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Illinois State Board of Education Finance and Audit Committee Met October 6

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Illinois State Board of Education Finance and Audit Committee met Oct. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

I. Roll Call

Chairperson Jane Quinlan brought the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with three members. Chairperson Quinlan made the declaration, “An in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of a disaster. Physical presence for the meeting is unfeasible due to the disaster.” All attendees joined via phone. She verified that each member could hear one another and follow the discussion, and that they were able to testify.

Members Present

Chairperson Jane Quinlan

Dr. Chris Benson

Dr. David Lett

Other Board Members Present

Darren Reisberg


Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent

Kirsten Parr, Board Services Coordinator

Kim Clarke, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent

Dr. Brenda M. Dixon, Research & Evaluation Officer

Jeremy Mehochko, Director of Project Management

Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer

Dr. Jason Helfer, Deputy Officer of Instructional Education

Krish Mohip, Deputy Officer of Operation Education Officer

Robert Wolfe, Financial Officer

Tassi Maton, Internal Audit Officer

Melissa Oller, Operating Officer

Miguel Calderon, Director of Human Resources

II. Public Participation

No public participation at this time.

III. Approval of Minutes: September 1, 2020

Dr. Lett made the motion for the Finance and Audit Committee to approve the September 1, 2020, meeting minutes. Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote.

IV. Review of Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million

A. Approval of Amendment of Intergovernmental Agreement with Northern Illinois University (NIU) on School Report Card to include Ed360

Dr. Benson asked about how data from the past year will be reported. Dr. Dixon said that it will be reported as usual, but with many empty spaces and disclaimers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Benson asked if the Financial Planning Tool would still be part of Ed360 and if it would be for public use. Dr. Dixon said that it will be; it also will be for internal use.

Dr. Benson asked about cost savings. Dr. Dixon explained the flat rate and the maximum that will be paid.

Dr. Benson confirmed with Dr. Dixon that this item would be up for action at the October Board meeting.

Chair Quinlan asked if Software Solutions was a subgroup of NIU. Dr. Dixon explained that it’s an ISBE department, formerly named Internal Technology. Chair Quinlan asked about the gifted metric to be put on the Report Card and whether or not the Report Card shows information on accelerated placement. Dr. Helfer and Dr. Dixon explained that the gifted metric is based on the number of students receiving gifted services in a district, and that the Report Card does show information on accelerated placement.

B. Approval of Illinois Assistive Technology Device Loan and Evaluation Grant (4630-LE)

Chair Quinlan questioned the table under “Relevant Data.” Ms. Moore said the fiscal years for that table need to be adjusted.

C. Approval of Illinois Assistive Technology Exchange Network Grant (4630-EN)

There were no questions for this item at this time.

D. Approval of Illinois Assistive Technology Training and Technical Assistance Program Grant (4630-TA)

There were no questions for this item at this time.

E. Approval of the Three-Year Renewal with College Board to Administer the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) per the Existing Contract

Dr. Benson asked if there is any flexibility in this contract. Dr. Dixon said that the agency only pays for resources it actually uses, but it doesn't have the freedom to switch to a different assessment during this three-year period.

F. Approval of Illinois Service Resource Center Grant

There were no questions for this item at this time.

V. Current Audits and Forthcoming Reports

A. FY20 Financial & Compliance Audit status

Ms. Maton reported that this process is still underway and is anticipated to continue for several weeks.

B. FY19 Single Audit Finding Progress Report

Ms. Maton told the committee that a template for the report has been developed and is awaiting approval;

it will be presented in upcoming F&A meetings. She also suggested making the reports quarterly rather than monthly in order to ensure that they are meaningful and not redundant. Chair Quinlan requested that they happen every other month instead.

VI. Discussion Items

A. Human Resources Review of the hiring process

Ms. Oller and Mr. Calderon presented the new process. The electronic process has been expedited as a result of COVID-19. The application has been updated, the process of filing vacancy has been updated, and there have been modifications to the reference check process. They also discussed recruitment efforts,

ISBE demographics, and affirmative action goals for FY 2021.

Chair Quinlan asked if ISBE has a standardized interview process. Mr. Calderon said yes and explained it.

Dr. Ayala added that the process still needs to be reviewed through an equity lens. Chair Quinlan asked if the agency has been able to build a diverse hiring team and whether or not the described process applied to all positions in the agency. The answers were yes, except for a couple positions that are appointed. Ms. Oller added that there is a small difference for non-management positions, where the jobs are posted

internally before it is outsourced.

Mr. Reisberg asked if the necessity to work through Zoom has inspired the thought of making any positions in ISBE remote and broadening ISBE’s geographic reach. Mr. Calderon said it is something that has been discussed and is still being looked into.

Dr. Lett referenced the motivation behind revamping some of the process and asked if there were new protocols added to avoid said situation or if the idea was mainly to ensure that existing protocols were being properly followed. Mr. Calderon and Ms. Oller explained that they have done both.

B. Grant Schedule Update

Mr. Mehochko discussed why the schedule is being brought into focus, what they are adjusting, the grant statistics and timeline, and the impact of COVID-19.

Chair Quinlan praised the work that has been done. She asked them to add a column in the table that shows the original target completion date. The current table includes a target date which evolves due to circumstances, and it would be helpful to see both.

Dr. Ayala expressed thanks to the financial center and the education center for their collaboration and explained how much more efficient the new schedule is. Mr. Wolfe added to the praise and explained that items that don’t come up until the late spring will have a tougher turnaround since they couldn’t be worked on earlier, as these other items are.

VII. New Business: Items for the next agenda

Chair Quinlan asked if the 40-day window for Kindergarten Individual Development Survey data for schools with in-person instruction had shrunk. Dr. Ayala and Dr. Dixon explained that it had not, and that the window had actually opened to extend to the whole school year.

Dr. Benson asked if an update about the budget hearings is needed. Mr. Wolfe said that the results of the hearings would be reported at the next meeting.

VIII. Next Meeting: November 5, 2020

IX. Adjourn

Dr. Benson moved to adjourn. Dr. Lett seconded, and it passed by roll call vote. Chairperson Quinlan adjourned the committee at 10:53 a.m.
