
Southern Illinois News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Village of Niles Board of Trustees Met September 22

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Village of Niles Board of Trustees met Sept. 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A video recording of this meeting can be viewed on the Village of Niles website www.vniles.com.


The Board of Trustees Regular Meeting was called to order electronically via Zoom audio/visual conferencing by President Przybylo at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, in accordance with Governor Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-07 "Stay-at-Home” directive due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Przybylo announced that this electronic meeting is open to the public and the public may submit public comments in advance either by email to contactniles@vniles.com or call the Village Clerk's Office at 847-588-8014 and leave a voicemail message. Members of the public wishing to join the Zoom “Webinar” and comment were given a Webinar ID and password as published on the agenda.


President Andrew Przybylo led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Village Clerk Marlene Victorine called the roll. Board members present were President Andrew Przybylo and Trustees George D. Alpogianis, John C. Jekot, Danette O'Donovan Matyas, Denise McCreery, Craig Niedermaier and Dean Strzelecki.


● Community Virtual Bingo - Village of Niles and Niles-Maine District Library – October 14 (Public Works Night); October 20 (Police Department Night); October 28 (Fire Department Night); November 5 (Mayor Przybylo and Library Staff Callers) - Register through Niles Library.org 

● Complete Census 2020 - Deadline is September 30

● Niles Night of Roses to be held virtually on October 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. on both Niles TV and facebook.com/ChamberNiles – Presented by the Niles Chamber of Commerce & Industry

● Comprehensive Plan 2040 - The Village is looking for resident participation. Niles 2040.com is the Village's online engagement platform designed to give the community an opportunity to tell the Village what you think.

● Niles Public Works and SWANCC Electronic Recycling and Document Destruction Drive-Thru Event - Saturday, October 27 from 9:00 a.m. – noon at Niles Public Works 6849 W. Touhy Avenue for Niles Residents Only and Face Masks Must Be Worn.


Recognizing Jeffrey L. Cardella - 30 Years in Business with Edward Jones in Niles Fire Prevention Week - October 4-10, 2020 National Crime Prevention Month - October 2020


Chicago Billboards

Bill Przybylski, Partner at Chicago Billboards, presented the Community Digital Sign Network Program. Chicago Billboards currently have over 40 digital signs located in various municipalities. He stated that most of their digital signs are located at stoplights and have eight, ten-second slots available to advertisers. These digital billboards follow all requirements and regulations as determined by IDOT to not cause distractions and accidents. Four potential private property sites have been identified in Niles that have the highest daily traffic counts: NW corner of Golf/Milwaukee; SW corner of Milwaukee/Greenwood; NE corner of Touhy/Caldwell; and NE corner of Touhy/Harlem. The size of the digital face would be 7 ft. by 4 ft. with a 5 ft. by 14 ft. brick base with the Village of Niles name or logo. Mr. Przybylski showed examples of sign renderings with advertising and outlined the benefits to local businesses, the community and the Village. Mr. Przybylski responded to questions from the Board and President Przybylo stated that the Board will consider this option for the Village.


COVID-19 Community Update

Fire Chief Marty Feld reported that Governor Pritzker extended the disaster proclamation through Saturday, October 7. On September 21, the Village of Niles submitted its 28th declaration of an emergency to the Cook County Emergency Operations Center and continues to update the County daily on the status of the community. Since August 24, 2,826 residents have taken a COVID test and of those residents 72 tested positive (2.5%) with only one additional resident who lost their life to the Novel Coronavirus. The Village's first application to Cook County's Coronavirus Relief Fund was approved and the Village received a check for $61,934.10 and our second submittal is in for review. Fire Chief Feld reminded residents to please follow the CDC guidelines and wear your mask properly, wash your hands regularly and watch your distance between your friends.

Deputy Village Manager Hadley Skeffington-Vos reported that all Village facilities are now open, including the Niles Senior Center and Teen Center. Village meetings will continue to be held remotely until the state moves into Stage 5.

Multi-Modal Update

President Przybylo reported that the Village sent a letter to all of our legislators asking for their support for increased safety at critical intersections where our bike paths cross major thoroughfares. Senator Martwick responded and will support our efforts. President Przybylo virtually attended the Northwest Municipal Conference Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee on Safety along with Village Engineer Tim O'Brien who spoke on our safety initiatives. President Przybylo announced that the Village is seeking four residents to serve on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group. Applications and additional information regarding the Advisory Group can be found on the Village website. Return completed applications to the Village Clerk's Office by October 5.

