Illinois State Board of Education Policy Planning Committee met Aug. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Roll Call
Chairperson Susie Morrison brought the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with two members. Chairperson Morrison made the declaration, “An in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of a disaster. Physical presence for the meeting is unfeasible due to the disaster,” and verified that each member could hear one another, the discussion, and were able to testify.
Committee Members Present
Chairperson Susie Morrison (via phone)
Jackie Robbins (via phone)
Other Board Members Present
Cristina Pacione-Zayas
Darren Reisberg
Staff Present
Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent (via phone)
Kirsten Parr, Board Services Coordinator (via phone)
Kim Clarke, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent (via phone)
Dr. Sean Clayton, Director of Assessment (via phone)
Rae Clementz, Director of Accountability (via phone)
Amanda Elliott, Executive Director of Legislative Affairs (via phone)
Annie Brooks, Executive Director of Regulatory Services (via phone)
Brenda Dixon, Research and Evaluation Officer (via phone)
Emily Fox, Director of Educator Effectiveness (via phone)
Ernesto Matias, Education Officer (via phone)
Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer (via phone)
Jason Helfer, Deputy Instructional Education Officer (via phone)
Jeff Aranowski, Executive Director of Safe & Healthy Climate (via phone)
Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Executive Director of Teaching & Learning (via phone)
Jen Saba, Executive Director of Regional Services (via phone)
Trisha Olson, Legal Officer (via phone)
Patrick Payne, Director of Data Strategies & Analytics (via phone)
II. Public Participation
No public participation at this time.
III. Approval of the May 12, 2020, Meeting Minutes
Ms. Robbins made the motion for the Education Policy Planning Committee to approve the June 2, 2020, meeting minutes. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by voice vote.
Ms. Morrison noted the discussion of an update on the Statewide System of Support in the June meeting as an upcoming agenda item and requested that the minutes reflect that.
Ms. Robbins made a motion to change the minutes as requested. Ms. Morrison seconded, and it was passed by a voice vote.
IV. Review of June Board Agenda Items
A. COVID-19 Update: District Reopening Approaches and School Year 2020-2021 Impact
Mr. Matias presented on district reopening approaches. He began by announcing a moderated panel discussion at the August board meetings to discuss different districts’ plans based on local conditions and asked for feedback on the questions that will be asked during this panel.
1.Ms. Morrison suggested adding a question about measuring learning loss.
2.Dr. Pacione-Zayas suggested having a Q&A session specifically about how they are addressing early childhood and children with IEPs.
Ms. Robbins asked if there were more PR we could do on a regional level to make sure the general public is more informed. Dr. Pacione-Zayas suggested making the metrics that the districts should be utilizing clearer. She said to have a clear “decision tree.” Ms. Robbins said she wants the families, specifically, to have assurance that those processes are happening. Ms. Morrison said that having some sort of virtual training for school board members regarding the pandemic and creating a united message might alleviate some of the stress at the local level.
Mr. Payne presented on changes to the 2020 report card. Ms. Morrison asked that Mr. Payne send her the code citations regarding gifted students and how that term is defined by statute.
Dr. Clayton presented on changes to the 2021 state assessments. Mr. Reisberg requested that alternative plans for these assessments (in the event of a remote spring) be made as soon as possible.
Ms. Morrison requested Dr. Ayala keep the board informed about ongoing conversations regarding school administrators’ responsibilities and teacher evaluations.
B. Rules for Initial Review - Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and Part 24 (Standards for all Illinois Educators) Educator Licensure Updates and Changes
Ms. Fox provided information on the proposed rulemaking.
C. Rules for Initial Review - Part 226 (Special Education) Multiple Public Act Changes and Cleanup Ms. Calomese provided a table that outlines the details of this rulemaking.
D. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Grant Program Additional Grant Funds
Ms. Saba provided information on this grant.
E. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of Learning Technology Center Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment
Dr. Kirmes provided information on this grant and the amendment. Mr. Reisberg asked whether or not this additional funding will be used to provide instructional resources and professional development to its constituencies. Dr. Ayala and Dr. Kirmes explained that it is part of their existing plan and is still being developed. Dr. Kirmes said she would update Mr. Reisberg with more specifics.
F. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Virtual Coaching
Dr. Kirmes provided information on this program. Ms. Morrison requested that a plan/budget be developed before determining the amount of money being given rather deciding on a number and developing a budget from there. Dr. Kirmes said she would follow up with more specificity. Mr. Reisberg suggested having a representative of the IEA come to the board meeting to be able to speak on what Ms. Morrison highlighted. Ms. Morrison asked that Ms. Fox keep the board up to date on developments in the 2020-2021 teacher prep program. Mr. Reisberg suggested to Ms. Fox that remote-teaching become a more robust part of teacher training.
V. Review September Board Agenda Items (upcoming board action)
A. Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) MS & HS Graduation Requirements Dr. Kirmes provided information on the proposed rulemaking.
B. Part 254 (Vocational Education) Perkins Updates
Dr. Kirmes provided information on the proposed rulemaking.
C. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of Title I School Improvement – 1003(a) Allocations
Ms. Clementz provided information on these allocations. Ms. Morrison requested a comprehensive list of the schools and their districts. Ms. Morrison requested more specificity in the plan to show how money is being handled. Ms. Morrison requested a list of schools on the comprehensive plan, how long each has been in the lowest 5%, how much money they have received in that time, and their current improvement plan that has been approved by ISBE. Ms. Morrison suggested working with CPS to help support some of the schools.
Mr. Matias asked Ms. Morrison to email a list of questions so that they can be sure to address every concern.
D. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of After School Programs Grants (Allocations for LEAs and RFP for Non-LEAs)
Mr. Aranowski provided information on this grant. Dr. Pacione-Zayas asked if there is flexibility in the community-based requirement to serve at least 100 students. Mr. Aranowski said he could work with staff in order to attempt to develop that flexibility.
E. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of YouthBuild Illinois Grant Mr. Aranowski provided information on this grant.
F. Approval of State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board Appointments
Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas asked that the table presented in the memo have blurbs of the members’ areas of specialization. Carmen made the committee aware that questions were raised about the appointments’ diversity. She asked that there be more intentionality in achieving diversity in the candidates, so this item might experience a delay.
G. Approval of Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with University of Illinois Extension Mr. Aranowski provided information on this agreement.
H. Fall 2020 Waiver Report
Ms. Elliott described what to expect. The report will be submitted following the September meeting.
VI. New Business: Items for the next agenda
The following items were discussed for the next agenda:
Ms. Morrison requested the Statewide System of Support be addressed.
Ms. Morrison also requested information on the Essential Learning Standards
1. Ms. Morrison asked Mr. Matias to reconsider the wording of “Essential Learning Standards.”
Mr. Reisberg requested an update on how e-learning will be incorporated into our educator prep standards.
Ms. Morrison brought up a recently published article regarding an Education Recovery Plan article, in which 3 superintendents offered to help be part of the solution. Dr. Ayala said that it is an existing concern that the Learning Recommendations Document does begin to address. Ms. Morrison would like to highlight the offered help from the superintendents.
Dr. Pacione-Zayas asked about the results of a survey that went out in May administered by IEA and NEA. Dr. Ayala will check with the IEA/NEA for survey results and analysis.
Dr. Pacione-Zayas also requested information on the Social Science Standards revision process. Dr. Ayala indicated this will be a part of the September Board Retreat.
VII. Next Meeting: September 1, 2020
VIII. Adjourn
Ms. Robbins made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by a roll call vote. Chairperson adjourned the committee at 2:45pm