of Niles Appropriating Funds for the Howard Street Rehabilitation and the Bike Path Construction Project

#6 Board Approval - Payment to Tyler Technologies for Yearly Munis Software Support and Licensing Fees in the Amount of $125,974.91

#7 Board Approval - Ratifying a Payment for a Workers' Compensation Settlement, Case #16 WC 039425 in the Amount of $21,608.15

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jekot, to approve consent agenda items 1 through 7. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Buildings and Building Regulations Article XVIII. Maintenance  of Buildings and Structures and Appendix D Fee Schedule to the Niles Code of Ordinances

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to adopt the Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Buildings and Building Regulations, Article XVIII. Maintenance of Buildings and Structures and Appendix D Fee Schedule to the Niles Code of Ordinances. Minor changes needed to be made to the ordinance that was approved last month. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Approving a Trustee Niedermaier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, Special Use Permit to Allow to adopt the Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit as Required in a ‘Vehicle Repair - Minor' at Appendix B, Section 8.2(A) to Allow a ‘Vehicle Repair – Minor' 9600 N. Milwaukee Avenue Located at 9600 N. Milwaukee Avenue. The Planning and Zoning (20-ZP-17)

Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request at a public hearing held on October 5, 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision for Property Located at 9347 – 9371 N Milwaukee Avenue (20-ZP-19)

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Matyas, to adopt the Ordinance Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision as Required in Chapter 90 Subdivision, Sec. 90-8 for Property Located at 9347 - 9371 N. Milwaukee Avenue. The Planning and Zoning Board voted 7 0 to recommend approval at their public hearing on October 5, 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow 'Cosmetic Tattoo' at 8307 W. Golf Road (20-ZP-21)

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit as Required in Appendix B, Section 8.2(A) to Allow a 'Cosmetic Tattoo' Located at 8307 W. Golf Road with the following conditions: the user/applicant 1) shall possess and legally maintain at all times during its occupancy of the Premises any and all requirements to own and operate its business in the State of Illinois, County of Cook, Village of Niles; 2) possess knowledge and education of said licensing Requirements; 3) shall not use the Premises in any manner constituting a violation of any ordinance, statute, regulation or order of any governmental authority or applicable state and/or federal laws; 4) shall use the Premises in a safe, careful, proper and lawful manner and shall keep and maintain the Premises; 5) shall not commit, or allow being committed, any act of waste in, on or about the Premises; 6) shall not create, maintain or permit any nuisance in the Premises. The Planning and Zoning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request at a public hearing held on October 5, 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution Authorizing a Bid Award and Contractual Agreement with Chicagoland Trenchless Rehabilitation, for the FY21 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection in the Amount of $150,000

Trustee Matyas made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the Resolution Authorizing a Bid Award and Contractual Agreement with Chicagoland Trenchless Rehabilitation, for the FY21 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection in the Amount of $150,000. The purpose of this work is to identify and then clean debris from both sanitary and storm main lines owned and maintained by the Village. Following the cleaning, the sewer is inspected for defects so that repairs can be pursued. This is year one of a three year contract. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution Authorizing a Bid Waiver and an Annual Service Agreement for Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Services with Verizon Connect Fleet USA LLC in the Amount of $42,350.40

Trustee Matyas made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, a Resolution Authorizing a Bid Waiver and an Annual Service Agreement for Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Services with Verizon Connect Fleet USA, LLC in the Amount of $42,350.40. The previous Automatic Vehicle Locating (AVL) system utilized by Public Works and Community Development provided unreliable data and service, therefore other options were explored. Verizon Connect offered a new AVL solution to government, with more reliable equipment, free installation and free dash cameras at roughly the same cost. Additional department vehicles added to this program include Finance, IT, General Government, Senior Center and Family Services. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Board Approval - Creation of a Part-Time Position

Titled Part-Time Plumbing Inspector for the Community Development Department

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Matyas, to approve the creation of a Part-Time Position Titled Part Time Plumbing Inspector for the Community Development Department. The Community Development Department has been without a plumbing inspector since February of 2020 and using an outside consultant to conduct review and inspections. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Treasurer's Report September 2020

Trustee Strzelecki made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the accounts payable, including payroll in the amount of $3,396,554 for the month ending September 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Trustee Strzelecki made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending September 30, 2020 be approved and filed for audit with a beginning cash balance of $60,509,612.73, receipts of $12,409,256.87, disbursements of $10,137,203.55 and ending cash balance of $62,781,666. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


November 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting


Joe Roth, Illinois Association of Realtors Mr. Roth stated that the wanted to correct something that Mr. Urban stated earlier and defend his organization. He read from the National Association of Realtors that the standard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac residential promissory note includes requirements that the holder of the promissory note is required to accelerate due to default and the holder will have the right to be paid back all costs and expenses, including ProChamps.

Louella Preston, Niles Ms. Preston congratulated Trustee Denise McCreery on her receipt of the Distinguished Service Award at the Niles Chamber of Commerce Night of Roses. She also thanked Trustees McCreery and Niedermaier for inviting her to participate in the Niles 2040 event with the Lakota Group. She found the meeting very interesting and encouraged the residents to participate in the Niles 2040 process as the Village of Niles is truly in the residents' hands.

Rene Sutherland, Niles Ms. Sutherland commented that it seems that some people are confused and unaware of the use of the Thin Blue Line flag for anything other than Police officers who passed away. She stated that it is a divisive symbol and she's glad the Village recognized this and that the Police are wearing neutral masks and that the Village has denounced racism.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Strzelecki made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Niedermaier. On roll call, all concurred. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