Parking by Nordica Avenue Apartments and Townhomes

At President Przybylo's request, Community Development Director Charles Ostman addressed the parking problems on Nordica Avenue. The private property belonging to the Nordica apartment complex is no longer available to nonresidents of the Nordica apartments for parking. The Nordica townhome residents are requesting assistance from the Village regarding solutions to the parking shortage. Nordica townhome residents will be receiving an invite from the Village in the mail next week for a remote Zoom video conferencing meeting for a date to be determined in early October. The virtual meeting will explain to residents the parking situation and discuss suggestions and take comments on a proposal by Village staff for a possible limited resident parking permit program along Nordica.


November 3, 2020 Presidential Election

Village Clerk Marlene Victorine reported on the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election. There are three ways to cast your ballot: 1) Vote by Mail (request Mail Ballots on cookcountyclerk.com/elections or from the Village Clerk's Office - applications must be returned to Cook County by October 29). Completed ballots may be returned to Cook County through the United States Postal Service or returned at any Early Voting Site where Secure Dropboxes will be located; 2) Early Voting (at Niles Village Hall beginning October 19 through November 2); or 3) Election Day at your polling location. Register to vote on the Illinois State Board of Elections website or in person at the Village Clerk's Office at Village Hall.

April 6, 2021 Consolidated Election

Village Clerk Victorine announced that the Village Clerk's office will be accepting candidate petitions for the 2021 Consolidated Election for the following positions: Village president (four-year term) and three Village Trustees (four-year terms). If necessary, a consolidated Primary Election will be held on February 23, 2021 (filing period for petitions for the Primary Election is November 16-23, 2020). The Consolidated Election will be held April 6, 2021 (filing period for petitions for the Consolidated Election is December 14-21, 2020). For additional information, the 2021 Candidates Guide is available from the Illinois State Board of Elections elections.il.gov. and the Cook County Clerk's Office Election Department (cookcountyclerk.com).


Building and Zoning Committee

Trustee McCreery reported that the Building and Zoning Committee met on September 17 and continued discussion on the Village's unimproved alleys and fences and possible solutions for corner residences and the fence ordinance. She announced that the Committee is seeking additional Building and Zoning Committee members, contact Charles Ostman in Community Development if you are interested. Community Development Department update: Welcome to the new Fire Inspector and notice that the Village is seeking a part-time Plumbing Inspector. Grow Your Home Program applications are still being accepted and will waive up to $5,000 in building permit fees. The Committee also discussed the Nordica parking situation and recommended the upcoming Zoom meeting for those residents.


Joe Roth, Illinois Association of Realtors 

Mr. Roth commented on the proposed property registration ordinance under New Business, stating that the primary objection by the Ilinois Association of Realtors is to the registration of properties in foreclosure by inadvertently impacting homeowners that are already experiencing financial distress. Lenders will receive the bills under this program, but that does not mean they absorb the cost. Much like property taxes, and other things - these costs get passed on to the homeowner, and it will impact those who want to save their homes and salvage their equity. He has several other concerns, but will save those with the understanding that that there may be an opportunity to discuss them at a later time. Mr. Roth is available to provide additional information or be of assistance.

Moinuddin Jaddi, Niles 

Mr. Jaddi commented that he is a Nordica townhome resident and appreciates the opportunity to speak and hear from the Board and Mr. Ostman. He looks forward to the opportunity to discuss the parking problem on Nordica further at a later date, stating that the people who live in the townhomes need an option until a final decision is made to fix this problem


President Przybylo stated that all items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no individual discussion of these items unless a Trustee so requests. The requested item will then be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the end of New Business.

Trustee Jekot made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to allow items 1 through 13 to be included on the consent agenda. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Village Clerk Marlene Victorine read consent agenda items 1 through 13 into the record:

#1 Approval of Minutes – Approval of August 25, 2020 Board of Trustees Informal Consideration Minutes

#2 Approval of Minutes - Approval of August 25, 2020 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

#3 Approval of Minutes - Approval of September 1, 2020, Public Hearing Summary - Niles Family Fitness Center and YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago Partnership

#4 Ordinance Amending Chapter 98 Traffic and Vehicles and Appendix E Penalties to the Niles Code of Ordinances

#5 Ordinance Amending Appendix D Fee Schedule to the Niles Code of Ordinances

#6 Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Mesirow Insurance Services Inc., an Alliant Owned Company, for Professional Brokerage Services for Property Casualty and Workers Compensation for Calendar Years 2021-2024 in the Amount of $39,500 Per Year

#7 Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Pace, the Suburban Bus Division of the Transportation Authority, for the Route 270 Entitlement Agreement

#8 Resolution Expressing Intent to Continue Participation in the Suburban Tree Consortium and Authorize Tree Purchase in an Amount Not to Exceed $25,000 for Fiscal Year 2021

#9 Resolution Authorizing a Contract Extension for the 2021 Fire Hydrant Flow Testing Program with M.E. Simpson Co. Inc., in the Amount of $52,546

