Village of Niles Board of Ethics met June 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Regular Meeting The Board of Ethics Meeting is called to order electronically via Zoom audio/visual conferencing by Chairman Accari at the scheduled date and time on this agenda, in accordance with Governor Pritzker's most recent disaster declaration related to public health concerns due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic, issued May 29, 2020, expires on June 27, 2020.
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
January 28, 2020
III. New Business
IV. Executive Session
Complaint 2019-02
Complaint 2019-03
Complaint 2020-01
Evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or in closed hearing where specifically authorized by law, to a quasi-adjudicative body, as defined in this Act, provided that the body prepares and makes available for public inspection a written decision setting forth its determinative reasoning Per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(4).
IV. Items Arising from Executive Session (if necessary)
V. Comments from the Public
VI. Adjournment