#10 Resolution Amending Resolution 2020-64R Adopting a Small Business Recovery Loan Program Administered by Northbrook Bank & Trust Company, N.A., an Illinois Banking Corporation and a Wintrust Community Bank

#11 Board Approval - Ratify an Emergency Purchase to the City of Chicago as it Relates to the Disconnection of Niles Water Supply from the City of Chicago and the Installation of an Emergency Connection in the Amount of $246,881.80

#12 Board Approval - Purchase of 20 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) and Diagnostic Accessories in the Amount of $27,282.22

#13 Board Approval - Purchase of Two (2) Zoll 'X' Series Defibrillators and Diagnostic Accessories in the Amount of $66,448.01

Trustee Matyas made a motion, seconded by Trustee Niedermaier, to approve consent agenda items 1 through 13. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of a Real Property Located at 7201 N. Harlem from Byline Bank, for Further Implementation of the Milwaukee Harlem Tax Increment Financing District for an Amount Not to Exceed $1,500,000

Trustee Jekot made a motion, seconded by Trustee Niedermaier, to adopt the Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of a Real Property Located at 7201 N. Harlem from Byline Bank, for Further Implementation of the Milwaukee Harlem Tax Increment Financing District for an Amount Not to Exceed $1,500,000. Economic Development Director John Melaniphy explained that the Economic Development staff and Village Attorney Grcic negotiated a real estate purchase contract to acquire the vacant former Byline Bank property which is located at the southern gateway to the Village of Niles. The Village would like to redevelop this corner by bringing sales tax producing uses and by utilizing TIF tools to bring this project to fruition. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Massage Services Establishment at 8307 W. Golf Road (20-ZP-03)

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to adopt the Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit as Required in Appendix B, Section 8.2(A) to Allow a Massage Services Establishment at 8307 W. Golf Road (20-ZP-03). The Planning and Zoning Board voted 5-2-0 to recommend approval of the request at a public hearing held on September 14, 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow an Electronic Message Center Located at 8565 W. Dempster Street (20-ZP-14)

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to adopt the Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit as Required in Section 78-92(3)(H)(b) to Allow an Electronic Message Center Located at 8565 W. Dempster Street (20-ZP-14). The Planning and Zoning Board voted 7-0-0 to recommend approval of the request at a public hearing held on September 14, 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Amending Appendix B Zoning Ordinance, Section 5. Commercial Districts, Section 8. Uses, Section 10. Off-Street Parking and Loading, Section 13. Ordinance Administrators, Section 15. Zoning Applications, and Section 16. Nonconformities to the Niles Code of Ordinances (20-ZP-15)

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the Ordinance Amending Appendix B Zoning Ordinance, Section 5. Commercial Districts, Section 8. Uses, Section 10. Off Street Parking and Loading, Section 13. Ordinance Administrators, Section 15. Zoning Applications and Section 16. Nonconformities to the Niles Code of Ordinances (20-ZP-15). Trustee McCreery advised this was a housekeeping item, and the Planning and Zoning Board met and voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the request at a public hearing on August 10, 2020. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Article XVIII Maintenance of Buildings and Structures and Appendix D Fee Schedule to the Niles Code of Ordinances

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to adopt the Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Article XVIII Maintenance of Buildings and Structures and Appendix D Fee Schedule to the Niles Code of Ordinances. This Ordinance amendment establishes a process to address the deterioration, crime and decline in value in Village neighborhoods caused by property with foreclosing or foreclosed mortgages. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Property Registration with Champions, LLC to Register and Administer Vacant and/or Foreclosed Properties on Behalf of the Village of Niles

Trustee McCreery made a motion, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis, to table, until the next Board meeting, the Resolution Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Property Registration Champions, LLC to Register and Administer Vacant and/or Foreclosed Properties on Behalf of the Village of Niles. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED – THE ITEM WAS TABLED TO THE OCTOBER 27, 2020 MEETING.

Resolution Authorizing a Bid Award and Purchase of 8 Dell Servers for the VDI Server Replacement Project from Dell in the Amount of $38,400.24

Trustee Niedermaier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jekot, to approve the Resolution Authorizing a Bid Award and Purchase of 8 Dell Servers for the VDI Server Replacement Project from Dell in the Amount of $38,400.24. On roll call, the vote was:

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 

NAYS: 0 



There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


Treasurer's Report August 2020

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the accounts payable, including payroll in the amount of $4,869,899 for the month ending August 2020.

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Trustee Alpogianis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Strzelecki, to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending August 31, 2020 be approved and filed for audit with a beginning cash balance of $57,388,881.71, receipts of $9,036,461.86, disbursements of $5,048,154.33 and ending cash balance of $61,327,189.

YEAS: 6 Alpogianis, Jekot, Matyas, McCreery, Niedermaier, Strzelecki 




There being 6 affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.


September 28, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Executive Session September 29, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Special Board Meeting October 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Informal Consideration October 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting


Joe Roth, Illinois Association of Realtors Mr. Roth strongly recommended and respectfully asked that the Board reconsider New Business #5 Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Article XVIII Maintenance of Buildings and Structures and Appendix D Fee Schedule which they passed. The Ordinance that was just approved will require $600 in extra bills to people experiencing financial distress. In addition, empty houses, if someone moves or is moving, those need to be registered; someone travels for the winter, those homes need to be registered; in addition, the homes are subject to inspection every 30 days with this ordinance.

David Sutherland, Niles Resident and Northwest Side Coalition

Against Racism and Hate Organizer

Mr. Sutherland commented that, after contacting the Niles Police Department several times and not getting anywhere, they published an open letter to the NPD regarding the racist "Thin Blue Line" symbol on their face masks and posting this on their social media site. After publishing this open letter on their website at NWScoalition.com, he sent the letter to the NPD Chief, the Mayor and the Board of Trustees and no one from the Village responded to their letter. They then submitted a FOIA for internal documents to see how this matter was being dealt with, Mr. Sutherland stated that what they saw from the documents were examples of this “Thin Blue Line" divisiveness. Mr. Sutherland stated that this racial insensitivity in our Village is unacceptable and requested accountability with three refornis: 1) Create and fund a permanent equity and diversity officer position to craft and implement a Racial Equity Assessment Plan for the Village of Niles:, 2) Elect a Civilian Police Accountability Council to ensure we have democratic control over the Police; and 3) Mandate effective annual anti-racism and diversity training for all Elected Officials and Village staff. Niles still has an opportunity to be a leader against systemic racism and that is what our community requires.

Steven Yasell, Niles Mr. Yasell commented that he would like to make a rebuttal to the last public comment. We really respect our community in Niles, and a lot of that community is a part of the Niles Police Department. This really feels politically motivated for specific purposes. Asking for a diversity officer for hiring purposes – this is getting into the territory of anti white and anti-community, and he is not for that. He respects our officers that live in our community and are residents of our community. He knows that there are officers in the department that live outside of Niles, but we need to respect each other, we need to respect our residents, and we need to come together as a community, and not be so divisive with all of this political talk with certain movements that are going on nationally. As far as Niles is concerned, Mr. Yasell thinks it is a great community, and we all need to stick together as community.

Susanne Atanus, Niles Resident (via email) Ms. Atanus commented on the proposed lease of the Niles Family Fitness Center (NFFC) to the YMCA. She stated that the lease should be for 15 years and feels the contract may be renewed after that because the Village could use the monthly rent money and to keep all Niles Fitness Center employees. No YMCA sign. The YMCA people will work with our current Director, leaders and staff and will have equal voice and decision making power. The letterhead can remain Niles Fitness Center and can eventually say Niles Fitness Center with the YMCA, Niles employees, retirees, and trustees should pay to use the Niles Fitness Center because it needs more funds

Shailesh Bulsara, Nordica Avenue Resident, Niles (via email) Ms. Bulsara commented on the Nordica Avenue parking issue and hopes that a parking option is found before winter.

Dear Mayor Przybylo and Board of Trustees:


After much reflection, contemplation and discussion with family, I have made the decision to tender my notice of retirement effective Friday, April 2, 2021. This certainly was not an easy decision; however, I personally believe it is the proper time in my life for me to begin exploring what the next chapter has in store.

I am humbled and honored to have been provided the opportunity to serve the citizens of Niles for the past 20 years. It is hard to truly express my feelings of appreciation and gratitude to the wonderful team of current and retired public servants whom I have had the distinct pleasure to work alongside throughout my career with the Village of Niles.

I am equally honored to have been provided the trust and support of the Mayor and Village Board, both past and present, and truly thank each of you for your unwavering commitment to the community and the employees of the Village of Niles. The Village of Niles has been made better by the leadership you as policymakers have provided and I personally look forward to the bright future that lies ahead for this great town.

In closing, I again thank you and the organization for the multiple opportunities to succeed as a leader, especially with our award winning legacy projects such as the stormwater management program and the Morton Grove-Niles Water Commission project. My tenure with the Village has been extremely gratifying and one that I will always be proud of and remain my number one priority until the day I walk out of Village Hall on my last day of service this April 2021.

President Przybylo and Board members thanked Steve for his service. President Przybylo stated that we are deeply saddened by his announcement and will miss him.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee McCreery made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Alpogianis. On roll call, all concurred. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.




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